Page 15 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 15

7 期               姚裕群等: 野生越南槐组织特异性内生真菌组及体外抗病原菌功能                                          1 1 8 3

                 Abstract: The beneficial microbiome assist the plant in disease defense. The rootꎬ stem and seed of Sophora tonkinensis
                 from wild type were germinated and grew healthilyꎬ but they in cultivated type were susceptible to insect and pathogen
                 attack. In order to explore the possibility of disease control using beneficial endophytic fungal microbiome harbored in
                 S. tonkinensis from healthy wild typeꎬ endophytic fungi were isolated from the rootꎬ stem and seed of S. tonkinensis from
                 healthy wild typeꎬ and then were further identified based on morphological characters and ITS sequence characters.
                 Phylogenetic treeꎬ α ̄diversity index and β ̄diversity index were used to analyze the phylogenetic evolutionꎬ diversity and
                 similarity among different endophytic fungal microbiomes. The pathogen ̄resistant function in vitro of endophytic fungal
                 microbiome was determined by the agar plug method and flat ̄stand method. The results were as follows: (1) A total of
                 131 strains with 23 taxaꎬ 108 strains with 23 taxaꎬ and 64 strains with 11 taxaꎬ were respectively isolated and identified
                 from the rootꎬ stem and seed of S. tonkinensisꎻ (2) More endemic genera and all endemic speciesꎬ indicated that
                 endophytic fungal microbiomes harbored in the rootꎬ stem and seed had tissue specificity in genus and species
                 evolutionary treeꎻ (3) The extremely low β ̄diversity between root-stemꎬ root-seedꎬ and stem-seed indicated that
                 species similarity was very low among different endophytic fungal microbiomesꎻ (4) The high α ̄diversity showed that
                 endophytic fungal microbiomes harbored in the rootꎬ stem and seed were abundant biodiversityꎻ (5) More than one third
                 of the taxa antagonized pathogens in vitro. Endophytic fungal microbiome harbored in the root/ stem showed strong broad ̄
                 spectrum pathogenic bacteria/ fungi ̄resistant function in vitroꎬ and endophytic fungal microbiome harbored in the seed
                 showed strong broad ̄spectrum pathogenic fungi ̄resistant function in vitro. These results indicated beneficial endophytic
                 fungal microbiome with tissue ̄specificityꎬ biodiversity structureꎬ and strong broad ̄spectrum pathogen ̄resistant function
                 in vitroꎬ harbored in healthy rootꎬ stem and seed of S. tonkinensis from wild typeꎬ and might play an important role in
                 pathogen resistance in host tissues. Such results will provide material and experimental basis for disease control in
                 different tissues of S. tonkinensis using beneficial endophytic fungal microbiome.
                 Key words: Sophora tonkinensis from wild typeꎬ beneficial endophytic fungal microbiomeꎬ biodiversityꎬ tissue
                 specificityꎬ pathogen ̄resistant function

                越南槐( Sophora tonkinensis) 是广西著名道地              物先天免疫系统的互作( Hacquard et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎬ

            药材山豆根的基源植物ꎮ 山豆根药材清热解毒、                             使 植 物 系 统 获 得 相 关 抗 病 性 ( Pieterse et al.ꎬ
            消肿利咽ꎬ常用于治疗湿热黄疸、心率失常、膀胱                             2014)ꎬ对植物的健康有重要的作用( Berg et al.ꎬ
            癌等症(国家药典委员会ꎬ2020)ꎻ含有生物碱、黄                          2016)ꎮ 番茄根系微生物组研究发现ꎬ抗病与感病
            酮、皂苷等多种化学成分ꎬ其中苦参碱和氧化苦参                             植株根系微生物组的结构、抗菌性功能有很大差
            碱为其主要活性成分(Zhang et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎻ具有抗                  异ꎬ抗病植株根系微生物组作为有益微生物组转
            肿瘤、抗病毒、抗炎、抗氧化、抑菌、保肝、调 节 免                          接到感病植株ꎬ能激活感病株的抗病性 ( Kwak et
            疫、降血压等药理学作用( 彭成ꎬ 2011)ꎮ 随着健                        al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 植物微生物组包括真菌组和细菌组ꎬ
            康大产业及乡村振兴的深入发展ꎬ越南槐在广西                              根系微生物组主要来源于高度多样性的土壤生
            百色、靖西、河池等地区推广种植ꎮ 课题组在越南                            物ꎬ受土壤类型、植物基因型、植物年龄等影响ꎬ茎
            槐的野生驯化及其推广栽培中发现ꎬ栽培越南槐                              和种子微生物主要来源于气溶胶、昆虫及根系的
            容易感染各种病害ꎬ其种子容易霉变影响发芽ꎬ根                             迁移(Hacquard et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 在植物-有益内生
            茎时常腐烂ꎬ发生炭疽溃疡ꎬ引起条斑黑斑ꎬ从而                             真菌组中ꎬ各内生真菌通过与宿主进行复杂而精
            影响药材生长ꎮ 而大量化学农药的使用ꎬ容易导                             细的互作以激活植物先天免疫系统使宿主获得抗
            致药材农药、重金属等超标ꎬ严重影响药材安全                              病性以拮抗病原和害虫的入侵ꎬ甚至部分内生真
            (Gu et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ 因此ꎬ发展绿色环保的越南槐                   菌自身就可以分泌毒性代谢物以拮抗病原菌的入
            病害防治策略对山豆根药材的可持续利用和发展                              侵(Kusari et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ Compant et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎬ因
            极其重要ꎮ 植物有先天的免疫系统以响应病原微                             此有益内生真菌组有利于宿主防御病害ꎮ 野生越
            生物的分子机制及效应物( Jones & Danglꎬ 2006ꎻ                  南槐生长于海拔 500 ~ 800 m 石灰岩山区的石头缝
            Dangl et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ 植物有益微生物组通过与植                  里ꎬ周围植被类型多样ꎬ局部小气候复杂多变ꎬ在
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