Page 78 - 《广西植物》2020年第8期
P. 78

8 期                     姜楚等: 锥低磷胁迫响应基因的功能及代谢通路分析                                          1 1 3 3

       green broad ̄leaved forest plot in Dinghushan and plays very important role in forest community assembly and mainte ̄
       nance of biodiversity. In this studyꎬ high ̄throughput sequencing technology combined with bioinformatics softwares were
       used to deep analyze the genome sequence of C. chinensis. Sequencing quality was assessed by FastQC and clean data
       was demutiplexed by Stacks. The assembly of reference sequence of C. chinensis genome was preliminarily completed by
       dDocent and the fasta format file of genomic reference sequence totally contained 1 488 contig sequences including for ̄
       ward strand and reverse strand. Sequencing alignment was conducted by Bowtie2 and the individual sequence information
       was completely aligned to reference sequence. The results were as follows: (1) Pearson correlation analysis was per ̄
       formed using the data of soil available phosphorus content in Dinghushan plot with the result of sequence alignment ma ̄
       trix and the result showed that 37 significant phosphorus ̄responsive genes were detected. The GO function annotation a ̄
       nalysis of the phosphorus ̄responsive genes found that among the 29 GO annotation classificationsꎬ there were 13 genes in
       the molecular functional class and the predicting functions included NAPE ̄specific phospholipase D activityꎬ
       cytochrome ̄c oxidase activityꎬ electron transporter and peroxidase activity. (2) The predicting function of 11 genes in
       the class of biological process class involved in RNA splicingꎬ oxidative phosphorylationꎬ photosynthetic electron trans ̄
       port in photosystemⅡ. Cellular component class contained nine genesꎬ including chloroplastꎬ integral component of mem ̄
       brane and photosystemⅡ. Moreoverꎬ the result of KEGG analysis showed that the KEGG terms of 37 genes were signifi ̄
       cantly enriched to the metabolic pathway of photosynthesis and psbD was the major gene participated in the regulatory
       process. This study reveals that many phosphorus ̄responsive genes are involved in the regulation of various biological
       pathways in the growth stage of C. chinensis under low phosphorus stress. psbD gene is a major phosphorus ̄responsive
       gene adjusting plant growth by regulating photosynthesis in leaves. The specific function of psbD gene in C. chinensis
       needs to be further vertified.
       Key words: Castanopsis chinensisꎬ low phosphorus stressꎬ phosphorus ̄reponsive genesꎬ gene functionꎬ metabolic pathway

       磷(phosphorusꎬ P) 是植物生命活动所必需的                  导等生物途径ꎮ Netzer et al.(2018)对土壤磷充足和
   大量营养元素ꎬ是核酸及磷脂的重要结构组成部                             磷受限的两类欧洲温带山毛榉森林生态系统中的

   分ꎬ参与多种酶的激活(Lambersꎬ 2006)ꎮ 无机磷酸                   全年山毛榉枝条组织进行极性代谢组和脂质组分
   盐(Pi)作为 P 可以被植物体直接吸收的主要生物                         析ꎬ发现植物通过自身调控不同代谢物在体内的分
   利用形式ꎬ在大多数自然及农业生态系统中ꎬ其有                            布以适应不同磷浓度和不同季节下的生长需求ꎬ涉
   效性成为限制植物生长、发育及产量的重要因素                             及的代谢通路和机制极为复杂ꎮ 因此ꎬ分子生物学
   (Zhao et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 为适应外部低磷环境ꎬ植物已                方法可为森林群落中木本植物对环境的适应性进
   形成了一系列表型、生理生化、代谢及分子响应机                            化机制研究提供新途径ꎮ
   制ꎬ促进植物对有效磷的吸收及重分配( 李键等ꎬ                               鼎湖山 20 hm 固定监测样地( 以下简称鼎湖
   2013)ꎮ 植物对低磷胁迫的遗传学响应机制ꎬ主要                         山大样地) 位于广东省肇庆市鼎湖山国家自然保
   是通过 DNA 序列的特异性变化和诱导体内某些沉                          护区 ( 112° 30′ 39″—112° 33′ 41″ E、 23° 09′ 21″—
   默基因的表达ꎬ使植物形态和生理上产生适应性的                            23°11′30″ N)的核心区内ꎬ海拔 230 ~ 470 mꎬ坡度
   变化ꎬ从而提高植物对土壤难溶态磷的活化及利用                            30° ~ 50°ꎬ地形起伏较大( 叶万辉等ꎬ2008)ꎮ 鼎湖
   效率(马祥庆和梁霞ꎬ2004)ꎮ 目前ꎬ针对植物响应                        山大样 地 属 南 亚 热 带 季 风 气 候ꎬ 年 平 均 温 度 为
   低磷的相关报道多限于模式草本植物及农作物ꎬ对                            20.9 ℃ ꎬ年平均降雨量为 1 927 mmꎬ其中 4 月—9

   森林木本植物的相关研究较少(于娇妲等ꎬ2017)ꎮ                         月为雨季ꎬ月降雨量均高于 200 mmꎻ11 月至翌年 1
   Fan et al.(2016)对磷胁迫高耐受性的马尾松优良品                   月为旱季ꎬ月降雨量少于 100 mmꎮ 该区地带性土
   系进行质谱分析ꎬ鉴定出的 98 种差异表达蛋白涉及                         壤类型以赤红壤为主ꎬ山地垂直分布有黄壤及山
   光合作用、生物合成、能量代谢、次级代谢、信号转                           地灌丛草甸土ꎻ地带性植被类型为典型的南亚热
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