Page 34 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 34

4 7 2                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       ristics of essential oil were observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope. And the accumulation
       sites of the essential oil were also discussed with histochemical analysis. The results were as follows: The secretory canals
       in the root of A. dahurica var. formosana was first to occur in pericycleꎬ and the secretory canals in the secondary struc ̄
       ture were mainly distributed in phloem and cortexꎻ The biosynthesis of essential oil is not only related to plasmid and cy ̄
       toplasm of secretory cellsꎬ but also may be closely related to surrounding cellsꎻ There were abundant golgi apparatus and
       endoplasmic reticulum in secretory cellsꎬ which may participate in transport through the formation of vesiclesꎬ and then
       transfer to the lumen through the cell wallꎻ The secretory activity of secretory cells was active near the corner of the adja ̄
       cent secretory cell wallꎬ then the electron dense material was accumulated into the lumenꎻ At the mature stage of secre ̄
       tory canalsꎬ a large of number oil droplets in secretory cells and lumenꎬ so we believe that the main accumulation sites of
       essential oil are secretory cells and lumen. This study clarified the occurrenceꎬ distribution and essential oil accumulation
       position of the secretory canals in the root of A. dahurica var. formosanaꎬ and revealed the characteristics of transport and
       accumulation of essential oil during the development of the secretory canals. This study provides a detailed theoretical in ̄
       formation for further elucidating the relationship between the growth and development of secretory tissue and the accumu ̄
       lation of effective components.
       Key words: Angelica dahurica var. formosanaꎬ secretory canalꎬ essential oilꎬ occurrenceꎬ accumulation

       中药白芷为伞形 科 ( Umbelliferae) 植 物 白 芷             积累(Cai et al.ꎬ 2008)ꎬ杭白芷根中挥发油主要积

   ( Angelica dahurica) 或 杭 白 芷 ( Angelica dahurica  累部位为裂生型分泌道腔道ꎬ挥发油合成与分泌
   var. formosana) 的干燥根ꎬ始载于« 神农本草经»ꎬ                 细胞内质体和细胞质关系密切ꎬ分泌道主要分布
   «中华人民共和国药典»2015 版一部收载( 国家药                        在皮层和次生韧皮部中( 兰志琼等ꎬ2012ꎻ陈莹等ꎬ
   典委员会ꎬ2015)ꎮ 中药白芷气芳香ꎬ味辛、微苦ꎬ                        2015)ꎮ 然而ꎬ杭白芷根中裂生型分泌道究竟如何
   归胃、大肠、肺经ꎬ具有解表散寒、祛风止痛、宣通                           发生ꎬ其发育过程中挥发油如何转运并积累ꎬ分泌
   鼻窍、燥湿止带、消肿排脓等功效( 何开家和张涵                           细胞与周围细胞的关系如何ꎬ目前尚不清楚ꎮ 因

   庆ꎬ2008ꎻ朱艺欣等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 关于白芷化学成分及                      此ꎬ本研究通过组织化学定位结合显微、超微技术
   药理作用( 周爱德等ꎬ2010ꎻ马俊等ꎬ2018) 等方面                     对不同发育时期杭白芷根中分泌道发生的显微、
   已经有了较多的报道ꎬ其根中化学成分主要包含                             超微特征及挥发油变化进行细致的观察ꎬ旨在揭
   香豆素类、挥发油类以及黄酮类等ꎬ其中挥发油类                            示分泌道发生及其发育过程中挥发油的转运积累
   化学成分具有抑制黑色素、抗氧化、镇痛、抗过敏、                           特征ꎬ为进一步了解分泌道与挥发油转运积累关
   抗惊厥、抗痉挛等药理作用ꎬ是白芷主要药效物质                            系奠定基础ꎮ

       目前ꎬ有关药用植物生长发育与有效成分积                           1  材料与方法
   累关系已有较多研究ꎮ 研究表明中国肉桂植物体
   内油细胞的结构发育过程影响精油的积累ꎬ油细                             1.1 植物材料

   胞的分布密度和发育过程对精油有显著影响( Li                               2018 年 3 月—9 月采集陕西中医药大学药用
   et al.ꎬ 2013ꎬ 2016)ꎻ对分泌囊发育过程研究也表                  植物园不同发育时期的杭白芷根作为实验材料ꎬ
   明ꎬ挥发油合成积累与其裂溶生型发生方式关系                             经陕西中医药大学标本馆王继涛高级实验师鉴定

   密切(Liang et al.ꎬ 2006ꎻLiu et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻZheng et   为杭白芷(Angelica dahurica var. formosana)ꎮ
   al.ꎬ 2014)ꎮ 伞形科植物大多具有分泌道( Fahnꎬ                   1.2 方法
   2010ꎻ宋丽敏等ꎬ2016)ꎬ之前的研究表明北柴胡分                       1.2.1 冰冻切片法  取新鲜杭白芷主根ꎬLeica CM
   泌道挥发油主要是以胞吐被排入分泌道的腔道并                             1860 冰冻切片机切片ꎬ厚度为 40 ~ 60 μmꎬ待组织
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