Page 181 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 181

2 期                   易航等: 小黄花茶内生真菌的多样性分析及抑菌活性初筛                                            3 8 3

                 Abstract: In order to explore the species and population distribution of endophytic fungi in Camellia luteofloraꎬ as well
                 as their inhibitory effects on plant pathogenic fungiꎬ this study used tissue separation method to isolate and purify
                 endophytic fungi in C. luteoflora. These fungi were identified based on morphology and molecular biologyꎬ and their
                 diversity was evaluated through statistical analysis. The strains with antibacterial activity were screened out by the plate
                 confrontation method. The results were as follows: (1) A total of 261 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from 324
                 C. luteoflora tissue samplesꎬ belonging to 1 phylumꎬ 5 classesꎬ 9 ordersꎬ and 22 genera. The dominant genera were
                 Colletotrichumꎬ Diaporthe and Pestalotiopsis with isolation frequencies of 21.84%ꎬ 16.86% and 10.34%ꎬ
                 respectively. (2) The distribution of endophytic fungi in C. luteoflora varied in different seasons. The highest number of
                 strains was isolated in winter (72 strainsꎬ accounting for 27.59%ꎬ belonging to 16 genera)ꎬ 62 strains were isolated in
                 spring (belonging to 13 genera)ꎬ 59 strains were isolated in summer (belonging to 15 genera)ꎬ and 68 strains were
                 isolated in autumn (belonging to 13 genera). The Shannon ̄Wiener index (H′)ꎬ Simpson index (D)ꎬ Pielous evenness
                 index (E)ꎬ and Margalefs richness index (M) were the highest in winter. The similarity of endophytic fungal species
                 between spring and winter was higherꎬ and the similarity between summer and autumn was higher. (3) The distribution
                 of endophytic fungi also varied in different parts of C. luteoflora. The stems had the most abundant endophytic fungiꎬ with
                 102 strains accounting for 39.08% (belonging to 15 genera)ꎬ 61 strains were isolated from the roots (belonging to 10
                 genera)ꎬ and 98 strains were isolated from the leaves (belonging to 15 genera). The H′ꎬ Dꎬ Eꎬ and M were highest in
                 the stemsꎬ and the endophytic fungal species in the leaves were most similar to those in the stems. (4) The plate
                 confrontation results showed that among the 35 tested endophytic fungiꎬ 26 endophytic fungi had inhibitory effects on at
                 least one plant pathogenic fungiꎬ accounting for 74.29%ꎬ among which CJ ̄Ⅱ ̄2ꎬ XY ̄V ̄3ꎬ QY ̄Ⅱ ̄4ꎬ QJ ̄Ⅲ ̄2 and DJ ̄I ̄2
                 had inhibitory effects on eight plant pathogen fungi to varying degrees. XY ̄V ̄3 had the best inhibitory effect on eight
                 plant pathogenic fungiꎬ and the inhibitory rate was higher than 50%. XY ̄V ̄3 and QJ ̄Ⅲ ̄2 have higher inhibitory rate
                 than 50% on two strains of pathogenic fungi in C. luteofloraꎬ which had the potential to control disease of C.
                 luteoflora. To sum upꎬ the diversity of endophytic fungi in C. luteoflora is richꎬ and some of the strains have higher effect
                 of inhibiting plant pathogenic fungiꎬ which lay a foundation for the research and development of biological control
                 products and the disease control of C. luteoflora.
                 Key words: Camellia luteofloraꎬ endophytic fungiꎬ separation and identificationꎬ diversityꎬ antibacterial activity

                植物内生真菌是指生活史中的某一阶段或整                            不同ꎮ 除此之外ꎬ不同地区的同种植物分离得到
            个阶段ꎬ寄生在健康植物组织内部ꎬ但不会使宿主                             的内 生 真 菌 种 类 和 数 量 也 不 相 同ꎬ 如 周 婀 等
            植物出 现 明 显 病 害 症 状 的 微 生 物 ( Zhao et al.ꎬ           (2023)统计分析了红河谷和蒿坪两地野生桃儿七
            2011)ꎮ 内生真菌与宿主植物形成互惠共生体ꎬ植                          (Sinopodophyllum hexandrum) 内生真菌的多样性ꎬ
            物为内生真菌提供营养物质和栖息场所ꎬ内生真                              发现蒿坪野生桃儿七内生真菌多样性要高于红河
            菌能够产生抑菌活性物质和促生性物质ꎬ保护宿                              谷ꎮ 因此ꎬ根据当地植物生长特点分析其内生真
            主植物抵御病虫害ꎬ促进宿主植物的生长ꎬ两者协                             菌的多样性ꎬ筛选出优势菌株和特有菌株ꎬ是挖掘
            同进化ꎬ相互作用( Martina et al.ꎬ 2014)ꎮ 研究发               具有生防作用和其他功能性作用菌株的基础ꎮ 内
            现ꎬ植物内生真菌种类繁多ꎬ分布广泛ꎬ其多样性                             生真菌既可以产生抗病原真菌的次生代谢产物ꎬ
            体现在同一地区内同种植物在不同年龄段、不同                              如萜类、生物碱、黄酮等(Aly et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎬ也能通
            部位以及所处的季节不同ꎬ分离得到的内生真菌                              过抢占生态位点和营养物质等竞争方式ꎬ抑制病
            种类和数量都不同ꎮ 例如ꎬ王京等(2017) 发现不                         原真菌的生长(宋金秋和田璨熙ꎬ2020)ꎮ 同时ꎬ利
            同年龄段的侧柏( Platycladus orientalis) 鳞叶内生              用植物内生菌进行生物防治ꎬ具有无污染、无耐药
            真菌的多样性和相似性存在一定差异ꎻ李梦歌等                              性、安全可持续的优点ꎮ
            (2018)发现陕西宜君核桃( Juglans regia) 不同季                     小黄花茶(Camellia luteoflora)ꎬ我国特有珍稀
            节和不同组织部位其内生真菌多样性和相似性均                              植物ꎬ隶属山茶科( Theaceae) 山茶属( Camellia)ꎬ
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