Page 139 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 139
10 期 施晓静等: 基于全叶绿体基因组分析的栽培黄草乌基源研究 1 8 9 3
Abstract: To study the influencing factors on the quality of cultivated varieties of Radix Aconitum Vilmorinianiꎬ a toxic
medicinal material for traumatology in Yunnan Provinceꎬ the chloroplast genomes of samples from 10 different cultivation
bases were sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 4000 high ̄throughput sequencing platform. Then the sequencing data were
assembled and annotated followed by analysis of the characteristics of the chloroplast genomes by bioinformatics tools and
construction of the phylogenetic trees. The results were as follows: (1) The full length of chloroplast genome of the 10
cultivated varieties from different regions were 155 744-155 937 bpꎬ the large single copy region (LSC) and small single
copy region (SSC) were 86 363-86 548 bp and 16 921-17 007 bpꎬ respectivelyꎬ the size of the inverted repeat region
(IR) was 26 170-26 236 bp. The GC content of chloroplast genome of 10 cultivated varieties was 38.1%ꎬ with obvious
AT preferenceꎬ and 131 genes were annotatedꎬ including 85 protein ̄coding genesꎬ 37 tRNA genes and 8 rRNA
genes. (2) These sequences identified 60- 73 SSR sitesꎬ and genome comparative analysis found that the length of
chloroplast genome of 10 cultivated varieties ranged from 155 744 to 155 937 bp with moderate expansion. Some variation
hot spots were foundꎬ such as trnK ̄UUU-trnQ ̄UUGꎬ trnY ̄GUA-trnE ̄UUCꎬ trnC ̄GCA-trnT ̄GGUꎬ ycf4-cemAꎬ ycf1 and
ndhFꎬ etc. (3) Phylogenetic analysis based on the two datasets showed that JS ̄1 ̄4ꎬ QJ ̄1 ̄2ꎬ LX ̄1 ̄3ꎬ LJ ̄3 ̄2 were
closely related to Aconitum vilmorinianum and LQ ̄1 ̄3ꎬ GJ ̄1 ̄3ꎬ NL ̄1 ̄3ꎬ DC ̄2 ̄2 were closely related to A.
austroyunnanense. In the phylogenetic treeꎬ which was constructed based on the complete chloroplast genomesꎬ LJ ̄4 ̄3
was closely related to A. delavayi and LJ ̄1 ̄2 was closely related to A. duclouxiiꎻ while in the phylogenetic tree which was
constructed based on the protein coding gene sequences (PCGs)ꎬ LJ ̄4 ̄3 was closely related to A. episcopale and LJ ̄1 ̄2
was closely related to A. contortum. In summaryꎬ the hybrid origins of cultivation of Radix Aconitum Vilmoriniani include
at least the two original plants: A. vilmorinianum and A. austroyunnanenseꎬ and other species of Aconitum even existed in
individual cultivation bases. The mixed origins of cultivation may be one of the influencing factors on instability of the
quality of Radix Aconitum Vilmoriniani.
Key words: cultivated Radix Aconitum Vilmorinianiꎬ chloroplast genomeꎬ sequence characteristicsꎬ phylogenetic
analysisꎬ species identification
黄 草 乌 ( Aconitum vilmorinianum ) 为 毛 茛 科 乌作为乌头类毒性药材ꎬ质量稳定尤为重要ꎬ因此
( Ranunculaceae ) 乌 头 属 ( Aconitum ) 蔓 乌 头 系 对其质量影响因素的研究很有必要ꎮ
(Ser. Volubilia) 多年生草本植物ꎬ分布于云 南 中 黄草乌 药 材 来 源 在 1974 年 和 1996 年 版 的
部、四 川 ( 会 理) 及 贵 州 西 部ꎬ 生 于 海 拔 2 100 ~ «云南 省 药 品 标 准» 中 规 定: 草 乌 ( Radix Aconiti
2 500 m 的山地灌丛中( 中国植物志编辑委员会ꎬ Vilmoriniani ) 为 毛 茛 科 植 物 黄 草 乌 ( A.
1979)ꎮ 其药用部位为根ꎬ有剧毒ꎬ主要含有滇乌 vilmorinianum)或滇南草乌( A. austroyunnanense) 的
碱等多种二萜类生物碱ꎬ具有祛风散寒、活血止 块根(云南省卫生局ꎬ1974ꎻ云南省卫生厅ꎬ1996)ꎬ
痛、解毒消肿等作用( 李雪佩等ꎬ2017)ꎬ是云南红 2005 年版的« 云南省中药材标准» 仅收录了黄草
药、虎力散和百宝丹等云南著名伤科类药物的主 乌一种植物来源ꎬ并修订药材名为黄草乌( Radix
要原料药之一(曾礼芳等ꎬ2021)ꎬ有极高的药用价 Aconitum Vilmoriniani)(云南省食品药品监督管理
值ꎮ 黄草乌用药需求大ꎬ最初主要依靠野生资源ꎬ 局ꎬ2013)ꎮ «云南植物志» ( 中国科学院昆明植物
但过度采挖造成了分布区域锐减和野生资源枯 研究所ꎬ2000) 中记载ꎬ黄草乌与滇南草乌在形态
竭ꎮ 近年来ꎬ黄草乌的人工驯化栽培获得成功( 字 上十分相近ꎬ黄草乌花期 8—10 月ꎬ滇南草乌花果
淑慧等ꎬ2012)ꎬ在云南的泸西、建水、个旧、东川、 期 10 月ꎬ块根均供药用ꎬ民间用于治疗风寒湿痹、
禄劝、丽江、巧家等地区有较大规模栽培种植ꎬ有 中风瘫痪、跌打损伤等疾病ꎬ用途基本相同ꎮ 我们
效解决了资源供应问题ꎮ 然而ꎬ我们对几个栽培 发现不同地区种植的黄草乌药材有黄皮黄芯、紫
基地的药材进行主要毒性成分含量进行分析时发 皮黄芯和紫皮紫芯几种情况ꎬ花的形态也略有不
现ꎬ滇乌碱的含量不稳定ꎬ另一特征成分黄草乌碱 同ꎮ 通过调研了解到ꎬ黄草乌的种植来源中有一
甲的含量波动范围则更大( 董帅等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 黄草 部分是种植户在基地附近采挖的野生品ꎬ并未明