Page 75 - 《广西植物》2023年第9期
P. 75

9 期                     秦之旷等: 中亚热带赤皮青冈天然种群表型多样性分析                                         1 6 2 3

                 and then the phenotypic diversityꎬ variation pattern and the correlation between phenotypic variation and geographic and
                 climatic factors were studied using nested analysis of varianceꎬ phenotypic differentiation coefficientꎬ diversity indexꎬ
                 correlation analysisꎬ principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results were as follows: (1) The average
                 variation coefficient and the average Shannon ̄Wiener index of 15 phenotypic traits were 35. 070% and 1. 998ꎬ
                 respectively. Variation coefficient and Shannon ̄Wiener index of 14 populations ranged from 14.94% (Dongkou) to
                 35.56% (Longshan) and from 1.127 (Songyang) to 1.980 (Changning)ꎬ respectively. These results indicated that
                 Q. gilva showed a relatively high level of phenotypic diversity. (2) Significant differences in 15 phenotypic traits were
                 found among and within populations (P<0.01)ꎬ with an average phenotypic differentiation coefficient of 41.491%. This
                 result elucidated that the phenotypic variation within populations was greater than that among populations. ( 3)
                 Correlation analysis showed that there were significant or entremely significant correlations among parts of the traitsꎬ
                 whereas no correlation was found between phenotypic traits and geographic factors. Precipitation was the major factor that
                 influenced the phenotypic traits of Q. gilva. (4) Principle component analysis indicated that the first four principal
                 components explained 82.961% of total phenotypic contribution rate of Q. gilva. (5) Cluster analysis revealed that 14
                 Q. gilva populations were divided into three groups according to their different leaf and petiole sizeꎬ such as small ̄leaved
                 micropetioleꎬ large ̄leaved macropetiole and medium ̄leaved micropetioleꎬ which was not related to the geographic
                 distribution of populations. This study provides scientific basis for the protection and utilization of Q. gilva germplasm
                 resourcesꎬ and lays an important foundation for its improved variety breeding.
                 Key words: Quercus gilvaꎬ precious tree speciesꎬ germplasm resourcesꎬ phenotypic traitsꎬ variation pattern

                赤皮青冈( Quercus gilva) 是壳斗科青冈属常                  方法ꎮ 近年来ꎬ种质资源的表型性状分析已在闽楠
            绿乔木ꎬ其树干通直ꎬ边材呈黄褐色ꎬ心材呈暗红                             (Phoebe bournei)(Li et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ欧汉彪等ꎬ2021)、
            褐色ꎬ纹理优美具有光泽ꎬ强韧有弹性ꎬ有独特香                             黑杨(Populus nigra)(陈存等ꎬ2021)、板栗(Castanea
            味ꎬ抗虫蛀ꎬ不易腐蚀ꎬ是我国亚热带地区极具经                             mollissima)( 郭燕等ꎬ2022)、茶条槭( Acer ginnala)
            济价值和发展前景的珍贵用材树种之一( 端木ꎬ                             ( 武 艳 虹 等ꎬ 2018 )、 唐 古 特 白 刺 ( Nitraria
            1995ꎻZaynab et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 其树体高大ꎬ为深根               tanguticum) (吉德娟等ꎬ2021) 等林木上开展ꎬ通过
            性树种ꎬ在水土保持和涵养水源方面有良好的表                              分析各表型性状ꎬ揭示了表型多样性和变异ꎬ挖掘
            现ꎬ从而具有很高的生态价值( 夏蝉ꎬ2021)ꎮ 赤皮                        了影响表型变异的关键因子ꎬ为相关树种种质资源
            青冈在我国中亚热带地区分布较广ꎬ主要分布于                              的保护和利用奠定了重要基础ꎮ

            湖南、福建、浙 江、江 西、贵 州、台 湾 等 省 ( Zeng et                    目前ꎬ赤皮青冈天然种群仍处于持续减少的
            al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ欧阳泽怡等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 然而ꎬ从 20 世纪                  状态ꎬ天然种质资源不断流失ꎬ调查与阐明天然种
            开始ꎬ赤皮青冈天然群落受到明显的人为干扰ꎬ绝                             质的多样性以合理制定其保护和利用策略是当前
            大部分赤皮青冈天然林被过度采伐ꎬ采伐迹地用                              亟待开展的重要研究ꎮ 但是ꎬ关于赤皮青冈种质
            于城乡发展、筑路修桥或人工林营造ꎬ导致大多赤                             资源的相关研究非常有限ꎬ仅谢健(2011) 和林文
            皮青冈处于散生和小群落生存状态ꎬ其种质资源                              俊等(2017)对赤皮青冈天然群落进行了调查ꎬ并

            大量流失(Deng et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ                           且调查群落仅分布在闽清和擎天岩村ꎬ很难具有
                 种质资源既是遗传多样性的载体ꎬ也是种质创                          代表性ꎮ 在分子层面ꎬ虽然有基于 ISSR 分子标记
            新和林木遗传改良的物质基础ꎬ阐明种质资源的多                             技术 ( 朱 品 红ꎬ2014) 和 叶 绿 体 基 因 组 测 序 技 术

            样性是对其 合 理 保 护 和 利 用 的 前 提 ( Bai et al.ꎬ            (Sugiura et al.ꎬ 2015)的赤皮青冈遗传多样性和遗
            2019)ꎮ 植物表型是遗传因子和环境在长期过程中                          传结构的相关报道ꎬ但所调查的种群分布较集中ꎬ
            共同作用的结果ꎬ表型多样性是遗传多样性的直接                             不足以揭示我国赤皮青冈种质的遗传多样性ꎻ在
            体现(李洪果等ꎬ2019ꎻ郭燕等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 利用植物的                      表型层面ꎬ仅谢健(2021) 对 4 个种源赤皮青冈幼
            表型性状检测遗传多样性具有简便、快捷的特点                              林的生长性状进行了分析ꎮ 树高、胸径、材积和干
            (尚帅斌等ꎬ2015)ꎬ是长期以来最基本和最直接的                          型等是用材树种的重要经济性状ꎬ而叶片是植物
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