Page 185 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 185

5 期                 步园园等: 氮磷钾肥对有柄石韦生理及绿原酸合成积累的影响                                            9 7 3

                 Abstract: To explore the effects of nitrogenꎬ phosphorus and potassium on the physiology of Pyrrosia petiolosa as well as
                 the synthesis and accumulation of chlorogenic acid ( CGA)ꎬ tissue culture seedlings of P. petiolosa were used as
                 materialsꎬ and three concentration gradients of low nutrient ( no fertilization: N ꎬ P ꎬ K )ꎬ normal fertilization ( N:
                                                                            0  0   0
                          ̄1            ̄1             ̄1                            ̄1             ̄1
                 0.20 gkg ꎬ P: 0.15 gkg ꎬ K: 0.15 gkg ) and high nutrient ( N : 0.40 gkg ꎬ P : 0.30 gkg ꎬ K : 0.30
                                                                       1             1             1
                 gkg ) were set up. Seven treatments were set up to NPKꎬ N PKꎬ N PKꎬ NP Kꎬ NP Kꎬ NPK and NPK ꎬ and the
                                                                0    1      0     1      0       1
                 resistance physiological indexesꎬ CGA contents and key enzyme activities of P. petiolosa under different treatments were
                 determined. The results were as follows: (1) Nitrogenꎬ phosphorus and potassium fertilizers had significant effects on the
                 resistance physiology of P. petiolosa. The activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD) increased significantly under high
                 nitrogen and low potassium treatmentsꎬ but catalase (CAT) activities rose significantly under low and high treatments of
                 three nutrients. (2) The contents of CGA in P. petiolosa was significantly affected by different nutrient levels of nitrogenꎬ
                 phosphorusꎬ and potassium. The CGA level in normal fertilization was the highestꎬ reaching 12.92 mgg ꎬ while the
                 CGA content in high potassium fertilization was the lowestꎬ 7.79 mgg . Potassium fertilizer had the most significant
                 effect on CGA content. ( 3) The key enzyme activities of CGA synthesis were significantly different in different
                 fertilization treatments. The content of CGA was positively correlated with the activities of quinate o ̄hydroxycinnamoyl
                 transferase (HQT) and 4 ̄coumaroyl coenzyme ligase (4CL)ꎬ and negatively correlated with the activity of quinic acid
                 shikimate o ̄hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT). HQTꎬ 4CL and HCT were the key factors leading to the difference of
                 CGA content. The results of this study provide a theoretical reference for the artificial cultivation of P. petiolosa.
                 Key words: Pyrrosia petiolosaꎬ nitrogenꎬ phosphorus and potassium fertilizersꎬ physiologyꎬ chlorogenic acid
                 (CGA)ꎬ accumulation

                有柄石韦( Pyrrosia petiolosa) 为水龙骨科石韦              柄石韦人工栽培需要解决的关键问题之一ꎮ
            属植物ꎬ是 2020 版«中国药典» 收录的石韦药材基                            大量研究表明ꎬ合理的施肥能有效促进药用
            原之一ꎬ以叶入药ꎬ味苦、甘ꎬ性微寒ꎬ具有利水通                            植物的生长发育和有效成分的合成积累ꎬ而滥用
            淋、清肺 泄 热、 止 血 等 功 效 ( 国 家 药 典 委 员 会ꎬ               肥料或缺肥会形成逆境胁迫环境ꎬ破坏体内的代
            2020)ꎮ 潘礼业等(2020)研究表明ꎬ有柄石韦含有                       谢平衡ꎬ导致减产或药材有效成分含量降低ꎮ 韩
            酚酸类、黄酮类、三萜类等多种类型的有效成分ꎬ                             建萍等(2004)研究了氮、磷肥对丹参的次生代谢
            而绿原酸(chlorogenic acidꎬ CGA)是其质量控制的                 产物的影响ꎬ发现氮素对丹参酮Ⅱ 的积累表现出
            指标成分ꎮ 一方面ꎬ有柄石韦基本来源于野生资                             负面效应ꎬ丹参酮Ⅱ 含量随着施氮量的增加而逐
            源ꎬ随着野生资源的过度采挖和临床需求量的不                              渐减少ꎬ磷的施用对丹参酮Ⅱ 和丹参素的积累则
            断增加ꎬ有柄石韦野生资源急剧减少ꎬ供需矛盾日                             具有积极促进作用ꎮ 曹欣欣等(2020) 研究发现ꎬ
            益突出ꎻ另一方面ꎬ由于各地石韦药材质量参差不                             氮肥对西洋参皂苷影响变化明显ꎬ适当的氮肥用

            齐ꎬ无法保证稳定的临床疗效( 赖海标等ꎬ2010)ꎮ                         量显著增加了三七皂苷 Rb 含量ꎬ而氮肥施用过多
            因此ꎬ为满足石韦药材的市场需求和保证药材质                              则会导致含量降低ꎮ 有柄石韦的有效成分为绿原
            量的稳定ꎬ开展有柄石韦的引种驯化和人工栽培                              酸ꎬ属于酚酸类成分ꎬ其在植物体内的合成途径为

            已势在必行ꎮ                                             苯丙烷代谢途径( Clifford et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎬ该途径的
                 目前ꎬ关于有柄石韦的人工栽培刚刚开始ꎬ仍                          前体物质为芳香族氨基酸苯丙氨酸和酪氨酸ꎬ氮
            存在孢子萌发率低、出苗整齐度差和存活率低、自                             供应量可通过影响芳香族氨基酸的含量从而影响
            然生长缓慢、施肥配比不明等问题ꎮ 施肥是药用                             苯丙烷次生代谢产物的含量( Fritz et al.ꎬ 2006)ꎮ
            植物人工栽培及规范化种植过程中的关键环节之                              张宁洁等(2022) 研究发现ꎬ金银花绿原酸( CGA)
            一ꎬ直接影响药用植物的生长、产量和质量ꎮ 根据                            的含量与施氮量呈负相关ꎬ适量施肥后金银花中
            笔者调查ꎬ目前未见关于有柄石韦人工栽培中科                              苯丙氨酸氨解酶基因( PAL)、肉桂酸 ̄4 ̄羟化酶基
            学施肥方法的文献报道ꎮ 因此ꎬ如何通过施肥管                             因(C4H)、4 ̄香豆酰辅酶 A 连接酶基因(4CL) 和羟
            理调控有柄石韦的生长和有效成分积累是实现有                              基肉桂酰转移酶基因( HQT) 等 CGA 合成关键基
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