Page 40 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 40

2 1 9 8                                广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                LI Xiaoqinꎬ TAO Xingmeiꎬ WANG Kaiꎬ QIAO Zuqinꎬ LIU Zhaoꎬ ZHANG Yongfu
                               ( School of Agriculture and Life Sciencesꎬ Kunming Universityꎬ Kunming 650214ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: To explore the responses of physiological and biochemical and mechanism of molecular regulatory for grape
                 dormancy breaking with cyanamideꎬ Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca ‘Shuijing’ was used as experimental material in this
                 study to determine the changes in activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD)ꎬ peroxidase (POD)ꎬ catalase (CAT)ꎬ
                 contents of malondialdedyde (MDA) and H O ꎬ and oxygen free radical production rateꎬ and the full ̄length cDNA
                                                  2  2
                 sequences of two FT (Flowering location T) genes (VvFT1 and VvFT2) and one CBF (C ̄repeat Binding Factor) gene
                 (VvCBF) from its buds were cloned and obtained by RT ̄PCR technologyꎬ then their physicochemical propertiesꎬ
                 phylogenetic evolutionꎬ conserved motifs and domainsꎬ and expression levels differences in grape buds after cyanamide
                 treatment were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) The analysis of physiological and biochemical indicators
                 showed that activities of SODꎬ POD and CATꎬ contents of MDA and H O ꎬ and oxygen free radical production rate in
                                                                     2  2
                 grape buds were significantly increased after treated with cyanamide. (2) The full ̄length cDNA sequences of VvFT1 and
                 VvFT2 genes were 525 bp from Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca ‘Shuijing’ꎬ encoding 174 aa amino acidsꎬ and the full ̄length
                 cDNA sequences of VvCBF gene was 826 bpꎬ encoding 237 aa amino acids. (3) The homology analysis showed that
                 VvFT1 of Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca ‘Shuijing’ had the highest amino acid homology with Litchi chinensis (LcFT:
                 AEU08960.1) and Dimocarpus longan (DlFT2: ALA55998.1)ꎬ VvFT2 had the highest amino acid homology with LcFT
                 (AEU08961. 1 ) and DlFT2 ( AHF27444. 1 ). The phylogenetic analysis showed that VvFT1ꎬ VvFT2ꎬ LcFT
                 (AEU08960.1ꎬ AEU08961.1) and DlFT2 (ALA55998.1ꎬ AHF27444.1) clustered into a branchꎬ with the closest
                 genetic relationshipꎻ VvCBF had the highest amino acid homology with Prunus ledebouriana (PlCBF: AEB69782.1)ꎬ
                 and the phylogenetic analysis showed that VvCBF and PlCBF clustered into a branchꎬ with the closest genetic
                 relationship. (4) qRT ̄PCR analysis showed that VvFT1 and VvFT2 expression levels were significantly increased in buds
                 after treated with cyanamideꎬ while VvCBF expression level was significantly decreased. This study comprehensively
                 analyzed the phylogenetic evolution of VvFT1ꎬ VvFT2ꎬ and VvCBF genesꎬ as well as the expression patterns of these
                 genes and physiological and biochemical indicators in grape buds after treated with cyanamideꎬ which provides a
                 theoretical reference for the molecular and physiological mechanisms of grape dormancy breaking with cyanamide.
                 Key words: cyanamideꎬ grapeꎬ dormancyꎬ transcription factorsꎬ VvCBFꎬ VvFTs

                葡萄是世界性的重要果树之一ꎬ也是继拟南                            种氰氨类化学试剂ꎬ近年来常常被用于打破葡萄休
            芥、水稻、杨树之后完成全基因测序的第 4 种开花植                          眠ꎬ起到促进葡萄芽提早萌发和发育整齐的作用ꎬ
            物(杨光等ꎬ2010)ꎬ具有非常强的季节性ꎬ即具有明                         特别是应用于冬季低温积累量不足且湿度大的地
            显的生长期和休眠期(刘芳ꎬ2018)ꎮ 休眠是植物生                         区(Sudawan et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻWang et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻ牛歆雨
            长发育过程中的一个暂停现象ꎬ是一种有益的生物                             等ꎬ2018)ꎬ然而对单氰胺打破葡萄休眠的机制还有
            学特性ꎬ是植物长期演化获得的一种适应环境条件                             待进一步探讨ꎮ
            及季节性变化的特性ꎬ其中芽休眠是最为常见的休                                 CBF(C ̄repeat Binding Factor) 和 FT( Flowering
            眠方式(闵卓和房玉林ꎬ2016)ꎮ 葡萄作为一种典型                         locus T)基因广泛存在于不同的植物中ꎬ并参与植
            的落叶果树ꎬ休眠是葡萄生长发育过程中不可逾越                             物的生长发育、抗非生物逆境胁迫等多个阶段ꎮ
            的重要阶段ꎬ随着我国北方葡萄设施栽培面积的不                             FT  是 磷 脂 酸 乙 醇 胺 结 合 蛋 白
            断扩大ꎬ低温不足造成葡萄休眠期延长而推迟成熟                             (phosphatidylethanolamine ̄binding proteinꎬPEBP)家
            造成萌芽不整齐、产量下降等突出问题ꎮ 此外ꎬ随                            族成 员ꎬ 具 有 保 守 的 PEBP 结 构 域 ( Hanano &
            着葡萄市场竞争加大ꎬ促进葡萄打破休眠、提早萌                             Gotoꎬ 2011)ꎬ是光周期途径植物决定开花时间的
            芽ꎬ是目前葡萄栽培产业中亟待解决的一项关键技                             关键基因( 杨光等ꎬ2010)ꎬ具有季节性变化( 王云
            术问题(谭一婷等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 单氰胺(cyanamide)是一                   梦等ꎬ2022)ꎬ在成花转变和生殖器官的发育过程
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