Page 178 - 《广西植物》2023年第9期
P. 178

1 7 2 6                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 Abstract: In order to improve the leaf color and optimize the facility of cultivation system of Aglaonema commutatum
                 ‘Big apple’ꎬ its hydroponic seedlings were used as the test material in this studyꎬ six light qualities (white lightꎬ R ∶
                 B = 1 ∶ 1ꎬ R ∶ B = 1 ∶ 2ꎬ R ∶ B = 2 ∶ 1ꎬ R ∶ B = 1 ∶ 3ꎬ R ∶ B = 3 ∶ 1ꎬ in which R and B represent red light and
                                                            ̄1        ̄1
                 blue lightꎬ respectively) and two photoperiods (8 hd ꎬ 12 hd ) were cross cultured to determine the growth
                 amountꎬ biomassꎬ soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD) valueꎬ anthocyanin content and leaf color parameters
                          ∗           ∗          ∗             ∗
                 (hue value a ꎬ hue value b ꎬ luminosity L and hue angle h )ꎬ and to investigate its response to red and blue light
                 qualities and photoperiodic interactions. The results were as follows: (1) The dry weight and fresh weight of A.
                 commutatum seedlings treated with LP11 (R ∶ B = 1 ∶ 3×12 hd ) were the highestꎬ which was most conducive to
                 plant growth and biomass accumulationꎻ followed by LP5 (R ∶ B= 1 ∶ 3×8 hd ) treatment. (2) Under the same light
                                                      ̄1                                    ̄1
                 quality conditionꎬ the SPAD value of 8 h  d  photoperiod was higher than that of 12 h  d  photoperiodꎬ the
                                         ̄1                                 ̄1
                 anthocyanin content of 12 hd photoperiod was higher than that of 8 hd photoperiodꎬ the SPAD value of LP11
                                                                                            ∗      ∗
                 treatment was the lowest and the anthocyanin content was the highest. The leaf color parameters a  and b  of A.
                                          ̄1                                  ̄1                      ∗
                 commutatum cultured in 12 hd photoperiod were higher than those in 8 hd photoperiodꎬ and the value of h was
                 lower than that in 8 hd photoperiod. (3) The principal component analysis showed that the LP11 treatment was the
                 most effective in promoting the growth and leaf color improvement of A. commutatum. In conclusionꎬ 12 h  d
                 photoperiod is more conducive to the growth and leaf color change of A. commutatumꎬ and LP11 treatment is the best
                 combination of light quality and photoperiod.
                 Key words: light qualityꎬ photoperiodꎬ Aglaonema commutatumꎬ leaf color parametersꎬ pigment content

                光是影响植物生长发育最重要的环境信号之                            而增加(刘庆ꎬ2015)ꎻ不同光质与光照时间配比ꎬ
            一ꎬ主要通过光质、光周期及光强对植物形态建成                             对冰菜(Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)生长形态、
            以及植物生长发育的各个阶段起到显著作用( 王                             光 合 色 素、 光 合 参 数 等 有 重 要 作 用 ( 赵 明 伟ꎬ
            冬雪等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 光质会影响植物对营养物质的吸                          2020)ꎮ 由此可见ꎬ调控适宜植物生长的光环境是
            收以及气孔导度(Kim et al.ꎬ2004)ꎬ不同波长的光                    苗木培育和规模化生产的关键环节ꎮ
            对植物的影响不同( 张水木等ꎬ2016ꎻShafiq et al.ꎬ                     粗肋草( Aglaonema commutatum) 是天南星科
            2021)ꎬ与其他光质相比ꎬ红蓝光被认为是对植物                           (Araceae)粗肋草属(Aglaonema)多年生草本植物ꎬ
            光合作用的最佳光谱( 陈钢ꎬ2020)ꎮ 植物开花对                         原产于亚洲热带地区ꎬ品种多样ꎬ株型和叶色丰
            昼夜周期的适应反应称为光周期现象ꎮ 虽然植物                             富ꎬ并具有净化空气、少病害、观赏期长等优点ꎬ是
            处在昼夜交替的环境中ꎬ但在光周期诱导中光期                              一种优良的可在室内外种植的观叶植物ꎬ深受人
            和暗期的作用是不相等的ꎬ是影响植物生长发育                              们喜爱ꎬ市场需求量大( 李林山等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 目前ꎬ
            的关键因素ꎮ Hayama 和 Coupland(2004) 研究表                 粗肋草的生产以无性繁殖设施栽培为主ꎬ其中组
            明ꎬ一般长日照能促进植物生长ꎬ短日照可抑制枝                             织培养是有效的繁殖手段之一ꎬ可以快速获得大
            的伸长生长ꎬ促进芽的形成ꎬ影响植物开花ꎮ 光质                            量试管苗ꎮ 粗肋草叶片色彩及条纹美丽ꎬ但光照
            与光周期互作会造成斑叶植物的植株形态改变及                              过弱、过强都不利于它的生长ꎬ会表现出长势不
            叶 斑 形 成 的 差 异ꎬ 使 植 物 的 叶 色 出 现 变 化                 良、枝叶徒长或衰弱、叶色变淡、焦枯等现象ꎬ降低

            (Mohamedꎬ 2016ꎻ Wang et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻ 刘 敏 竹 等ꎬ        其观赏价值ꎮ 光作为重要的环境因子对植物叶色
            2021)ꎮ 有研究发现ꎬ不同光质及光周期可以提高                          转变过程和鲜艳程度具有非常重要的影响( 郭力
            叶山白兰( Paramichelia baillonii) 叶片面积( 韦秋             宇等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 不同品种粗肋草的特征特性多体现
            梅ꎬ2018)ꎻ光质×补光时间互作能有效提高东方百                          为叶色的差异(王树茵等ꎬ2017)ꎬ所需适宜受光条
            合(Lilium oriental) 植株叶片光合色素含量和抗氧                   件不同ꎬ有针对性地筛选光环境来调控粗肋草植
            化酶活性(胡绍泉ꎬ2018)ꎻ不同光周期处理对草莓                          株的生长发育和形态建成、缩短培养周期、提高组
            (Fragaria × ananassa) 光合特性影响不同ꎬ草莓叶                 培苗质量ꎬ减少能耗ꎬ降低成本ꎬ是为了满足市场
            片的气孔导度和叶片色素含量随着光周期的增加                              对优质粗肋草的迫切需求ꎮ 目前关于粗肋草的研
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