Page 52 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 52

1 8 0 6                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
              ( 1. College of Life Science and Agronomyꎬ Zhoukou Normal Universityꎬ Zhoukou 466001ꎬ Henanꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. School of Chemistry & Chemical
                      Engineeringꎬ Zhoukou Normal Universityꎬ Zhoukou 466001ꎬ Henanꎬ China 3. Key Laboratory of Plant Genetics and
                                 Molecular Breedingꎬ Zhoukou Normal Universityꎬ Zhoukou 466001ꎬ Henanꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Phylogenetic relationships of Scrophulariaceae s. l.(sensu lato) and the closely related groups were explored
                 with 129 plastid genomes representing 107 genera. Plastome sequences were downloaded from the GenBank. Based on
                 coding sequences (CDS)ꎬ phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum likelihood (ML)and Bayesian inference
                 (BI) approaches. The ML and BI analyses shared the same topology and the main clades were consistently recovered
                 with high support. Of the 129 total nodesꎬ 123 were supported by ML bootstrap value ≥70%. The result were as follows:
                 (1)Scrophulariaceae s. l. was confirmed as polyphyletic. Fifty ̄one species with representatives of 37 genera from the
                 Scrophulariaceae s. l. were assigned to seven families. These were Orobanchaceaeꎬ Paulowniaceaeꎬ Wightiaceaeꎬ
                 Mazaceaeꎬ Linderniaceaeꎬ Scrophulariaceae s. s.(sensu stricto)ꎬ and Plantaginaceae. (2)Scrophulariaceae s.s. was a
                 monophyletic group. In addition to the recognition of eight genera ( including Bontiaꎬ Calamphoreusꎬ Diocireaꎬ
                 Eremophilaꎬ Glycocystisꎬ Leucophyllumꎬ Scrophularia and Verbascum ) comprised primarily of former members of
                 Scrophulariaceae s.l.ꎬ Buddleja which was originally placed in Loganiaceaeꎬ and Myoporumꎬ traditionally placed in the
                 Myoporaceae had been demonstrated to belong to this clade. ( 3) The Lamiales was monophyletic. Fourteen well ̄
                 supported monophyletic clades were obtained corresponding to each family (Wightiaceae and Pedaliaceae for which only
                 one species had been contained were not included). The relationships among the families were well resolved. Oleaceae
                 formed a well ̄supported clade that was distinct from core Lamiales. Within the core Lamialesꎬ four clades
                 (Gesneriaceaeꎬ Plantaginaceaeꎬ Scrophulariaceaeꎬ and Linderniaceae) diverged before the remaining families grouping
                 in two sister clades. Within one cladeꎬ two moderately to highly supported subclades were recovered. Lentibulariaceae
                 was resolved as sister group to Acanthaceaeꎬ and Pedaliaceae was sister to Verbenaceae + Bignoniaceae. The other clade
                 contained six familiesꎬ with Lamiaceaeꎬ Mazaceaeꎬ Wightiaceae + Phrymaceaeꎬ and Paulowniaceae successively sister
                 to Orobanchaceae. The results of our analyses indicate that the traditional Scrophulariaceae are an unnatural assemblage
                 of plants distributed throughout the phylogenentic tree of Lamiales. Phylogenomics analyses based on plastid organelle
                 have shown good potential for phylogenetic inference in Scrophulariaceaeꎬ more taxonomic sampling are needed to
                 enhance our understanding of phylogenetic relationships of Scrophulariaceae in future studies.
                 Key words: Scrophulariaceae sensu latoꎬ phylogenomicꎬ plastid genomeꎬ Lamiales

                 玄 参 科 ( Scrophulariaceae ) 隶 属 于 唇 形 目        (Orobanchaceae)、Calceolariaceae 和 Stilbaceaeꎮ 更
            (Lamiales)ꎬ全球分布ꎮ 玄参科为多而杂的一个大                       多相关研究的进行ꎬ使得广义玄参科被拆分ꎬ原本
            类群ꎬ缺乏特征性性状将其与其他相关类群进行                              隶属于玄参科的物种并入了其他科或形成了许多
            区分ꎬ基于形态的经典分类时期ꎬ分类学家们将诸                             小科ꎬ 如 Calceolariaceae、 母 草 科 ( Linderniaceae)、
            多类群归于玄参科ꎬ致使玄参科一度成为唇形目                              通 泉 草 科 ( Mazaceae )、 列 当 科、 泡 桐 科
            中物种数目最丰富的科ꎮ 而鉴定性性状的缺失也                             (Paulowniaceae)、Schlegeliaceae、狭义玄参科 和 美
            暗示了玄参科可能不是一个单系ꎮ 最早的采用分                             丽桐 科 ( Wightiaceae) 等 ( Oxelman et al.ꎬ 2005ꎻ
            子系统学研究玄参科的系统发育可以追溯至上个                              Rahmanzadeh et al.ꎬ 2005ꎻ Tank et al.ꎬ 2006ꎻ Liu
            世纪末ꎬOlmstead 和 Reeves(1995) 基于两个叶绿                 et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ
            体片段ꎬ对玄参科是否为单系进行了研究ꎬ结果表                                 狭义玄参科可以划分为 8 个族ꎬ即 Aptosimeae、
            明玄参科不是一个单系类群ꎮ Olmstead 等(2001)                     Buddlejeae、Hemimerideae、Leucophylleae、Limoselleae、
            基于三个叶绿体基因的分析结果表明ꎬ广义玄参                              Myoporeae、 Scrophularieae 和 Teedieaeꎬ 其 中 除
            科[Scrophulariaceae s.l.(sensu lato)]至少包括了 5        Scrophularieae 主要分布于北温带外ꎬ主要分布于南
            个单 系 类 群ꎬ 即 狭 义 玄 参 科 [ Scrophulariaceae s.        半球(Oxelman et al.ꎬ 2005ꎻ Tank et al.ꎬ 2006)ꎮ
            s. ( sensu  stricto )]、 Veronicaceae、 列 当 科            据中国植物志英文版( Flora of China)ꎬ玄参
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