Page 86 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 86
8 7 4 广 西 植 物 44 卷
Abstract: In the context of global climate changeꎬ the research on eco ̄physiological responses to drought and rewatering
among provenances of trees species will help to understand the effect of climate conditions of provenances on drought
resistance of treesꎬ further providing theoretical references for cultivation and management of forests in the future. In this
studyꎬ Schima superba from two provenances in southern China were selected. Potted seedlings were subjected to
simulated drought and rewatering conditions. Eco ̄physiological traits ( photosynthesis traitsꎬ hydraulic traitsꎬ non ̄
structural carbohydrates ̄NSCꎬ proline concentrations ̄Pro and superoxide dismutase ̄SOD activity) of seedlings were
examined. The results were as follows: (1) Under well ̄watered conditionꎬ stem xylem water potential (Ψ )ꎬ leaf
relative water content (RWC)ꎬ photosynthetic rate (A ) and stomatal conductance (G ) were lower in seedlings from
sat s
Guangdong provenance compared with Fujian provenance. (2) Responses of hydraulic traitsꎬ Pro and SOD to drought
and rewatering were consistent between the two provenances. Ψ ꎬ RWC and Pro could recover to control values
rapidlyꎬ while percent of stem xylem embolism and SOD could not recover to control values in the end. (3) A was more
sensitive to drought from Fujian provenance than Guangdong provenanceꎬ and it took more time to recover to control in
Fujian provenance. (4) The recovery rate of NSC from Fujian provenance was faster than Guangdong provenance.
Collectivelyꎬ seedlings from both provenances could not repair their embolized xylem in the short ̄term rewatering period
(30 days). Although photosynthesis rate in Guangdong provenance could recover to control faster than from Fujian
provenanceꎬ it was lower than that from Fujian provenance. Furthermoreꎬ the recovery rate of NSC was slower in
Guangdong provenance than Fujian provenanceꎬ indicating that growth and survivals of seedlings from Guangdong
provenance may experience greater risk in future characterized with increasing drought stress.
Key words: drought ̄rewateringꎬ photosynthetic traitsꎬ hydraulic traitsꎬ Schima superbaꎬ intra ̄specific differences
全球气候变化背景下ꎬ未来降水格局将会发 旱对树木 NSC 的影响与干旱强度和持续时间有
生 变 化ꎬ 干 旱 强 度 与 持 续 时 间 均 可 能 增 加 关ꎬ轻度干旱下叶片可溶性糖未发生显著变化ꎬ而
(Pachauri & Reisingerꎬ 2014)ꎮ 干旱胁迫会威胁 重度干旱使叶片可溶性糖显著升高ꎮ
树木的 存 活ꎬ 进 而 引 起 群 落 结 构 与 功 能 的 改 变 干旱胁迫后树木生理生态指标的恢复能力是
(Barros et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ Brodribb et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 此 评价树木适应干旱的重要依据ꎮ 其中ꎬ木质部导
外ꎬ在树木的生命历程中ꎬ经常会出现多次干旱及 水率是否能在短期内恢复以及恢复能力的种间差
干旱-复水现象ꎬ树木也会通过自身调节来应对干 异已成为近年来的研究热点ꎮ 叶片水势能够较快
旱环境( 段娜等ꎬ2019ꎻ Gessler et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 但 地恢复至对照水平ꎬ而与叶片水势相比ꎬ光合速率
是ꎬ树木响应干旱-复水的生理生态机制是否存在 与木 质 部 导 水 率 恢 复 较 慢 ( Duan et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ
种内差异还具有很大的不确定性ꎮ 因此ꎬ在全球 Ruehr et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 此外ꎬNSC 在维持树木水力
降水格局变化背景下ꎬ研究树木对干旱-复水生理 功能及茎木质部栓塞修复过程中均发挥着重要作
生态响应策略的种内差异ꎬ可为研究树木如何响 用ꎬ栓塞修复时往往伴随 NSC 的消耗( Tomasella et
应干旱-复水以及生态模型的优化提供基础数据 al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 前人研究发现ꎬ树木光合与水分生理
支撑ꎬ也为未来森林的经营与管理提供理论参考ꎮ 指标对干旱-复水的响应不仅因物种不同而存在
干旱胁迫通常会抑制树木生长、导致叶片水 差异ꎬ同一物种不同分布地或种源对干旱-复水的
势与光合速率降低、进一步加剧木质部栓塞( Yan 响应也存在差异(刘菲等ꎬ2018ꎻ陈梦园等ꎬ2019)ꎻ
et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ Duan et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ吕朝燕等ꎬ2021)ꎬ 刘菲等(2018)研究发现福建种源油杉的抗旱性大
还会引起树木叶片脯氨酸( Pro) 的积累与超氧化 于贵州种源的ꎮ 然而ꎬ树种不同种源生理生态指
物歧化酶( SOD) 活性的增强ꎬ有助于缓解水分亏 标的旱后恢复能力是否有差异仍不清楚ꎬ特别是
缺对植物细胞造成的损伤( Duan et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Sun 木质部导水率恢复的种内差异仍鲜有报道ꎮ
et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 此外ꎬ干旱胁迫也会改变非结构性 木荷( Schima superba) 是山茶科( Theaceae) 木
碳水化合物( non ̄structural carbohydratesꎬ NSC) 的 荷属(Schima)大乔木ꎬ在我国福建、江西、湖南、广
含量(He et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ He 等(2020) 研究表明干 东等南方地区广泛分布ꎬ是亚热带常绿阔叶林的