Page 6 - 《广西植物》2020年第7期
P. 6

9 0 2                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       placentaꎬ the flower buds and mature fruits of A. latifolia were observed in detail by scanning electron microscope
       (SEM) and stereoscopic microscope. Floral buds at different stages of development were collected and fixed in formalin ̄
       aceticacid ̄alcoholꎬ and then dehydrated through an ethanol/ amylacetate seriesꎬ critical point dried with CO ꎬ Au/ Pt
       sputter coatedꎬ prepared samples were examined with SEM. Mature fruits were dissected under a stereoscopic microscope
       directly without preparation. The results showed that during the floral developmentꎬ 5 carpel primordia were growth
       rapidly after the stamens initiationꎬ and then ovary was combined with the axial placenta on the upper part and cavity on
       the bottom part. After the placenta grew on the carpels (named carpellary placenta)ꎬ several mounds appear at the top of
       the receptacle within the position opposite to the carpel in the lower cavity. The mounds combined gradually into a
       hemispherical deuterogenic placentation. And some fertile ovules appeared on the surface of both the carpellary placenta
       and deuterogenic placenta. Finallyꎬ in mature fruits the fertile ovules turn to seeds on both types of placenta in which
       vascular bundles are discrete. Thereforeꎬ deuterogenic placenta appeared independently and was later than the carpellary
       placenta. The development of deuterogenic placenta in A. latifolia was different from that of the free central placenta in
       both Caryophyllaceae and Phytolaccaceae (the axial placenta turned into a free central placenta by the septa disappear)ꎬ
       but it is basically identical to that of Primulaceaeꎬ Theophrastaceaeꎬ Maesaceaeꎬ Myrsinaceae from Ericales (the free
       central placenta formed on top of the receptacle directly).
       Key words: Adinandra latifoliaꎬ Pentaphylacaceaeꎬ deuterogenic placentaꎬ free central placentaꎬ SEM

       阔叶杨桐(Adinandra latifolia)原隶属于杜鹃花              座ꎬ这种特殊胎座与五列木科其他植物的中柱胎
   目(Ericales) 山茶科( Theaceae) 杨桐属植物( 林来              座不同ꎮ 阔叶杨桐两部分胎座的胚珠均可以受精

   官ꎬ1998)ꎬ在 APG III 分类系统(APGꎬ2009)中被划               发育成种子ꎬ种子都能萌发( 张瑞菊ꎬ2011)ꎮ 但
   分到五列木科( Pentaphylacaceae)ꎮ 其主要分布于                 是ꎬ阔叶杨桐子房中衍生胎座的发育过程至今未
   云南贡山的山地密林和沟边疏林中ꎬ对维持中国南                            见报道ꎮ 利用扫描电子显微镜观察花器官发生和
   方森林生态系统的稳定性有一定作用ꎬ是人工造林                            发育过程ꎬ能更准确地掌握其发育过程的动态变
   中常用到的乡土树种之一ꎬ也是南方常见的庭院观                            化ꎬ为研究花的结构和被子植物演化提供更加可

   赏植物(张瑞菊ꎬ2011)ꎮ 阔叶杨桐为乔木ꎬ一年生                        靠的证据ꎮ 通过查阅杜鹃花目利用扫描电镜研究
   枝条、顶芽、叶片、叶柄及整个子房均密生黄褐色柔                           有关心皮和胎座发生的文献ꎬ发现其胎座发生大
   毛ꎮ 花期 6 月—7 月ꎬ花单生于当年生枝条的叶腋                        致分为两种类型:一种类型是中轴胎座ꎬ多心皮愈
   内ꎬ稀 2 朵ꎬ萼片 5 枚紫色宿存ꎬ覆瓦状排列ꎻ花瓣 5                     合形 成 中 轴ꎬ 多 室 有 隔 膜ꎬ 如 山 茶 科 ( Teaceae)
   枚浅紫色ꎬ基部相互愈合ꎻ雄蕊 30 ~ 35 枚ꎬ花丝基部                     (Tsouꎬ 1998)、凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae) ( Pieter et
   与花瓣愈合ꎬ花谢时雄蕊与花瓣同时脱落ꎻ子房由                            al.ꎬ 2006)、 福 桂 花 科 ( Fouquieriaceae) ( Schonen ̄
   5~6 心皮组成ꎬ胚珠多枚ꎬ花柱单一ꎬ柱头不裂ꎻ果                         berger & Grenhagenꎬ 2005)、五列木科( 张瑞菊和

   期 9 月—10 月ꎬ成熟时为紫色浆果ꎻ种子肾形ꎬ褐色                       Schonenbergerꎬ 2014) 等ꎻ另一种类型为特立中央
   有光泽(林来官ꎬ1998ꎻ张瑞菊等ꎬ2008)ꎮ                          胎座ꎬ雄蕊出现后ꎬ花顶先发生环形雌蕊原基ꎬ并
       目前ꎬ对阔叶杨桐的研究较少ꎬ除« 中国植物                         逐渐向上扩展形成子房ꎬ在环形原基中间发生一
   志»外ꎬ只能查阅到阔叶杨桐花器官发生( 张瑞菊                           团组织 形 成 中 央 胎 座ꎬ 如 杜 茎 山 科 ( Maesaceae)
   等ꎬ2008)、种子萌发( 张瑞菊ꎬ2011)、花粉离体萌                     (Caris et al.ꎬ 2000ꎻGrainger & Beckerꎬ 2001)、紫金

   发(张瑞菊ꎬ2017) 3 篇文献ꎮ 张瑞菊等(2008) 研                   牛科(Myrsinaceae)(Ma & Saundersꎬ 2003)、报春花
   究发现阔叶杨桐的子房结构比较特殊ꎬ其子房上                             科 ( Primulaceae ) 和 假 轮 叶 科 ( Theophrastaceae )
   部为 5 心皮形成的中轴胎座ꎬ在子房下部则为 5 心                        (Pieterl & Erikꎬ2004) 等ꎮ 阔叶杨桐心皮源胎座属
   皮围成的一个空腔ꎬ空腔内花托顶端有一衍生胎                             于前一种类型ꎬ而衍生胎座是否属于后一种类型还
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