Page 128 - 《广西植物》2023年第3期
P. 128

5 2 8                                  广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 constructive population of climax community in karst ecosystemsꎬ in order to further understand the spatial distribution
                 pattern of its populationsꎬ according to the sample plot investigation specificationꎬ a sample plot of 60 m × 60 m was set
                 upꎬ and the woody plants in the plot were spatially located and investigated for each tree. The C. glauca population was
                 divided into three different diameter classes in the studyꎬ belonging to seedling (DBH<2 cm)ꎬ sapling (2 cm≤DBH<
                 10 cm)ꎬ adult tree (10 cm≤DBH). Using the point pattern analysis methodꎬ g (r) and L (r) functions based on
                 Ripley’s K function were used for the analysis of the spatial distribution pattern and correlation analysis of C. glauca
                 population in different diameter classes. The results were as follows: (1) The diameter class structure of C. glauca
                 population was in an inverted “J” type distribution. (2) On the small scaleꎬ the stage of seedlingsꎬ saplings and adult
                 treesꎬ the spatial distribution pattern tended to cluster distributionꎬand the saplingsꎬ adult trees tended to random
                 distribution on the medium and large scales. (3) The performances of spatial correlation between different diameter
                 classes were differentꎬ the seedlings and saplings were positively related on the scale of 0-15 mꎻ saplings and adult trees
                 reflected on the scale of 0-10 m were no correlationꎬ and there was a positive correlation on the scale of 10-15 mꎻ
                 seedling and adult trees reflected on the scale of 0-2 m were no correlationꎬ and there was a positive correlation on the
                 scale of 2-15 m. Thereforeꎬ the spatial distribution pattern and correlation of C. glauca population in the karst area of
                 Guilin change with the spatial scale and development stageꎬ which was the result of the combined effects of the
                 population’s biological characteristicsꎬ intraspecific and interspecific relationshipsꎬ and environmental conditions. The
                 results of the study can provide basic information for the formation and maintenance mechanism of plant community and
                 resource utilization research of karst hills.
                 Key words: Cyclobalanopsis glauca populationꎬ diameter classꎬ spatial point patternꎬ spatial correlationꎬ karst hills

                某一特定时间组成种群所有植株个体在二维                            Schleicher 等(2011) 运用 Ripley’ s 函数研究热带
            空间上的分布状况或布局称之为种群空间分布格                              草原不同土地类型对 2 种灌木种群生长和空间分
            局(Cao et al.ꎬ 2003ꎻ 高福元等ꎬ 2012)ꎬ通常在群               布的影响ꎻ苏松锦等(2014) 运用 O ̄ring 函数分析
            落中有随机分布、聚集分布和均匀分布 3 种基本                            戴云山黄山松种群空间分布格局和关联ꎻZhao 等
            类型ꎮ 种群空间分布格局是分析种群与环境关系                             (2010)采用 Ripley’s K 函数分析常绿阔叶林优势
            的重要手段ꎬ对解释种群本身生态学过程、结构发                             种的空间分布格局ꎮ 但是ꎬ目前文献资料显示均

            展历史和环境变迁具有重要意义( Hubbellꎬ 2001ꎻ                     以大尺度研究为主ꎬ而小尺度研究较为缺乏ꎮ 宋
            张金屯等ꎬ 2004ꎻ Zhao et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 有研究表               于洋等(2010)研究认为ꎬ小尺度种群空间分布格

            明ꎬ种群空间分布格局与尺度有关( Harms et al.ꎬ                     局与关联是揭示种群生态学过程的关键尺度ꎬ即
            2001ꎻ Wiegand & Moloneyꎬ 2004)ꎬ在某一尺度上              小尺度范围内的种群空间分布格局和关联分析结
            可能呈随机分布或聚集分布ꎬ而在另一尺度上可                              果更能准确地从生物学背景上提供和解释植物个
            能呈均匀分布( Stoyan & Penttinenꎬ 2000)ꎮ 种群              体周围的局部空间结构ꎮ 因此ꎬ研究小尺度种群
            空间分布格局除与尺度有关外ꎬ还受到扩散限制                              空间分布格局和关联性对深入理解种内种间的相

            ( dispersal limitation ) 和 生 境 异 质 性 ( habitat     互作用、群落组成及其形成和维持机制具有重要
            heterogeneity)的影响ꎬ在较小的尺度上可能受种内                     意义ꎮ
            竞争、种间竞争、扩散限制等因素影响ꎬ而在较大                                 桂林位于广西东北部ꎬ是广西岩溶石山地貌
            尺度上则可能由种群分布区环境的异质性决定                               聚集地之一ꎬ也是我国石漠化水土治理和植被恢

            (Harms et al.ꎬ 2001ꎻ Lin et al.ꎬ 2011)ꎮ            复的重点区域( 刘彦随等ꎬ 2006)ꎮ 其典型的岩溶
                 目前ꎬ国内外学者已在种群空间分布格局和                           生态特征表现为岩石裸露率高、土壤贫瘠、土壤少
            关联方面做了不少研究ꎮ 例如ꎬRipley(1981) 利用                     且不连续和地表水缺乏等ꎬ其脆弱的生态系统备
            K 函数的单因素和双因素函数分析个体的空间分                             受全球关注( 王明章ꎬ 2004ꎻ 胡芳等ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 该
            布格局ꎻCall 和 Nilsen(2003)采用 Ripley’ s K 函数           生态系统的植被是在碳酸盐类岩石风化壳发育形
            分析美国布莱克斯堡 2 个优势种的空间关联性ꎻ                            成的钙质土壤中生长的ꎬ植被形成时间十分缓慢
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