Page 33 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 33

1 期                      胡仁传等: 我国白裤瑶饲料植物的民族植物学研究                                             2 9

                                                          续表 1
                                                                                           打分排序   利用频度   凭证
               科名      植物名     瑶名     学名    生活型   资源类型     采收季节    利用部位    加工方法                         标本号
               Family           Yao  Scientific    Resource                               Grading and  Usage
                      Plant name           Life form     Collection time  Used part  Preparation  ranking  frequency  Voucher
               name            name   name          type
                                                                                            (GR)   (f)    ID
               苋科     柳叶牛膝     ya gei  Achyranthes  草本  野生  全年可采    嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              9     0.21  HRC834
             Amaranthaceae           longifolia  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               苋科      莲子草      —   Alternanthera  草本  野生  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.36  HRC963
             Amaranthaceae            sessilis  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               苋科       刺苋     a niang  Amaranthus  草本  栽培  全年可采     叶     切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         17    0.64  HRC947
             Amaranthaceae            spinosus  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Leaf  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               苋科       苋      wo niu  A. tricolor  草本  栽培  夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         17    0.77  HRC829
             Amaranthaceae                  Herb  Cultivated  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               苋科       青葙      —     Celosia  草本   野生      夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.40  HRC972
             Amaranthaceae           argentea  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               旋花科     飞蛾藤    wo niong  Dinetus  草本  野生    春夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              8     0.37  HRC854
             Convolvulaceae          racemosus  Herb  Wild  Springꎬ Summer Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                          and autumn  and leaf
               旋花科     猪菜藤      —    Hewittia  草本   野生      夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         8     0.12  HRC977
             Convolvulaceae          malabarica  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               旋花科      番薯     yan du  Ipomoea  草本  栽培     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         19    0.97  HRC105
             Convolvulaceae           batatas  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               荨麻科    序叶苎麻    wo gu biao  Boehmeria  草本  野生  全年可采   嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.48  HRC832
              Urticaceae             clidemioides  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               荨麻科    长序苎麻      —  B. dolichostachya 草本  野生  全年可采   嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              14    0.20  HRC878
              Urticaceae                    Herb    Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               荨麻科      苎麻     wo gu  B. nivea  灌木  野生     全年可采     叶、果序   切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         17    0.64  HRC836
              Urticaceae                    Shrub   Wild  Whole year  Leaf and  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                  infructescence  or feed freshly
               荨麻科     八角麻   wo gu biao hu B. tricuspis  灌木  野生  全年可采  嫩枝叶  切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食        13    0.24  HRC847
              Urticaceae                    Shrub   Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               荨麻科    长叶水麻      —    Debregeasia  草本  野生   全年可采     叶、果序   切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.31  HRC902
              Urticaceae             longifolia  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Leaf and  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                  infructescence  or feed freshly
               荨麻科     楼梯草      —    Elatostema  草本  野生    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              7     0.29  HRC970
              Urticaceae            involucratum  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               荨麻科     糯米团   zhan zhan yao Gonostegia  草本  野生  全年可采  枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         16    0.51  HRC48
              Urticaceae              hirta  Herb   Wild  Whole year  Branch and leaf Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               荨麻科      紫麻      —    Oreocnide  灌木  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         15    0.41  HRC842
              Urticaceae             frutescens  Shrub  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               荨麻科    广西紫麻      —  O. kwangsiensis 灌木  野生  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.40  HRC956
              Urticaceae                    Shrub   Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               荨麻科      赤车     wo on  Pellionia  草本  野生    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              7     0.27  HRC844
              Urticaceae             radicans  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               荨麻科     石筋草    wo zong jie  Pilea  草本  野生   全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.39  HRC845
              Urticaceae             plataniflora  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               荨麻科    透茎冷水花   wo on ya  P. pumila  草本  野生  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.36  HRC851
              Urticaceae                    Herb    Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               荨麻科    红雾水葛      —    Pouzolzia  灌木  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.35  HRC959
              Urticaceae             sanguinea  Shrub  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
              鸭跖草科     饭包草    wo zou wu  Commelina  草本  野生  全年可采    嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.28  HRC822
             Commelinaceae          benghalensis  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
              鸭跖草科     竹节菜      —    C. diffusa  草本  野生    全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.29  HRC138
             Commelinaceae                  Herb    Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
              鸭跖草科     水竹叶      —    Murdannia  草本  野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         10    0.20  HRC82
             Commelinaceae           triquetra  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
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