Page 32 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 32

2 8                                    广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                                                          续表 1
                                                                                           打分排序   利用频度   凭证
               科名      植物名     瑶名     学名    生活型   资源类型     采收季节    利用部位    加工方法                         标本号
               Family           Yao  Scientific    Resource                               Grading and  Usage
                      Plant name           Life form     Collection time  Used part  Preparation  ranking  frequency  Voucher
               name            name   name          type
                                                                                            (GR)   (f)    ID
              马齿苋科     土人参      —    Talinum  草本    野生      夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         15    0.53  HRC975
             Portulacaceae          paniculatum  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
              美人蕉科      蕉芋      —     Canna  草本     栽培     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         16    0.67  HRC106
              Cannaceae               edulis  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
              美人蕉科     美人蕉      —    C. indica  草本  栽培     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         15    0.20  HRC788
              Cannaceae                     Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
              猕猴桃科    聚锥水东哥     —    Saurauia  灌木   野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              12    0.39  HRC961
             Actinidiaceae           thyrsiflora  Shrub  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               葡萄科    白毛乌蔹莓   chou teng  Cayratia  草本  野生  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              9     0.08  HRC881
              Vitaceae               albifolia  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               葡萄科     乌蔹莓    ya ba jie  C. japonica  草本  野生  全年可采  嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.49  HRC843
              Vitaceae                      Herb    Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               葡萄科    栓翅地锦     shi tao  Parthenocissus  草本  野生  全年可采  嫩叶   切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         6     0.09  HRC65
              Vitaceae          teng  suberosa  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender leaf  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               茜草科     鸡矢藤     ge ba  Paederia  草本  野生     全年可采      嫩叶    切碎煮熟              8     0.39  HRC15
              Rubiaceae              scandens  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender leaf  Cut up and cook throughly
               茜草科     金剑草    si fang cao Rubia alata  草本  野生  全年可采  全草    切碎煮熟              8     0.20  HRC178
              Rubiaceae                     Herb    Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
               茄科       枸杞      —     Lycium  灌木    栽培     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         16    0.20  HRC949
              Solanaceae             chinense  Shrub  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               茄科     少花龙葵     wo guo  Solanum  草本  野生      夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.56  HRC831
              Solanaceae            americanum  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
              秋海棠科     秋海棠      —    Begonia  草本    野生     全年可采    块茎 Tuber  切碎煮熟            6     0.20  HRC91
             Begoniaceae              grandis  Herb  Wild  Whole year      Cut up and cook throughly
               忍冬科     川续断    wo pi cuo  Dipsacus  草本  野生   夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         8     0.17  HRC859
             Caprifoliaceae           asper  Herb   Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
              三白草科      蕺菜     wo za  Houttuynia  草本  野生   全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟              11    0.37  HRC111
              Saururaceae             cordata  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
               伞形科     鸭儿芹    wo duo wu Cryptotaenia  草本  野生  夏秋    嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.49  HRC850
              Apiaceae               japonica  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               伞形科      水芹      —    Oenanthe  草本   野生      夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.55  HRC973
              Apiaceae               javanica  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               桑科       构树    wo bi jie  Broussonetia  乔木  栽培或野生  全年可采  嫩枝叶  切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食       20    0.97  HRC826
              Moraceae               papyrifera  Tree  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                   or wild          and leaf  or feed freshly
               桑科       桑      wo jie  Morus alba  乔木  栽培  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         19    0.93  HRC827
              Moraceae                       Tree  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               商陆科      商陆     zu ziong  Phytolacca  草本  野生  夏秋     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         10    0.37  HRC830
             Phytolaccaceae           acinosa  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
              十字花科      荠       —    Capsella  草本   野生      夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.45  HRC971
             Brassicaceae           bursapastoris  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
              十字花科     碎米荠      —    Cardamine  草本  野生      夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.53  HRC974
             Brassicaceae             hirsuta  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               石竹科     鹅肠菜      —    Myosoton  草本   野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.51  HRC954
            Caryophyllaceae          aquaticum  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               石竹科      繁缕      —    Stellaria  草本  野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.45  HRC955
            Caryophyllaceae           media  Herb   Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
              天南星科     大野芋     wo bie  Colocasia  草本  野生   全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              11    0.24  HRC828
               Araceae               gigantea  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
              仙人掌科     量天尺      —    Hylocereus  灌木  野生     秋冬       花     切碎煮熟              10    0.07  HRC964
              Cactaceae               undatus  Shrub  Wild  Autumn and winter  Flower  Cut up and cook throughly
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