Page 91 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 91
1 期 谭庆琴等: 传统傣药竹叶兰的花粉团发育及分类学意义 8 7
1ꎬ 2. 早期花药原基分化为由药隔组织相连的一对并列侧生药室ꎬ朝唇瓣方向弯曲生长ꎬ每个药室中央分化出一条纵向的隔膜组
织将孢原细胞组织分为两部分(2)ꎻ 3ꎬ 4. 在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期间ꎬ每个药室的纵向隔膜组织不断扩大ꎬ把小孢子囊分化
为明显的 2 个次生小孢子囊ꎻ 5ꎬ 6. 小孢子四分体时期的花药室ꎬ次生小孢子囊和花药壁之间出现了明显的空隙ꎬ部分小孢子四
分体排列松散ꎻ 7ꎬ 8. 2-细胞型花粉时期的花药室纵切面ꎬ示药室顶部开裂ꎬ准备散粉ꎬ注意药室开裂处的花粉团间出现了融合
黏连(8:箭头所示)ꎻ 9ꎬ 10. 小孢子母细胞减数分裂期(9)和 2-细胞型花粉时期(10)花药的横切面ꎬ示花药发育过程中ꎬ每个药
室小孢子囊的极面观分化出两条纵向十字叉的不育隔膜组织ꎬ将其分化为 4 个条形的次生孢子囊ꎬ最终发育为 4 个成熟的花粉
团ꎮ ct. 药隔组织ꎻ lip. 唇瓣ꎻ p. 花粉团ꎻ sp. 开裂处ꎻ ss. 不育隔膜组织ꎮ
1ꎬ 2. Anther primordium was initiated into a 2 ̄lateral thecae bending toward the labium with a connective tissueꎻ 3ꎬ 4. During the meiosis of mi ̄
crospore mother cellsꎬ a longitudinal sterile septum divided each theca into two sub ̄sporangia surrounded tightly by anther wallꎻ 5ꎬ 6. At the
stage of microspore tetradsꎬ two sub ̄sporangia became loosened and separated from anther wallꎻ 7ꎬ 8. Mature anther split due to the anther wall
brokenꎬ noting two pollinia becoming partially united at the top part(arrow in 8)ꎻ 9ꎬ 10. Transverse sections of an anther at the stages of micro ̄
spore mother cells (9) and at 2 ̄celled pollen tetrads (10)ꎬ indicating two longitudinal septa in a cross separate each sporiangium into 4 subspo ̄
rangia in each theca. ct. Connective tissueꎻ lip. Iabiumꎻ p. Polliniaꎻ sp. Splitꎻ ss. Sterile septum.
图版 Ⅱ 竹叶兰 8 个花粉团的形成机制
PlateⅡ Formation patterns of eight pollinia in Arundina graminifolia