Page 14 - 《广西植物》2020年第7期
P. 14

9 1 0                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       Abstract: The characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine are not only the appearance of the medicinal materialꎬ but
       also the external manifestation of its internal tissue structure and the chemical components. Pogostemon cablin is one of
       the top ten southern medicines which has high economic value. Generallyꎬ it is divided into four cultivation types and two
       chemical types according to the cultivation origin and the composition of volatile oil. Howeverꎬ the characteristics are
       very similarꎬ and it is difficult to determine the classification of different cultivation varieties. Leaf epidermal hair charac ̄
       teristics as micro ̄morphology of medicinal plantsꎬ are increasingly used in botanical taxonomic researchꎬ and the growth
       and development of epidermal hair can even directly affect the quality of the medicinal material. The glandular hairs of
       P. cablin are the main synthetic and secretory site of its volatile oilꎬ while the non ̄glandular hair can play a protective
       roleꎬ affecting its growth and yield. In order to explore the significance of leaf epidermal hairs characteristics in identif ̄
       ying P. cablin varietiesꎬ and to provide a reference for the research on the quality formation mechanism of P. cablin. This
       study was conducted on apical leavesꎬ the fourth pair of leaves and bottom leaves of P. cablin from eight different varie ̄
       ties sources and two harvesting periods (end of June and end of October). The microscope slide was processed by chloral
       hydrate permeationꎬ and photographed under an optical microscope. The results of variance analysis showed that there
       were significant differences in the hair density of the leaves of the P. cablin from the same variety in different harvesting
       time. The epidermal hair density of the P. cablin leaves harvested at the end of June was significantly lower than that of
       the end of October. The results of principal component analysis and cluster analysis were the sameꎬ the P. cablin of eight
       different oringins of the same harvesting period can be divided into four categories according to the leaf epidermal hair
       density and the diameter size of glandular hairꎬ and Nanxiangꎬ Zhaoxiang and Paixiang can be separatedꎬ which was in
       good agreement with the traditional classification results. The epidermal hair density and the diameter size of glandular
       hair of leaves have some reference value in the classification of P. cablin.
       Key words: Pogostemon cablinꎬ leaf epidermal hairꎬ microscopic characteristicsꎬ classificationꎬ harvesting period

       广藿香(Pogostemon cablin)为唇形科刺蕊草属                结构及其内含化学成分的外在表现ꎮ 不同化学型
   植物ꎬ以干燥地上部分入药ꎬ是著名的“ 十大南药”                          的广藿香除了在外部形态及内部结构( 冯承浩ꎬ
   之一ꎬ具有芳香化浊、开胃止呕、发表解暑之功效ꎬ                           2006)、挥发油组成及成分(罗集鹏等ꎬ2003)、基因
   其提取物广藿香油还是医药和轻化工业的重要原                             型(张英等ꎬ2007)等方面有不同外ꎬ其表皮毛的特
   料(曾庆钱等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 广藿香原产于缅甸、马来西                        征ꎬ如表皮毛疏密程度(吴友根等ꎬ2011) 等也有一

   亚、柬埔寨等东南亚国家ꎬ宋朝传入我国( 张英等ꎬ                          定的差异ꎮ 植物表皮毛ꎬ是由表皮细胞特化而成
   2015)ꎮ 目前ꎬ在广东、广西、海南等省(区)均有栽                       的毛状结构附属物ꎬ具有保护叶片、减少水分蒸

   培ꎬ一般分为“ 石牌” 广藿香( 牌香)、“ 高要” 广藿                     发、分泌物质等作用(张继伟等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 表皮毛特
   香(肇香)、“湛江” 广藿香 ( 湛香) 和“ 海南” 广藿                    征(如大小、密度等)的差异ꎬ在植物的鉴定和分类
   香(南香)四种栽培品种( 罗集鹏等ꎬ2005)ꎮ 根据                       中具有重要的指示作用( Atalay et al.ꎬ2016)ꎬ在种
   挥发油组成及含量的差异ꎬ又可分为两种化学型ꎬ                            间或种下等级被证实是一类有运用价值的分类特

   即广藿香酮型和广藿香醇型( 罗集鹏等ꎬ2003)ꎮ                         征(杨旭等ꎬ2016)ꎮ
   其中ꎬ广藿香酮型多供药用ꎬ广藿香醇型常用于工                                广藿香的叶表皮毛包括非腺毛、头状腺毛和
   业提取广藿香油(刘玉萍等ꎬ2002)ꎮ 近年来ꎬ较高                        盾状腺毛( 冯承浩等ꎬ2006)ꎮ 叶表皮毛特征作为

   的经济效益促使广藿香引种及栽培地区逐渐增                              广藿香的“ 微性状” 特征ꎬ表皮毛中的腺毛又是其
   多ꎬ由于不同栽培品种性状往往非常相似ꎬ因此出                            挥发油合成和分泌的主要场所( 冯承浩和吴鸿ꎬ
   现了品种来源混乱、化学型难以区分等问题ꎮ                              2003)ꎬ挥发油含量及成分决定了其化学型分类及
       “辨状论质”是中药鉴别之精髓ꎮ 中药性状特                         品质ꎮ 将广藿香表皮毛“微性状” 特征和化学成分
   征不仅是药材的外形特点ꎬ而且是药材内部组织                             联系起来ꎬ有助于通过性状特征初步评价其品种
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