Page 63 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 63
10 期 蒋天翼等: 杜鹃花属映山红亚属植物叶表皮显微形态特征及其分类学意义 1 8 1 7
凭证标本 specimen Voucher Sun)0777 X. 孙必兴(B. (IBSC) Nanling)2314 南岭队(Exped. (IBSC) Lai)5361 S. 赖书绅(S. (IBSC) unknown) 采集人不详(Collector (IBSC) Zhang)92 C. 张桂才(G. (IBSC) Chun)18490 H. 陈少卿(S. (IBSC) Nanling)2367 南岭队(Exped. (IBSC) LIU)250 B. 刘卓斌(Z. (IBSC) CHEN)50298 Z. 陈照宙(Z. (IBK) XING)10360 W. 邢福武(F. (IBSC) 资源县普查队 450329151025033LY Ziyuan) (IBK) 张志松ꎬ张永田 Y.T.ZHANG)148 (Z.S.ZHANGꎬ (IBSC) et al.)100303 王孝等(X.WANG (IBSC) 145
materials (Exped. (Exped.
of 保卫细胞两极 region The polar cell of guard 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces 不加厚 Without T ̄pieces
information striates striates
and 气孔器周围突起 Stomatal apparatus by striates 无明显条形突起 ringed ringed 间断的条形突起 striates 多层条形突起 striates ringed 少量间断的条形突起 ringed 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 少量条形突起 striates ringed 条形突起 striates 明显条形突起环绕 striates ringed 条形突起 striates 条形突起 striates 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 间断的条形突起 striates ringed 多层条形突起 striates ringed 间断且规则的条形突起 and striates ringed
microscope surrounded Without obvious Discontinuous Multilayer discontinuous few A Discontinuous few A Ringed Obvious Ringed Ringed Discontinuous Discontinuous Discontinuous Discontinuous Discontinuous Multilayer Discontinuous regular Multilayer
electron 拱盖内缘 of outer margin stomatal rim 较光滑 Nearly smooth 较光滑 Nearly smooth 光滑ꎬ不规则波状 irregular ̄undulate 较光滑 Nearly smooth 较光滑 Nearly smooth 较粗糙 Nearly rough 较光滑 Nearly smooth 较光滑ꎬ不规则波状 Nearly smoothꎬ irregular ̄undulate 较光滑 Nearly smooth 粗糙ꎬ不规则波状 Nearly roughꎬ irregular ̄undulate 光滑 Smooth 光滑 Smooth 较光滑 Nearly smooth 粗糙ꎬ被角质层 Roughꎬwith covered 粗糙ꎬ被角质层 Roughꎬwith covered 光滑 Smooth 光滑 Smooth 不规则波状 Irregular ̄undula
scanning Inner Smoothꎬ cuticles cuticles
under 拱盖 The outer stomatal rim 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 双层 Double ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 双层 Double ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 单层 Uni ̄layed 双层 Double ̄layed
Tsutsusi 气孔器 Stomatal apparatus 下陷 Sunken 下陷 Sunken 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生、下陷 sunken Denseꎬ 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生 Dense 密生、下陷 sunken Denseꎬ 散生、下陷 sunken Sparseꎬ 密生 Dense 密生、下陷 sunken Denseꎬ 密生 Dense
subg. gland
of 是否具有腺体 or With without gland 是 Yes 是ꎬ先端膨大 Globular 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
morphology 远轴面 Abaxial surface 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生琴形毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生状糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 无糙伏毛 hair 密生琴形毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 密生糙伏毛 hair 散生琴形毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生糙伏毛 hair
epidermal Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse loriform Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Without fringed Dense loriform Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Dense fringed Sparse loriform Sparse fringed Sparse fringed Sparse fringed
Leaf 近轴面 Adaxial surface 琴形毛 hair 糙伏毛和腺体 gland and 未见毛被 not observed 散生琴形毛 hair 未见毛被 not observed 未见毛被 not observed 琴形毛 hair 未见毛被 not observed 少量糙伏毛和腺体 hairs fringed glands 瘦长型腺体 Stipitate gland 稀疏毛被 Sparse hair 糙伏毛 hair 未见毛被 not observed 散生糙伏毛 hair 散生琴形毛和腺体 hair gland 糙伏毛 hair 未见毛被 not observed 琴形毛 hair
1 Loriform hair Fringed Hair Sparse loriform Hair Hair Loriform Hair few A and Fringed Hair Sparse fringed Sparse loriform and Fringed Hair Loriform
物种 Species 大关杜鹃 atrovirens 潮安杜鹃 chaoanense 河边杜鹃 flumineum 乌来杜鹃 kanehirai 南昆杜鹃 naamkwanense 紫薇春 naamkwanense cryptonerve 南平杜鹃 nanpingense 美艳杜鹃 pulchroides 映山红 simsii R. 丁香杜鹃 farrerae R. 腺花杜鹃 adenanthum 金萼杜鹃 chrysocalyx 腺柱杜鹃 glandulostylum 背绒杜鹃 hypoblematosum 广西杜鹃 kwangsiense 岭南杜鹃 mariae R. 南边杜鹃 meridionale 亮毛杜鹃 microphyton
R. R. var. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R.
类群 Taxon 杜鹃型 simsii ̄type 丁香杜鹃型 farrerae ̄type 岭南杜鹃型 mariae ̄type
R. R. R.