Page 101 - 《广西植物》2020年第5期
P. 101

5 期                   郭志龙等: 不同甜叶菊品种叶中绿原酸类成分的比较研究                                           6 9 7

       ponents in Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Thenꎬ the chlorogenic acid components contained in the leaves of different S. rebau ̄
       diana cultivars were compared and analyzed by HPLC in order to screen the S. rebaudiana with high chlorogenic acid
       components. The results were as follows: (1) Among the eight tested resinsꎬ XAD ̄16 showed much better adsorption/
       desorption capacity for chlorogenic acid components. (2) XAD ̄16 resin had better purification effect on the chlorogenic
       acid components in the leaves of S. rebaudiana when the concentration of sample solution was 1.20 mgg with pH 3
       and 70% (v/ v) ethanol used as desorption solution. (3) HPLC analysis showed that six kinds of chlorogenic acids were
       detected in the leaves of 14 S. rebaudiana cultivarsꎬ including neochlorogenic acidꎬ chlorogenic acidꎬ cryptochlorogenic
       acidꎬ isochlorogenic acid Bꎬ isochlorogenic acid A and isochlorogenic acid C. The main components were isochlorogenic
       acid Aꎬ chlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid Cꎬ but no isochlorogenic acid B was detected in varieties 3ꎬ 5ꎬ 13 and
       14. (4) The contents of six chlorogenic acids in the leaves of 14 S. rebaudiana cultivars were 20.55-54.3 mgg ( iso ̄
                                        ̄1                              ̄1
       chlorogenic acid A )ꎬ 17.96-32.93 mgg ( chlorogenic acid )ꎬ 4.15-19.49 mgg ( isochlorogenic acid C )ꎬ 0.61-
                 ̄1                                ̄1                                ̄1
       4.61 mgg ( neochlorogenic acid )ꎬ 0.52-3.11 mgg ( cryptochlorogenic acid )ꎬ 0.0-3.17 mgg ( isochlorogenic
       acid B )ꎬ respectivelyꎬ and the total amount of six chlorogenic acids was 43.9-97.8 mgg . The research results sug ̄
       gest that different varieties of S. rebaudiana cultivars contain different contents of chlorogenic acidsꎬ and the S. rebau ̄
       diana cultivars rich in chlorogenic acids can be used to develop and obtain chlorogenic acids. The resarch can provide a
       basis for expanding the development and utilization of S. rebaudiana.
       Key words: Stevia rebaudianaꎬ chlorogenic acidsꎬ leaves of Stevia rebaudiana cultivarsꎬ XAD ̄16 resin

       甜叶菊(Stevia rebaudiana) 为一种原产于南美               了 24 种奎尼酸和莽草酸的羟基肉桂酸衍生物ꎻ额

   亚热带地区的多年生草本植物ꎬ我国于 20 世纪 70                        尔敦巴雅尔等(2017)采用 UPLC ̄QTOF ̄MS 在甜叶
   年代引进栽培ꎬ目前在我国南北方地区均有种植                             菊水提 物 中 检 测 出 10 种 酚 酸 类 物 质ꎻ Hande et
   (丁海荣等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 其叶片中含有多种低热量、高                        al.(2015)在甜叶菊叶中检测出 5 种绿原酸类成
   甜度的甜菊糖苷ꎬ被誉为最有发展前途的新糖源ꎬ                            分ꎻ李华丽等(2017) 测定不同产地甜叶菊中酚酸

   已在食品、饮料等行业得到广泛应用( Samueli et                      类成分含量最高可达 6.726%ꎮ
   al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 此外ꎬ近年来研究发现甜叶菊提取物                          近年来ꎬ大孔吸附树脂在天然产物领域应用

   具有抗 氧 化、 抗 炎、 降 血 糖、 降 血 压 等 多 种 功 效              十分广泛ꎬ如王立志等(2014) 采用 DM700 树脂用
   (Kim et al.ꎬ 2011ꎻ刘乃新等ꎬ2016)ꎬ研究表明这                于纯化绿咖啡豆中的绿原酸ꎬ熊硕等(2013) 选用
   些功效可能更多地与其所含绿原酸等酚酸类物质                             NKA ̄2 树脂对杜仲中绿原酸成分进行了纯化研
   有关(Molina ̄Calle et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 绿原酸类物质是            究ꎬ但鲜有树脂纯化处理甜叶菊中绿原酸类成分

   由咖啡酸与奎尼酸组成的一类缩酚酸类化合物ꎬ                             相关方面的研究报道ꎮ 在甜叶菊中除含有绿原酸
   具有抗菌、抗氧化、抑癌、调控糖脂代谢等多种生                            类成分外ꎬ还含有碳水化合物、生物碱、植物色素
   物学活性(赵昱等ꎬ2006)ꎬ已被应用于食品、保健                         等其他杂质成分(刘乃新等ꎬ2016)ꎬ直接进行分析

   品、日用化工等领域ꎬ但目前主要从金银花、杜仲                            不仅影响测定结果准确性ꎬ而且会对检测系统产
   叶、咖啡豆等植物中获取绿原酸类物质ꎬ原材料来                            生较大污染ꎮ 因此ꎬ本文以紫外分光光度法测定
   源有限ꎬ成本较高(席利莎等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 现有研究表                        绿原酸类成分总量ꎬ以 HPLC 法测定不同种类绿
   明甜叶菊中除含有高含量的甜菊糖苷外还含有丰                             原酸类成分含量ꎬ先筛选合适的大孔吸附树脂对
   富的绿原酸类物质ꎬ其整株均含有绿原酸、异绿原                            甜叶菊叶中绿原酸类成分纯化前处理ꎬ继而对 14

   酸 A 和异绿原酸 Cꎬ以叶片含量最高ꎬ叶中绿原酸                         个不同甜叶菊品种叶中所含绿原酸类成分进行比
                                 ̄1                   较分析ꎬ以期筛选出有较高含量绿原酸类物质的
   类成分含量高达 52.69 mgg ( 付晓等ꎬ2014)ꎻ
   Karakose et al.(2011)采用 LC ̄MS 在甜叶菊中发现             甜叶菊品种ꎬ为扩大甜叶菊的开发利用提供依据ꎮ
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