Page 93 - 《广西植物》2024年第10期
P. 93

10 期                     郭涛等: 烟草野火病叶际微生物群落结构与多样性                                          1 8 9 5

                 Abstract: The stability of phyllosphere microbial community is closely related to plant health. In order to understand the
                 microecological characteristics of tobacco leaves infected with wildfire diseaseꎬ community structure and diversity of
                 phyllosphere microbiome in diseased spots and healthy tissues of tobacco leaves with different degrees of disease were
                 analyzed using high ̄throughput sequencing technology in this paper. The results were as follows: (1) The dominant
                 microorganisms in diseased and healthy tissues were Proteobacteria and Ascomycotaꎬ and their relative abundance in
                 diseased tissues was significantly higher than that in healthy tissues. The dominant genera were Pseudomonasꎬ Pantoeaꎬ
                 Alternariaꎬ Plectosphaerella and Conocybeꎬ and only the relative abundance of Pseudomonas in diseased tissues was
                 significantly higher than that in healthy tissues. (2) The diversity and richness of bacterial communities in diseased spots
                 were higher than those in healthy tissuesꎬ and the diversity index showed a trend of decreasing and then increasing with
                 the increase of the disease degreeꎬ and the richness index showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing. The richness
                 and diversity index of fungal communities in diseased spots showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with the
                 increase of the disease degreeꎬ and the diversity index and richness of fungal communities in diseased spot tissues of
                 mildly and moderately diseased leaves were higher than those in healthy tissuesꎬ but the diversity index and richness of
                 fungal communities in heavily diseased tissues were lower than those in healthy tissues. (3) Gene functional information
                 and relative abundance of bacteria in diseased spots and healthy tissues were generally similarꎬ primarily were
                 metabolismꎬ genetic information processing and environmental information processing. The dominant functional taxa of
                 fungus were plant pathogenꎬ animal pathogen-endophyte-plant pathogen-wood saprotrophꎬ undefined saprotrophꎬ wood
                 saprotroph and plant pathogen ̄wood saprotroph. The results provide a reference for the understanding of evolutionary
                 pattern of tobacco wildfire disease and characterization of the phyllosphere microbial community.
                 Key words: tobacco wildfire diseaseꎬ high ̄throughput sequencingꎬ diseased leafꎬ community structureꎬ diversity indexꎬ
                 richness index

                烟草是我国重要的经济作物ꎬ在山地现代农                            (Alternaria)且病斑组织的丰度高于健康组织ꎻ烟
            业发展实践中具有重大作用ꎮ 近年来ꎬ由丁香假                             草赤星病叶际微生物群落以子囊菌门和变形菌门

            单 胞 菌 烟 草 致 病 变 种 ( Pseudomonas syringae pv.       为主ꎬ链格孢属和假单胞菌属分别为真菌和细菌
            tabaci)引起的野火病(tobacco wildfire) 已演变成烟              的优势属ꎬ但健叶真菌和细菌群落多样性及丰富
            草种植的主要细菌性叶斑类病害ꎬ常与角斑病、赤                             度高于病叶( 刘亭亭等ꎬ2021ꎻDai et al.ꎬ 2022)ꎻ
            星病、棒孢霉叶斑病等混合发生ꎬ造成烟叶生产的                             Sun 等(2023)报道了感染靶斑病的烟株叶片病原

            严重经济损失(张广民等ꎬ2002ꎻ陈焘等ꎬ2018)ꎮ                        菌的丰度随病级增加而显著上升ꎬ叶际真菌群落
                 植物病害发生在很大程度上与植物微生态环                           多样性和丰富度均低于健叶ꎬ细菌群落多样性高
            境失衡密不可分ꎬ叶际微生物是叶际微生态环境                              于健叶而丰富度低于健叶ꎮ 由此可见ꎬ由真菌引
            中的重要组成成分ꎮ 研究表明ꎬ叶际微生物群落                             起的烟草叶部病害其叶际微生物群落的变化与发
            结构的稳定程度与植物叶片健康具有较强的相关                              病程度存在密切关联ꎮ

            性( Lindow & Brandlꎬ 2003ꎻ Shakir et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ        烟草野火病是一种细菌性病害ꎬ20 世纪 40 年
            随着高通量测序技术的发展与成熟ꎬ越来越多的                              代末期在我国云南烟区零星发生ꎮ 随着烟草栽培
            学者应用该技术研究植物病害与微生物群落间的                              面积逐渐扩大ꎬ野火病常与其他烟草叶部病害混
            关系(Li et al.ꎬ 2022)ꎮ 烟草作为以收获叶片为主                   合发生ꎬ病害流行年份造成重大损失ꎮ 目前ꎬ针对
            的重要经济作物ꎬ其真菌性叶部病害发生与叶际                              烟草野火病发生的影响因素研究主要集中于气
            微生物群落间的关系研究已有诸多报道ꎮ 例如ꎬ                             候、温湿度等环境因子ꎬ而对于叶际微生物的群落
            黄宇等(2020)对烟草白粉病研究表明ꎬ健康烟叶                           结构及多样性尚缺乏深入的认知ꎮ 程浅(2020) 探
            (健叶)叶际真菌群落丰富度及多样性高于病叶ꎬ                             讨了烟草叶际细菌群落结构与野火病发生的关
            病叶和健叶的叶际优势真菌均为高氏白粉菌属                               系ꎬ但 缺 少 真 菌 群 落 结 构 的 相 关 研 究ꎮ Si 等
            (Golovinomyces)、曲霉属( Aspergillus) 和链格孢属            (2023)研究了野火病对雪茄烟的影响ꎬ表征感染
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