Page 35 - 《广西植物》2022年第10期
P. 35

10 期                       何爽等: 新疆阿魏雄性不育的细胞形态学研究                                          1 6 5 3

       Abstract: Ferula sinkiangensis is a perennial herbꎬ producing fruits only once through its life historyꎬ and exclusively
       habitated in Xinjiang being in the list of state rare and endangered plants Level 2. Besides andromonoecyꎬ usually found
       in Umbelliferaeꎬ plants of male sterility were observed in their populations. Aimed to male sterility and the factors
       inducing itꎬ comparative observation on morphology of male sterility individuals and functional female flowers were
       executed through field investigationꎬ and study on cytology of the process of the anther degeneration in female flowers
       were made from paraffin sections. The results were as follows: (1) Female plants germinated at the end of March and
       blossomed in the middle of Aprilꎬ and their fruits matured at the end of Mayꎻ Phenological phases of them were the same
       as those of andromonoecy. (2) The average height and diameter of plantꎬ and number of the first level branch of female
       individuals were (71.00±10.92) cmꎬ (71.67±17.64) cmꎬ and (23.83±2.04)ꎬ separatelyꎻ The average length and width
       of basal leaves were (33.41±11.63) cm and (24.47±8.60) cmꎻ The female and the andromonoecy were the same in size
       of both the plant and the leaf. (3) On female plantsꎬ inflorescences on the first and the second level branches were all
       femaleꎬ which could bear fruits whollyꎻ The number of umbels in the inflorescence (13.22±4.70) and number of flowers
       in the umbel (12.03± 2.30) and number of total flowers in the inflorescence (159.08) were higher than those in
       individuals of hermaphroditeꎻFemale plants produced more flowers which could set fruits and bore out ̄crossing seeds of
       heterosis. (4) In female umbels flowers located tightly and the distance among flowers were shorter than those in both
       hermaphrodite and male umbelsꎻ Female flowers opened slightly in the whole flowering stageꎬ while petals of both
       hermaphrodite and male flowers folded reversely. (5) There were no differences in morphological characteristics of petals
       and pistils among different sexual flowers. But the length (1.79±0.39 mm) and width (1.10±0.21 mm) of petalsꎬ and
       the length of stamens (0.6-1.3 mm) in the functional female flower were the smallestꎬ where anthers degenerated and no
       pollen stain well developed. (6) Abnormal development of the anther on the degenerated stamen appeared in both of
       parietal cells and male gametophytes from sporogenous cell stage to microspore tetrad stage. In conclusionꎬ the nutrients
       productivity in plants of male sterility is similar as andromonoecyꎬ but patterns of resource distribution are quite
       differentꎻ there are significant differences between female and hermaphrodite/ male flowers in both the morphology and
       the functionꎻ abnormal development of parietal cellsꎬ especially because of the lack of tapetumꎬ caused abortion of
       microspores in the functional female flower.
       Key words: endangered plantꎬ Ferula sinkiangensisꎬ male sterilityꎬ morphologyꎬ cytology

       植物雄性不育( male sterilityꎬMS) 是指被子植              不育基因所控制ꎮ 细胞质雄性不育属于母性遗
   物有性繁殖过程中两性花因花粉败育、无法产生                             传ꎬ因其易于保存而在杂种优势利用的实践活动
   花粉而丧失雄性功能的遗传现象ꎮ 在显花植物中                            中广泛应用ꎬ在作物的育种和选种工作中取得了
   雄性不育广泛存在ꎬ现已在 43 科 162 属 320 种、                    理想的生产效益( 黄晋玲和杨素英ꎬ1998ꎻ范彦君
   617 品种 / 杂种中被发现( Kaulꎬ 1988ꎻ 郝岗平等ꎬ                等ꎬ2017ꎻ石凤岩等ꎬ2018ꎻ王文然等ꎬ2019)ꎬ具有
   2003)ꎬ常由遗传物质变异、营养缺乏、环境刺激等                         广阔的理论研究意义和应用推广价值ꎮ
   内 / 外部因素引起(李泽福等ꎬ2000)ꎮ 能够引发植                          新 疆 阿 魏 ( Ferula sinkiangensis ) 是 伞 形 科
   物雄性不育的因素多种多样ꎬ因而对于雄性不育                             (Umbelliferae)阿魏属(Ferula L.) 一种多年生一次

   的分类也就有多种方式ꎮ 目前ꎬ研究成果较丰富、                           结实的草本植物ꎬ是我国新疆的特有种ꎬ仅分布于
   实际应用价值较高的植物雄性不育分类系统是按                             新疆伊宁县拜什墩农场附近海拔 750 ~ 1 200 m 的
   照导致雄性不育的基因型组成来进行划分ꎬ将植                             蒿属荒漠上( 中国科学院« 中国植物志» 编委会ꎬ

   物雄性不育分为细胞质雄性不育( cytoplasmic male                  1992)ꎮ 作为药用阿魏植物之一ꎬ新疆阿魏植株分
   sterilityꎬCMS) 和 细 胞 核 雄 性 不 育 ( nucleus male     泌的具有特殊葱蒜样臭味的油胶树脂是药材市场
   sterilityꎬNMS) 两种类型ꎮ 其中ꎬ细胞质雄性不育                   上必不可少的中药“ 阿魏”ꎬ具有截疟、消积、解毒
   也称为核质互作雄性不育ꎬ是由来源于细胞核与                             等功效ꎬ可用于治疗胃病、风湿病、消化不良等ꎬ具
   细胞质的两套基因相互作用而产生植物的不育                              有重要的药用价值ꎮ 同时ꎬ它还是新疆西部早春
   性ꎻ与之相对的是细胞核雄性不育ꎬ它由细胞核的                            草场上的牧草之一ꎬ具有一定的饲用价值( 沈观
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