Page 144 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 144

1 4 0                                  广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 Abstract: With the aim to investigate the active chemical constituents for the roots of Indigofera stachyodesꎬ the
                 petroleum ether part of this plant was separated and purified using silica gel column chromatographyꎬ Sephadex LH ̄20
                 column chromatographyꎬ semi ̄preparative high performance liquid chromatographyꎬ and recrystallization methods. The
                 structures of obtained monomeric compounds were identified through modern spectral techniques by detail analysis of
                 their electrospray ionization mass spectrometryꎬ hydrogen and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectra dataꎬ as well
                 as compared with the reported references. The results were as follows: twenty ̄two natural compounds were identified as
                 β ̄sitostenone (1)ꎬ stigmasta ̄3ꎬ6 ̄di ̄one (2)ꎬ 6β ̄hydroxystigmast ̄4 ̄en ̄3 ̄one (3)ꎬ (22E) ̄5αꎬ8α ̄epidioxyergosta ̄
                 6ꎬ22 ̄dien ̄3β ̄ol (4)ꎬ medicarpin (5)ꎬ sativan (6)ꎬ 2′ꎬ4′ ̄dihydroxychaicone (7)ꎬ 6ꎬ7 ̄dimethoxy ̄4 ̄hydroxy ̄1 ̄
                 naphthoic acid (8)ꎬ p ̄hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester (9)ꎬ 2ꎬ4 ̄dihydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester (10)ꎬ (9Eꎬ11E) ̄
                 13 ̄oxo ̄9ꎬ11 ̄ocatadecadienoic acid (11)ꎬ (9Eꎬ11E) ̄13 ̄oxo ̄9ꎬ11 ̄octadecadienoic acid methyl ester (12)ꎬ 9 ̄oxo ̄
                 10Eꎬ12E ̄octadecadienoic acid methyl ester ( 13)ꎬ 9 ̄hydroxy ̄10Eꎬ12Z ̄octadecadienoic acid methyl ester ( 14)ꎬ
                 pinellic acid ( 15) and 9 ̄oxo ̄10Eꎬ12E ̄octadecadienoic acid ̄( 2S) ̄2ꎬ3 ̄dihydroxypropyl ester ( 16)ꎬ β ̄sitosterol
                 (17)ꎬ betulinic acid (18)ꎬ 3β ̄hydroxyolean ̄12 ̄en ̄11 ̄one (19)ꎬ maackiain (20)ꎬ phellopterin (21)ꎬ palmitic acid
                 (22). Of these compoundsꎬ ten compounds (compounds 1-3ꎬ 7ꎬ 11-16) were isolated from the Fabaceae for the
                 first timeꎻ sixteen compounds (compounds 1-16) were obtained from Indigofera plant for the first timeꎻ at the same
                 timeꎬ compounds 1-16ꎬ 18ꎬ 19ꎬ 21 were obtained from the roots of Indigofera stachyodes for the first time. Thusꎬ the
                 results of this research enrich the chemical structure types of roots of I. stachyodesꎬ and afford a scientific foundation
                 for its further rational use.
                 Key words: roots of Indigofera stachyodesꎬ Indigoferaꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ isolation and purificationꎬ structural
                 and identification

                血人参是豆科( Fabaceae) 木蓝属( Indigofera
            L.) 植 物 茸 毛 木 蓝 ( Indigofera stachyodes) 的 干 燥     1  材料与方法
            根ꎬ在我国主要分布于贵州、云南和广西等地ꎮ 据
                                                               1.1 材料、仪器和试剂
            其性温、味甘、微苦ꎬ具有益气补血、补肝益肾、活                            1.1.1 材料  样品采自贵州省黔南州独山县ꎬ经贵
            血通脉的功效ꎬ也是中成药芪胶升白胶囊配方中                              阳市药用植物园侯小琪副教授鉴定为茸毛木蓝
            的重要成分( 许欢等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 血人参中化学成分                         (I. stachyodes) 的根部ꎬ药材标本保存于贵州省中
            的研究一直以来被关注较少ꎬ近十年来ꎬ陆续有研                             国科学院天然产物化学重点实验室( 凭证标本号:
            究者对其化学成分进行了相关报道ꎬ但主要集中                              XRS20200704)ꎮ
                                                               1.1.2 仪器  Bruker AV NEO ̄600 MHz 核磁共振波
                                                               谱仪(布鲁克公司)ꎻHP ̄5973 质谱仪(美国惠普公
            主要包括黄酮类、紫檀烷类、木质素类( 傅建等ꎬ
                                                               司)ꎻ梅特勒 ME104T 电子天平(上海辅泽商贸有限
                                                               公司)ꎻZF ̄1 三用紫外分析仪(上海力辰邦西仪器科
                                                               技有限公司)ꎻRE 201D 型旋转蒸发仪(青岛明博环
                                                               保科技有限公司)ꎻYQ ̄020A 超声波清洗器(上海易
                 为丰富血人参的化学成分结构类型并探索其                           净超声波仪器有限公司)ꎻDLSB ̄5L/ 20 低温冷却液
            活性物质基础ꎬ本研究对其石油醚部分开展了系                              循环泵(上海互佳仪器设备有限公司)ꎻNP7005C 半
            统分离纯化工作ꎬ从中获得了 22 个单体化合物ꎬ
                                                               制备 液 相 色 谱 仪 ( 江 苏 汉 邦 科 技 有 限 公 司 )ꎻ
            其中ꎬ化合物 1-3、7、11-16 均为首次从豆科植物                       ZORBAX ODS 半制备色谱柱( 安捷伦科技有限公
            中分离得到ꎬ化合物 1-16 均为首次从木蓝属植物                          司)ꎻSephadex LH ̄20 凝胶(瑞典 Amersham 公司)ꎻ
            中分离得到ꎬ化合物 1-16、18、19、21 均为首次从                      GF254 薄层层析硅胶、柱层析硅胶( 青岛海洋化工
            血人参中分离得到ꎮ                                          有限公司)ꎻRP ̄18 反相填充材料(德国默克公司)ꎮ
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