Page 75 - 《广西植物》2024年第10期
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10 期              黄艳英等: 连作木薯对根际与非根际土壤真菌群落结构演替的影响                                          1 8 7 7

               性质与微生物群落结构空间和分布的关系 [J]. 生态学                       Sinꎬ 37(1): 105 - 111. [杨宇虹ꎬ 陈 冬 梅ꎬ 晋 艳ꎬ 等ꎬ
               报ꎬ 41(14): 5669-5684.]                            2011. 不同肥料种类对连作烟草根际土壤微生物功能多
            XU ZCꎬ WANG FZꎬ JIN YNꎬ et al.ꎬ 2019. Analysis of fungal  样性的影响 [J]. 作物学报ꎬ 37(1): 105-111.]
               communities in rhizosphere soil of flue ̄cured tobacco under  ZHANG HJꎬ LIU EPꎬ LIU HQꎬ et al.ꎬ 2012. Development
               different cropping years using 18S rDNA ̄PCR ̄DGGE  status and countermeasures of cassava industry in Guangxi
               [J]. Soil Fert Sci China (4): 39-46. [许自成ꎬ 王发展ꎬ   [J]. Guangdong Agric Sciꎬ 39(5): 161-164. [张慧坚ꎬ 刘
               金伊楠ꎬ 等ꎬ 2019. 不同连作年限烤烟根际土壤真菌群落                    恩平ꎬ 刘海清ꎬ 等ꎬ 2012. 广西木薯产业发展现状与对策
               18S rDNA ̄PCR ̄DGGE 分析 [J]. 中国土壤与肥料 (4):            [J]. 广东农业科学ꎬ 39(5): 161-164.]
               39-46.]                                         ZHANG Lꎬ WANG Qꎬ YANG XYꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Effect of the
            YANG Dꎬ YANG Zꎬ ZHU GXꎬ et al.ꎬ 2022. Characteristics of  process of returning farmland to forest in the loess hilly area
               nutrient content and microorganism in different grades of  on soil fungal communities [J]. Environ Sciꎬ 44(3): 1758-
               rocky desertification soils in southwest Guizhou [J]. Jiangsu  1767. [张蕾ꎬ 王强ꎬ 杨新月ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 黄土丘陵区退耕
               Agric Sciꎬ 50(13): 256-264. [杨丹ꎬ 杨智ꎬ 朱光旭ꎬ 等ꎬ      还林对土壤真菌群落的影响 [J]. 环境科学ꎬ 44(3):
               2022. 黔西南不同程度石漠化土壤养分及微生物特征                        1758-1767.]

               [J]. 江苏农业科学ꎬ 50(13): 256-264.]                  ZHANG Mꎬ 2021. Effects of combined application of NPK
            YANG MQꎬ 2020. Development situation of Guangxis cassava  fertilizer on soil microbial diversity and some physical and
               industry and its countermeasures [J]. Agric Res Applꎬ 33  chemical indexes in  the  rhizosphere  of  Atractylodes
               (6): 74-77. [杨梅琼ꎬ 2020. 广西木薯产业发展形势与               macrocephala [D]. Guiyang: Guizhou University. [ 张猛ꎬ
               对策建议 [J]. 农业研究与应用ꎬ 33(6): 74-77.]                 2021. 氮磷钾肥配施对白术根际土壤微生物多样性和部
            YANG XJꎬ ZHOU YYꎬ PENG XYꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Comparative  分理化指标变化的影响 [D]. 贵阳: 贵州大学.]
               analysis of rhizosphere soil microbial community structure  ZHOU GJꎬ 2017. The relationship between the continuous
               between root ̄knot nematode diseased and healthy cucumber  cropping obstacle and physical and chemical properties of
               [J]. J Agric Sci Technolꎬ 25(1): 109-118. [杨学瑾ꎬ 周  cassava  rhizosphere  soil  [ D ].  Nanning:  Guangxi
               媛媛ꎬ 彭欣怡ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 根结线虫危害与健康黄瓜根际                   University. [周贵靖ꎬ 2017. 木薯根际土壤理化性状与连
               土壤微生物群落结构差异分析 [J]. 中国农业科技导报ꎬ                      作障碍关系研究 [D]. 南宁: 广西大学.]
               25(1): 109-118.]                                ZHOU Jꎬ LEI Tꎬ 2007. Review and prospects on methodology
            YANG Yꎬ LI HLꎬ MA KLꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Effect of continuous  and affecting factors of soil microbial diversity [J]. Biodivers
               cropping on the physicochemical propertiesꎬ microbial  Sciꎬ 15(3): 306-311. [周桔ꎬ 雷霆ꎬ 2007. 土壤微生物多
               activityꎬ and community characteristics of the rhizosphere  样性影响因素及研究方法的现状与展望 [J]. 生物多样
               soil of Codonopsis pilosula [ J]. Environ Sciꎬ 44(11):  性ꎬ 15(3): 306-311.]
               6387-6398. [杨阳ꎬ 李海亮ꎬ 马凯丽ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 连作对党         ZHU ZXꎬ ZHUANG WYꎬ 2014. Current understanding of the
               参根际土壤理化性质、微生物活性及群落特征的影响                           genus Trichoderma [ J]. Mycosystemaꎬ 33 ( 6): 1136 -
               [J]. 环境科学ꎬ 44(11): 6387-6398.]                    1153. [朱兆香ꎬ 庄文颖ꎬ 2014. 木霉属研究概况 [J]. 菌
            YANG YHꎬ CHEN DMꎬ JIN Yꎬ et al.ꎬ 2011. Effects of    物学报ꎬ 33(6): 1136-1153.]
               different fertilizers on functional diversities of microbial flora
               in rhizospheric soil of monoculture tobacco [J]. Acta Agron                  (责任编辑  周翠鸣)
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