Page 15 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 15
12 期 李泽等: 龙牙百合远缘杂交后代鉴定及枯萎病抗性评价 2 1 7 3
Abstract: During the cultivation process of Lilium brownii var. viridulumꎬ it is easy to be infected with wilt diseaseꎬ
while some varieties of ornamental lilies have strong resistance to wilt disease. The study aimed to create hybrids with
improved resistance to wilt disease by crossbreeding Lilium brownii var. viridulum with various ornamental lily
varieties. Disease ̄resistant ornamental lily cultivars were specifically chosen for reciprocal crosses with Lilium brownii
var. viridulum. The authenticity of the hybrids was confirmed through SSR molecular markersꎬ and the resistance of the
hybrid offspring to wilt disease was subsequently assessed. The results were as follows: (1) Lilium Asiatic hybrids such
as ‘Black stone’ had strong resistance to Fusarium wiltꎬ while Lilium brownii var. viridulum and ‘Pink planet’ had the
weakest resistance to Fusarium wilt. (2) A total of 28 capsules were obtained from the orthogonal combination using
Lilium brownii var. viridulum as the maternal parentꎬ and three Lilium brownii var. viridulum × ‘Black stone’ hybrid
seedlings were finally obtained. The cross combination of Lilium brownii var. viridulum as the male parent obtained a total
of 74 capsulesꎬ and ultimately obtained a hybrid seedling of ‘Strawberry event’ × Lilium brownii var. viridulum. (3)
SSR molecular marker identification results showed that three hybrid seedlings of Lilium brownii var. viridulum × ‘Black
stone’ were real hybridsꎬ while one hybrid seedlings of ‘Strawberry event’ × Lilium brownii var. viridulum was a false
hybrid. (4) The three Lilium brownii var. viridulum × ‘Black stone’ hybrid seedlings obtained had moderate resistance
to Fusarium wilt. This study provides a reference for the distant hybridization of Lilium brownii var. viridulum and
ornamental liliesꎬ and proves that Lilium brownii var. viridulum hybrids with Fusarium wilt resistance can be obtained
through hybridization. This study provides a technical guidance for the distant hybridization of Lilium brownii var.
viridulum with ornamental lily varietiesꎬ laying the groundwork for the breeding of new lily varieties with enhanced
resistance to wilt disease in the future.
Key words: Lilium brownii var. viridulumꎬ distant hybridizationꎬ Fusarium wilt resistanceꎬ ovule cultureꎬ SSR
molecular markers
龙牙百合( Lilium brownii var. viridulum) 主产 (Lilium Asiatic hybrids)的抗性最强ꎬ麝香百合杂种
于湖南、江西、贵州、四川等地ꎬ是我国传统的食用 系(Lilium longiflorum hybrids) 的抗性次之ꎬ东方百
百合栽培种类ꎬ亦是一种道地药材ꎮ 此外ꎬ龙牙百 合杂种系(Lilium Oriental hybrids)的抗性最弱(Lim
合观赏价值较高ꎬ是一种药食赏兼用的多功能植 et al.ꎬ 2003ꎻ杨秀梅等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 由于百合商业栽
物ꎬ在乡村振兴中发挥重要作用ꎮ 近年来ꎬ湖南、 培品种更新较快ꎬ因此近年来畅销的观赏百合栽
江西等龙牙百合主产区面临着因品种退化、土传 培品种的枯萎病抗性并未获得鉴定ꎮ 已有一些学
病害严重而导致的连作障碍问题( 蒋思佳ꎬ2023)ꎮ 者将易感枯萎病的百合品种与枯萎病抗性强的百
百合栽培过程中面临的土传病害是由尖孢镰刀菌 合品种进行杂交ꎬ成功选育出抗枯萎病的杂交后
(Fusarium oxysporum)引起的枯萎病(Prados ̄Ligero 代ꎮ 例如ꎬ谢松林(2011) 将易感枯萎病的麝香百
et al.ꎬ 2008ꎻ王丽波等ꎬ2018ꎻSun et al.ꎬ 2024)ꎬ通 合‘ White fox’ 与 具 有 枯 萎 病 抗 性 的 亚 洲 百 合
常采用化学方式进行防治ꎮ 但是ꎬ由于化学防治 ‘Connecticut king’进行杂交ꎬ获得了具有枯萎病抗
容易造成农残含量超标等一系列问题ꎬ而利用抗 性的杂种后代ꎻ龙彬等(2018) 利用枯萎病抗性强
性品种进行枯萎病防治则更加安全、环保ꎬ因此利 的东方百合‘ Huaxianzi’ 作母本参与杂交ꎬ培育出
用杂交进行龙牙百合抗性育种具有重要意义ꎮ 目 了对镰 刀 菌 有 很 强 抗 性 的 东 方 百 合 新 品 种 ‘ 惊
前ꎬ杂交育种既是培育百合新品种的主要手段ꎬ也 鸿’ꎮ 利用枯萎病抗性强的观赏百合与易感枯萎
是近代育种工作中最常采取的方法ꎬ育种学家已 病的龙牙百合进行杂交ꎬ有望获得具有枯萎病抗
经培育出大量枯萎病抗性强的观赏百合品种( 杨 性的龙牙百合新种质ꎮ 当前ꎬ有关龙牙百合的杂
秀梅等ꎬ2010ꎻ龙彬等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 然而ꎬ鲜有人利用 交育种研究主要聚焦于培育赏食兼用的龙牙百合
杂交育种进行龙牙百合抗病性种质创新ꎮ 杂交后代ꎬ如武利可(2020) 将万载龙牙百合和兰
目前ꎬ已有大量学者对不同百合品种的枯萎 州百合(Lilium davidii var. unicolor)进行杂交ꎬ崔罗
病 抗 性 进 行 了 评 价ꎮ 其 中ꎬ 亚 洲 百 合 杂 种 系 敏(2021)将三倍体观赏百合与二倍体食用龙牙百