Page 13 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 13
1 3 9 6 广 西 植 物 40 卷
sur les roches moussuesꎬ 22 July 1886ꎬ Balansa 4294 Bavi National Parkꎬ no exact collection timeꎬ V. T. Doꎬ
(P)ꎻ Ton Kinꎬ forêts du Mont. Baviꎬ sur les bords F. Wenꎬ Y. G. Weiꎬ Z. B. Xin VMN ̄CN 1138
ombragés et rocheux des torrentsꎬ July 1887ꎬ Balansa ( VMNM )ꎻ Ha Giangꎬ Bac Meꎬ Bac Me Nature
4287 ( Kewꎬ P )ꎻ Ton Kinꎬ July 1887ꎬ Balansaꎬ Reserveꎬ 16 June 2012ꎬ V. T. Doꎬ F. Wen VMN ̄CN229
Benedict 4287 ( E )ꎻ Ton Kinꎬ 1 September 1939ꎬ (VMNꎬ IBK).
W. T. Tsang 29473 (IBSC)ꎻ Ton Kinꎬ Ha Coiꎬ Tong
Faꎬ Taai Wong Mo Shanꎬ 11-23 September 1939ꎬ 3 3 Results and Discussion
Indo ̄China Expedition W. T. Tsang 09475ꎬ 29473 (E)ꎻ
Ton Kinꎬ de Sontayꎬ Mont Baviꎬ April 1940ꎬ 7. 223 E.D. Merrill from the Bureau of Science of Manila
(E)ꎻ Ton Kinꎬ Dam Haꎬ Sai Wong Mo Shanꎬ July to spent his annual leave from 9 to 27 Augustꎬ 1917
September 1940ꎬ 4 Indo ̄China Expedition W. T. Tsang exploring the Luofu Mountain in Guangdong Provinceꎬ
30186 (E)ꎻ Cao Bangꎬ Tra Linhꎬ Quoc Toanꎬ 25 May Chinaꎬ for botanical field collection with C. O. Levine
1997ꎬ L. Averyanovꎬ N. T. Hiep VH4903 (E)ꎻ Huong from the Canton Christian College. On this tripꎬ Merrill
Son Districtꎬ Ngam Thepꎬ 23 May 1998ꎬ N. T. Hiepꎬ made a collection aggregating 544 numbers. Levine also
P. K. Locꎬ N. Q. Binhꎬ L. Xiem 847 (E)ꎻ Quan Binhꎬ made an extensive collection in the same period and the
Ninh Hoaꎬ Hoa Tienꎬ 30 April 2011ꎬ L. A. Averyanovꎬ same locality. In 1918ꎬ Didymocarpus swinglei Merr.
P. K. Locꎬ N. Q. Hieuꎬ P. V. Theꎬ N. T. Vinh CPC (1918: 156) was first described by Merrill based on the
2547 (E). type specimens: E. D. Merrill 10692 and the additional
Primulina laxiflora: CHINA. Guangdong collectionsꎬ C. O. Levine 1538 (Vitek et al.ꎬ 2000). It
Province: Dapu Countyꎬ Gucun Townꎬ 13 June 1957ꎬ was placed in the genus Didymocarpus Wallich (1819:
L. Deng 5161 (IBSC). Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous 378) because of the unilobed linguiform shape of the
Region: Heng Countyꎬ Zhenlong Distritionꎬ 8 May stigma ( Merrillꎬ 1918). The species is named after
1957ꎬ Z. Z. Chen 50480 (IBSC)ꎻ Lingyun Countyꎬ 17 Walter T. Swingle from the United States Department of
June 1961ꎬ S. W. Chen 19753 ( IBK )ꎻ Longzhou Agricultureꎬ who made Merrill ’ s trip to China
Countyꎬ Nonggangꎬ Minqiangꎬ 19 July 2009ꎬ R. H. possible. Howeverꎬ in the protologueꎬ Merrill did not
Jiangꎬ W. H. Wuꎬ D. X. Nong H09212 ( IBK )ꎻ indicate which of the two specimens he cited was the
Longzhou Countyꎬ Nonggangꎬ Xiangshuiꎬ 29 July 2009ꎬ holotype.
Y. S. Huangꎬ X. X. Yeꎬ L. Wu H09835 ( IBK )ꎻ When revising the familyꎬ Wang established the
Longzhou Countyꎬ Nonggangꎬ Liaowangtaiꎬ 3 March Series Swinglei W. T. Wang (1981: 62)ꎬ but he did
2011ꎬ Y. S. Huang y0067 (IBK)ꎻ Longzhou Countyꎬ not have the opportunity to check the type
Nonggangꎬ Xiangshuiꎬ 25 September 2011ꎬ Y. Liuꎬ specimens. Wang referenced the specimens C. O. Levine
R. C. Peng JRH2485 ( IBK )ꎻ Fengshan Countyꎬ 1538 ( [ IBSCꎬ barcode no. 0549123ꎬ 0649578 ]ꎬ
Jiangzhou Townꎬ 24 July 2014ꎬ X. Y. Huangꎬ Y. D. L. O. Levine in Wang’ s paper is a mistake)ꎬ which
Pengꎬ J. H. Li 451223140724022LY ( GXMG )ꎻ no were collected at the same locality by Levine on August
specific localityꎬ no exact collection timeꎬ L. Q. Chen 16thꎬ 1917ꎬ and indicated it as the paratype (Wangꎬ
90123 (IBSC). VIETNAM. Xuan Truongꎬ Bao Lacꎬ 1981ꎬ 1985). Thusꎬ almost all duplicates of C. O.
no exact collection timeꎬ V. T. Doꎬ F. Wenꎬ L. F. Fu Levine 1538 stored in different herbaria were indicated
VNM ̄CN 801 (VMNM)ꎻ Dak Rong Natural Reserveꎬ as type specimens of Primulina swinglei ( i. e.
Quang Tri Provꎬ no exact collection timeꎬ V. T. Doꎬ IBSC0549123ꎬ IBSC0649578ꎬ and GH00015873 )ꎬ
F. Wenꎬ Y. G. Weiꎬ Z. B. Xin VMN ̄CN 964 (VMNM)ꎻ and were respectively annotated as paratypeꎬ syntype and