Page 161 - 《广西植物》2023年第11期
P. 161
11 期 伍勇等: 刺梨多糖提取物对小鼠Ⅱ型糖尿病的干预研究 2 1 2 1
Abstract: To investigate the synergistic effect of Rosa roxbunghii Tratt. polysaccharide(RRTP) and Rosa roxbunghii
Tratt. insoluble dietary fiber(RTIDF) on hypoglycemic function. In this studyꎬ RRTP and RTIDF were extractedꎬ
isolated and purifiedꎬ the antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities of polysaccharides were measured by in vitro
experiment and the relationship between hypoglycemic function and intestinal microbial community structure in mice was
analyzed in vivo intervention experiment of TypeⅡdiabetes in mice. The results were as follows: (1) RRTP had a good
free radical scavenging ability in vitroꎬ and could significantly inhibit α ̄glucosidase and α ̄amylase activities with IC
values of 0. 293 and 4. 251 mg mL ꎬ respectively. RTIDF only showed certain inhibitory activity on α ̄amylase
activity. (2) After the intervention of the extracts in the model miceꎬ the tendency of the obese mice to continue to lose
weight was reversed. Compared with CK group (physiological saline)ꎬ the blood glucose level of RTIDF and RRTP+
RTIDF mice were significantly down ̄regulatedꎬ and the activity of CAT enzyme in serum was significantly
enhanced. RRTP + RTIDF group was superior to RTIDF group. ( 3) The extract intervention could reduce the
inflammatory factors in the liverꎬ relieve the degree of cell swellingꎬ increase the number of absorbing cells in the
cecumꎬ and restore the intestinal wall mucosal layer. (4) Further analysis of intestinal microbial community showed that
RTIDF+ RRTP could reduce the proportion of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutesꎬ increase the abundance of beneficial
bacteria such as Acetobacterꎬ but RTIDF had more significant regulation effect on the population. Thereforeꎬ based on in
vitro hypoglycemic simulation and in vivo intervention resultsꎬ RRTP and RTIDF have a certain synergistic effect on
glucose intervention in diabetic miceꎬ it may be used together as an intervention to improve TypeⅡdiabetes.
Key words: Rosa roxbunghii Tratt. polysaccharideꎬ dietary celluloseꎬ isolation and purificationꎬ TypeⅡdiabetesꎬ blood
glucose intervention
Ⅱ型糖尿病作为现代人群高发的代谢性疾 膳食 纤 维 ( Rosa roxbunghii Tratt. insoluble dietary
病ꎬ严重威胁着人类的生命健康ꎮ 常用降糖药物 fiberꎬRTIDF)也被证实具有多种功能特性ꎬ在体外
虽有较好效果ꎬ但存在副作用( 刘涛等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 近 具有葡萄糖吸附能力和 α ̄淀粉酶抑制能力( 郑佳
年来ꎬ随着研究的深入ꎬ来源于天然植物且具备降 欣ꎬ2020)ꎻ张想等(2021)研究发现ꎬ经过平菇发酵
血糖活性的多糖与膳食纤维ꎬ因其毒性小、活性高 刺梨果渣所得膳食纤维的持水力、持油力和膨胀
等优点而备受人们的关注(杨江涛ꎬ2008)ꎮ 力有所提高且具有良好的润肠通便作用ꎮ 但在动
刺梨(Rosa roxburghii)作为药食同源的优质材 物体内 RTIDF 的降血糖功能还需要进一步的研
料ꎬ富含多糖、膳食纤维等天然营养成分ꎮ 刺梨多 究ꎮ 目前对 RRTP 和 RTIDF 的生理功能已有较多
糖提取物具有显著的体外抗氧化活性和降血糖活 研究ꎬ而对 RRTP 与 RTIDF 在降血糖功能上是否
性ꎬ可防止餐后血糖水平升高( 王振伟等ꎬ2021)ꎻ 具有协同作用ꎬ还有待研究证实ꎮ
刺梨 多 糖 ( Rosa roxbunghii Tratt. polysaccharideꎬ 因此ꎬ本研究通过体外降糖模拟实验和体内
RRTP)在体 外 表 现 出 一 定 的 抗 氧 化 活 性ꎬ 能 对 动物干预实验ꎬ以Ⅱ型糖尿病模型小鼠为实验对
1ꎬ1 ̄二苯基 ̄ 2 ̄三 硝 基 苯 肼 ( 1ꎬ 1 ̄diphenyl ̄2 ̄ 象ꎬ从体 重 变 化、 血 糖 水 平、 血 清 中 过 氧 化 氢 酶
picrylhydrazylꎬ DPPH) 自由基起到明显的清除作 (catalaseꎬ CAT)含量等生理指标和小鼠肠道菌群
3+ 特征的变化角度ꎬ拟探讨:(1) RRTP 和 RTIDF 在
用ꎬ具备 一 定 的 Fe 还 原 力 ( 付 阳 洋 等ꎬ2021)ꎻ
RRTP 还能够显著抑制 α ̄葡萄糖苷酶和 α ̄淀粉酶 降血糖功能上是否具有协同作用ꎻ(2) 刺梨多糖提
活性ꎬ从而调节血糖水平( 陈庆等ꎬ2019ꎻ周笑犁 取物干 预 对 糖 尿 病 小 鼠 肠 道 菌 群 的 影 响ꎻ ( 3)
等ꎬ2020)ꎻ通过动物实验发现ꎬRRTP 可显著降低 RRTP 和 RTIDF 是 否 能 共 同 作 为 血 糖 调 节 的 干
糖尿病小鼠的体重ꎬ也可显著提高小鼠抗疲劳能 预剂ꎮ
力、增强 小 鼠 的 免 疫 能 力 ( 汪 磊ꎬ2019)ꎻ 张 潘 等
(2023)研究发现ꎬRRTP 可显著降低 NAFLD 诱导 1 材料与方法
代谢紊乱状况ꎬ使回肠结构形态趋向于正常水平ꎬ 1.1 材料
减少隐窝病变、保护肠道屏障ꎮ 此外ꎬ刺梨不溶性 刺梨干果ꎬ购自贵州贵定敏子食品有限公司ꎻ