Page 71 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 71

3 期                   黄依依等: 真红树植物和半红树植物叶片性状的比较研究                                           3 5 1

                                    表 2  9 种红树植物叶片解剖特征
                        Table 2  Leaf anatomical characteristics of nine mangrove species
       类别        物种                     内皮层             栅栏组织           海绵组织            气孔
                        Epidermis and
       Type     Species                 Hypodermis      Palisade tissue  Spongy tissue  Stomata
                        ancillary structure
   真红树植物植物        Aa    上下表皮均具有角质       上表皮有 1~2 层      上下两层ꎬ体积较大      两层栅栏组织之间ꎬ       仅 分 布 在 下 表
    True mangrove       层和蜡质层           The upper epidermis  With the upper and  体积较小  皮ꎬ内陷
       species          Both the upper and  has 1-2 layers  lower layersꎬ large  Between the two layers  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis have            volume         of  palisade  tissueꎬ  epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        cuticles and waxy lay ̄                         small volume    nate
                  Ac    上下表皮均具有角质       上下表皮均有 2~3 层    一层ꎬ细胞较长        一层ꎬ细胞排列紧密       仅 分 布 在 下 表
                        层、蜡质层和盐腺        The upper and lower  One layerꎬ the cells  One layerꎬ the cells  皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and  epidermis have 2-3  are longer  arranged closely  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis have  layers                                   epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        cuticlesꎬ waxy layers                                          nate
                        and salt glands
                  Ai    上下表皮均具有角质       上下表皮均有 2~3 层    一层ꎬ细胞较长        一层ꎬ细胞排列疏松       仅 分 布 在 下 表
                        层、蜡质层和盐腺        The upper and lower  One layerꎬ the cells  One layerꎬ the cells  皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and  epidermis have 2-3  are longer  arranged loosely  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis have  layers                                   epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        cuticlesꎬ waxy layers                                          nate
                        and salt glands
                  Bc    上下表皮均具有角质       上下表皮有 1~2 层     不明显            整个叶肉中ꎬ细胞排       仅 分 布 在 下 表
                        层和蜡质层           The upper and lower  Not obvious  列疏松          皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and  epidermis have 1-2         Throughout the meso ̄  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis have  layers                   phyllꎬ the cells  epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        cuticles and waxy lay ̄                         arranged loosely  nate
                  Kc    上下表皮均具有角质       上下表皮均有 2~3 层    一层ꎬ体积较小        一层ꎬ体积较大ꎬ细胞      仅 分 布 在 下 表
                        层、蜡质层和盐腺        The upper and lower  One layerꎬ small  排列疏松    皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and  epidermis have 2-3  volume  One layerꎬ large  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis have  layers                   volumeꎬ the cells  epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        cuticlesꎬ waxy layers                          arranged loosely  nate
                        and salt glands
     半红树植物        Hl    上表皮具有角质层和       上表皮有 1~2 层      一层ꎬ体积较小        一层ꎬ细胞排列紧密       仅 分 布 在 上 表
    Semi ̄mangrove       盐腺ꎬ下表皮有疣状       The upper epidermis  One layerꎬ small  One layerꎬ the cells  皮ꎬ内陷
       speices          表皮毛             has 1-2 layers  volume         arranged closely  Only in the upper
                        The upper epidermis                                            epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        has cuticle and salt                                           nate
                        glandꎬ and the lower
                        epidermis has wartyfoliar
                  Ht    上表皮具有角质层、       上表皮有 2~3 层      一层ꎬ体积较小        一层ꎬ细胞排列紧密       仅分布在下表皮
                        蜡质层和盐腺ꎬ下表       The upper epidermis  One layerꎬ small  One layerꎬ the cells  Only in the lower
                        皮有星状表皮毛         has 2-3 layers  volume         arranged closely  epidermis
                        The upper epidermis
                        has cuticleꎬ waxy layers
                        and salt glandꎬ and
                        the lower epidermis has
                        stellatefoliar trichome
                  Pp    上下表皮均具 有 角      无               上下两层ꎬ体积较大      两层栅栏组织之间ꎬ       仅 分 布 在 下 表
                        质层              None            With the upper and  体积较小       皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and              lower layersꎬ large  Between the two layers  Only in the lower
                        lower epidermis                 volume         of palisade tissueꎬ  epidermisꎬ invagi ̄
                        have cuticles                                  small volume    nate
                  Tp    上下表皮均具有角质       无               一层ꎬ体积较小        一层ꎬ细胞排列疏松       分 布 在 上 下 表
                        层和盐腺            None            One layerꎬ small  One layerꎬ the cells  皮ꎬ内陷
                        Both the upper and              volume         arranged loosely  Both in the upper
                        lower epidermis have                                           and lower epider ̄
                        cuticles and salt glands                                       misꎬ invaginate
     注: 各物种代码见表 1ꎮ 下同ꎮ
     Note: Refer to Table 1 for the codes of the nine mangrove species. The same below.
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