Page 78 - 《广西植物》2020年第6期
P. 78

8 2 4                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
                 XIA Meijuanꎬ BAI Wenmingꎬ HUANG Qipengꎬ ZHANG Weiliꎬ
                             GAO Lichengꎬ REN Huiliꎬ GAO Jinfeng
  ( College of Agronomy/ State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid ̄Areasꎬ Northwest A & F Universityꎬ Yangling 712100ꎬ Shaanxiꎬ China )

       Abstract: We used Xinong 9940 and Qianku 3 as materials to set three nitrogen fertilizer treatments levels (N1) 90ꎬ
       (N2) 180ꎬ ( N3) 270 kghm ꎬ to discuss the effects of different nitrogen application rates on the growthꎬ dry matter
       accumulation and transport of vegetative organs and nitrogen application rate on grain filling characteristics and yield of
       two Tartary buckwheat. The results were as follows. (1) Nitrogen fertilizer significantly promoted the growth and develop ̄
       ment of Tartary buckwheat. With the increase of nitrogen applicationꎬ the plant heightꎬ SPAD value and dry matter accu ̄
       mulation of Tartary buckwheat showed a gradual increase trendꎬ reached the maximum value under N3 treatmentꎬ signifi ̄
       cantly higher than N1 and N2 treatment. Under the same nitrogen application conditionsꎬ Qianku 3 was better than Xi ̄
       nong 9940. As far as the translocation rate is concernedꎬ the two varieties of Tartary buckwheat perform
       inconsistently. Nitrogen application significantly increased the stem and leaf dry matter transport rate of Xinong 9940ꎬ
       while Qianku 3 did the opposite. (2) With the increase of nitrogen applicationꎬ the day of filling duration of Tartary
       buckwheat increasedꎬ the maximum grain filling date was prolongedꎬ the mean grain flling rate decreasedꎬ and the
       100 ̄grain weight showed a downward trend. Under the same nitrogen applicaton conditionsꎬ compared with Qianku 3ꎬ
       Xinong 9940 had a fasted flling rate and greater grain weight. (3) With the increase of nitrogen applicationꎬ yield and its
       constituent factors increased first and then decreasedꎬ but the varieties were different. The yield of Xinong 9940 reached
       the highest in N2 treatment ꎬ which was 1 650.0 kghm ꎬwhich was 45.6% and 28.2% higher than that of N1 and N3
                                                                              ̄ 2
       treatments. The yield of Qianku 3 reached the highest in N1 treatmentꎬ which was 616.7 kgkg ꎬ which increased yield
       by 12.8% and 51.6% compared with N2 and N3. It was suggested that in the dry farming area of the Loess Plateauꎬ
       buckwheat breeding and planting depend on the variety of buckwheatꎬ and the optimum amount of nitrogen application
       should be selectedꎬ and the best nitrogen rate of Xinong 9940 was 180~270 kghm ꎬ and the optimum nitrogen rate of
       Qianku 3 was 90~180 kghm .
       Key words: Tartary buckwheatꎬ nitrogen application rateꎬ growthꎬ dry matter transportꎬ grain fillingꎬ yield

       苦荞( Fagopyrum tataricum)ꎬ属蓼科( Polygo ̄         物产 量 的 高 低 ( Roy & Singhꎬ 2003ꎻ Hu et al.ꎬ
   naceae)荞麦属( Fagopyrum)ꎬ为荞麦属的两个栽                   2008)ꎮ 在荞麦生产中ꎬ合理施用氮肥既能实现荞
   培种之一( 林汝法ꎬ1994)ꎮ 苦荞广泛种植在我国                        麦高产(向达兵等ꎬ2013)ꎬ又可以促进荞麦对干物
   西南部的云南、贵州、四川的大小凉山地区以及北                            质和养分的积累( 白文明等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 一定范围内
   方黄土高原地区ꎬ是种植区人民生产生活中不可                             增加施氮量ꎬ荞麦植株氮吸收及籽粒含氮量显著
   或缺的粮食和饲料作物(赵钢等ꎬ2001)ꎬ其因营养                         增加ꎬ生育期缩短ꎬ株高、有效分支数、茎粗和节间

   丰富ꎬ含有其他粮食作物未有的芦丁等药用成分ꎬ                            长度增加(唐超等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 侯迷红等(2017) 研究
   而具有降血脂、降血压、降胆固醇、软化血管等作                            表明ꎬ施氮改变荞麦干物质积累量及在各器官中

   用ꎬ是一种极具开发和利用价值的重要健康食物                             的分配比例ꎮ 通过施氮肥可以改变作物叶绿素含
   源(莫日更朝格图等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 因生育期短、耐贫                         量、干物质积累及源库关系ꎬ从而影响作物品质、
   瘠、适应性强ꎬ苦荞也被作为一种救灾备荒作物ꎬ                            提高 产 量 的 作 用 ( 张 玉 春 等ꎬ 2018ꎻ 隋 鹏 祥 等ꎬ
   但由于产量低ꎬ极大地限制了苦荞的生产利用ꎮ                             2018ꎻ赵 凯 男 等ꎬ 2019ꎻ 白 文 明 等ꎬ 2019 )ꎮ 而
       在植物生长中ꎬ氮素是限制植物生长和产量                           Schulte et al.(2005) 研究表明施氮对荞麦产量无
   形成的首要因素ꎬ能够促进荞麦根、茎、叶等营养                            明显提高ꎬ反而加重荞麦的倒伏ꎮ 作物产量的高
   器官的生长ꎮ 土壤氮素供应的高低ꎬ直接关系作                            低不仅与作物的种类有关ꎬ还与品种和环境有关
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