Page 85 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 85
10 期 邓颢珂等: 海三棱藨草及其近缘种基因组大小的测定 1 8 3 9
Abstract: Genome size is an important feature of a species’ genome and is usually measured by the DNA C ̄valueꎬ
which can be used for quickly testing genome ploidy and provide an important basis for taxonomy and evolutionary
biology. Scirpus mariqueter is a species with important ecological effects in the Yangtze River estuary and Hangzhou Bayꎬ
China. It is considered as a hybrid of S. planiculmis and S. triqueterꎬ and it is difficult to accurately determine ploidy due
to its small chromosomes. Howeverꎬ in recent yearsꎬ some researchersꎬ based on molecular markersꎬ have raised doubts
about the classification and nomenclature of S. mariqueter. Thereforeꎬ more experimental evidence on the taxonomic
attributesꎬ genomic characteristics and possible ploidy variation of S. mariqueter and its related species is needed. In this
studyꎬ the genomic characteristics of S. mariqueter sample CJ1 were determined by genome survey analysis with a
sequencing depth of approximately 120 ×. The DNA C ̄value and relative ploidy of 13 samples of S. mariqueter and its
sympatricꎬ related species (S. triqueter and S. planiculmis) were estimated by flow cytometry with Vigna radiata as a
reference. The results were as follows: (1) Genome Survey analysis showed that the genome size of CJ1 was 244.12
Mbpꎬ with a 0.68% heterozygosity rateꎬ 42.38% sequence repeatꎬ and 37.25% GC content. (2) The flow cytometry
results showed that the ploidy of S. mariqueter samples from different regions was the sameꎬ with 1C values ranging from
234.87 Mbp to 242.5 Mbpꎬ and the genome size of CJ1 was highly consistent with the genome Survey results. (3) The 1C
value of S. planiculmis was between 251. 77 Mbp and 264. 13 Mbpꎬ and the 1C value of S. triqueter was 537. 33
Mbp. Because the genome size of hybrids is usually between or larger than those of their parentsꎬ it is unlikely that
S. mariqueter is a hybrid of the two species based on the abovementioned genome size. This study provides genomic
characteristics of S. mariqueter and its related species and lays a foundation for its whole ̄genome sequencing. At the same
timeꎬ it also rejects the hypothesis that S. mariqueter originated from hybridization between S. planiculmis and S.
Key words: flow cytometryꎬ genome sizeꎬ genome Survey analysisꎬ Scirpus mariqueterꎬ Scirpus
海 三 棱 藨 草 ( Scirpus mariqueter) 是 莎 草 科 鉴于有些莎草科植物类群即使在种内也常常存在
(Cyperaceae)藨草属( Scirpus) 的多年生克隆植物ꎬ 多种倍性(Nishikawa et al.ꎬ 1984)ꎬ我们在野外观
主要分布在长江口和杭州湾潮间带、冲击岛屿和 察和同质园实验中也发现海三棱藨草长江口种群
河口泥滩ꎬ其独特的生物学性状使其在河口以及 和杭州湾种群大部分表型都存在较大差异( 李昕
滨海生态系统中发挥着重要的生态学功能( 欧善 骥ꎬ2015)ꎬ在对该物种进行全基因测序研究之前ꎬ
华和宋国元ꎬ1992)ꎬ包括促进淤积(Yangꎬ 1998)ꎬ 对该物种分类属性、基因组特征及可能的倍性变
其球茎和种子为白鹤等迁徙鸟类提供丰富的食物 异需要更多实验研究ꎮ
来源(Ma et al.ꎬ 2003)ꎬ为底栖动物和鱼类生长繁 基因组大小( genome size) 能为研究物种间分
育提供重要栖息场所等( 袁兴中等ꎬ2002ꎻ张衡等ꎬ 类和进化提供关键信息( Dolezel et al.ꎬ 2007)ꎬ通
2017)ꎮ 尽管海三棱藨草生态意义重要ꎬ但其分类 常用细胞 DNA C 值( DNA C ̄value) 来衡量ꎬ由于
和命名依然存在争议ꎬTang 和 Wang (1961) 在给 DNA C 值 这 一 概 念 存 在 多 种 定 义 ( Greilhuber et
其命名时认为它可能是藨草和扁秆藨草的杂交种 al.ꎬ 2005)ꎬ为了避免术语歧义ꎬ本研究的“ DNA C
( S. planiculmis × S. triqueter)ꎮ 方永鑫(1992)对海 值”(简称 C 值)采用 Bennett 和 Smith(1976) 的定
三棱藨草及其假定亲本进行染色体数目分析ꎬ发 义ꎬ特指配子细胞核的 DNA 含量(1C)ꎬ等于未经
现藨草 2n = 40ꎬ海三棱藨草 2n = 64ꎬ扁秆藨草 2n = 复制的体细胞的细胞核 DNA 含量(2C) 的一半ꎬ这
50ꎬ但仍无法确定海三棱藨草是否为杂交起源ꎬ 也是植物 DNA C 值数据库所采用的标准(Leitch et
Tatanov(2007)视海三棱藨草为一个属间杂种( × al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 基因组大小不仅可以用于判断倍性
Bolboschoenoplectus mariqueter )ꎮ 杨 梅 ( 2010 ) 用 (郗连连等ꎬ2020)ꎬ也是确定杂交的重要指标( 周
AFLP 分子标记发现海三棱藨草和藨草之间的遗 香艳ꎬ2009)ꎬ更是对其进行全基因组高通量测序
传距离约是海三棱藨草和扁秆藨草的 4 倍ꎬ同时 的基础( 伍艳芳等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 流式细胞术是目前被
ITS 序列也显示海三棱藨草是一个独立的分类群ꎮ 广泛应用的测定基因组大小的方法之一ꎬ通过记