Page 65 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 65

5 期             成彦丽等: 皖北淮河平原幼龄‘中山杉 118’根际与非根际细菌特征分析                                         8 5 3

                                           1               1             2                 2
                            CHENG Yanli ꎬ CHEN Hong ꎬ YANG Xi ꎬ HAN Yongyou ꎬ
                                                     1                     1∗
                                           XU Chen ꎬ ZHANG Yuanbing
                           ( 1. College of Architectureꎬ Anhui Science and Technology Universityꎬ Bengbu 233100ꎬ Anhuiꎬ Chinaꎻ
                                  2. Suzhou Garden Management Service Centerꎬ Suzhou 234000ꎬ Anhuiꎬ China )
                 Abstract: In order to explore the effects of ecological landscaping tree species Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan 118’ on soil
                 microbial ecosystem in Huaihe Plain of north Anhui Provinceꎬ the differences in soil nutrients levelsꎬ microbial
                 communities structures and their influencing factors between the rhizosphere ( R) and non ̄rhizosphere ( NR) were
                 analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) The 4 ̄year ̄old Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan 118’ rhizosphere had a low
                 enrichment capacity for macronutrientsꎬ resulting in a deficiency of hydrolyzable nitrogen and available phosphorus. The
                 R had similar levels of total nitrogenꎬ and lower levels of total phosphorusꎬ total potassium and available potassium than
                 the NR soil. The R had a strong enrichment ability for microelements (ironꎬ copperꎬ manganese). And the available
                 manganese content in the R was significantly higher than that in the NR. Both the R and the NR soils of Taxodium
                 ‘Zhongshanshan 118’ were alkaline. The R had a slightly lower pH and a higher electrical conductivity than the
                 NR. The R had a certain degree of enrichment for available sodiumꎬ available magnesium and available calciumꎬ as well
                 as for organic carbon and organic matter. (2) Based on the Anosim analysis of community structure between groupsꎬ the
                 R value was 0.224 (P = 0.022)ꎬ which was significantly greater than 0ꎬ indicating significant differences between the
                 bacterial communities of the R and the NR of Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan 118’. The total number of OTUs in the R and
                 the NR was 5 283. There were 1 307 unique OTUs in R and 1 265 OTUs in NR. (3) The R had a slightly lower bacterial
                 diversity than the NR. The dominant phylum in both the R and the NR were Firmicutesꎬ Proteobacteriaꎬ
                 Acidobacteriotaꎬ Bacteroidetesꎬ Chloroflexiꎬ Myxococcotaꎬ Actinobacteriaꎬ and Crenarchaeota. Among themꎬ only
                 Acidobacteriota showed a significant positive correlation with available phosphorus. The R had higher abundances of
                 Firmicutes (17.94%) and Bacteroidetes (5.21%) than the NR (1.84% and 3.90%)ꎬ respectively. Neither of them had
                 a significant correlation with environmental factors. The R had higher abundances of Clostridiaꎬ Bacteroidia and Bacilli
                 than the NR by 14.05%ꎬ 1.32% and 2.06%ꎬ respectively. (4) The UPGMA clustering analysis showed that R4 was
                 isolated from the other samples. NR4 and NR5 formed a clusterꎬ NR1ꎬ NR2 and NR3 clusted with R1ꎬ R2ꎬ R3 and
                 R5. R4 had lower species diversity and abundance than the other samplesꎬ and had an uneven distribution of taxa. In
                 conclusionꎬ despite the weak rhizosphere effect of young Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan 118’ꎬ it was the main factor for the
                 enrichment of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in the rhizosphere. And more microelements and a moderate amount of
                 macroelements should be applied in the cultivation process.
                 Key words: Taxodium ‘ Zhongshanshan 118 ’ꎬ rhizosphereꎬ non ̄rhizosphereꎬ bacterialꎬ soil nutrientsꎬ high
                 throughput sequencing

                皖北淮河平原地处亚热带北缘和以北地区ꎬ地                           生长迅速ꎬ年胸径、高生长量分别为 1.5~2 cm、1.5 ~
            势平坦ꎬ耕地较多ꎮ 由于园林绿化植物和农作物在                            2 mꎬ最终可形成高 30 ~ 50 m、形如宝塔的通直大树
            气候不稳定的年份易遭受极端天气如冻害、寒害的                             (殷云龙等ꎬ2014ꎻCheng et al.ꎬ2015)ꎮ 同时ꎬ其叶色
            破坏ꎬ造成巨大的经济损失ꎬ因此需种植高大乔木                             在生长季为深绿ꎬ在秋冬为橘黄色ꎬ病虫害较少ꎬ抗
            和农田防护林来维护生态系统的稳定ꎮ 应用于该                             12 级台风ꎬ无病虫害ꎬ寿命长可达三千年ꎬ是一种优
            地区城乡绿化、农林林网等的速生乔木主要有杨                              良的生态绿化景观树种( 王紫阳等ꎬ2015ꎻWang et
            树、法国梧桐、枫香等ꎬ种类十分有限ꎬ不利于形成                            al. 2016)ꎮ 中山杉速生的林学性状与其对生长土壤
            稳 定、 完 整 的 造 林 结 构ꎮ 中 山 杉 ( Taxodium               中水分和养分的利用效率关系密切ꎬ其中植物的根
            ‘Zhongshanshan 118’) 是落羽杉( T. distichum)、池         际和非根际微生物对土壤养分的分解和转化有着
            杉(T. ascendens)、墨西哥落羽杉(T. mucronatum)杂             显著的促进作用(刘子雄等ꎬ2005)ꎮ
            交获得的优良无性系后代的总称ꎮ 该类林木品种                                 根际是指植物根系周围 14 mm 的微域ꎬ超过
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