Page 98 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 98

8 8 6                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 (CLC) and evergreen broad ̄leaved forest (CL) in Maoershan were selected as three forest typesꎬ the leaf stoichiometry
                 of main plants in herb layer and shrub layerꎬ and the soil stoichiometry under three forest types were measured and
                 analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) There was no significant difference in leaf C and N contents between herb
                 layer and shrub layerꎬ but P and K contents in herb layer were extremely significantly higher than that in shrub layerꎬ
                 and N ∶ P was significantly lower than that in shrub layer. Plants in herb layer was more likely to be restricted by Nꎬ
                 plants in shrub layer was more likely to be restricted by P and the utilization efficiency of N and P were higher. There
                 was no significant difference in leaf stoichiometry of plants in shrub layer among different forest typesꎬ but there were
                 significant differences in leaf N contentꎬ C ∶ Nꎬ C ∶ P of plants in herb layer among different forest types. Plants in herb
                 layer of ZK had higher nutrient use efficiency. (2) The soil C and N contents of the three forest types showed that CL >
                 CLC > ZKꎬ and there were extremely significant differences among the three forest types. The soil P content of ZK were
                 the highestꎬ while that of C ∶ P and N ∶ P were the lowest. (3) Soil in ZK significantly affected some leaf stoichiometry
                 of plants in herb layer and shrub layerꎬ while the other two forest types had no significant effect on underforest plants. To
                 sum upꎬ there are significant or extremely significant differences in soil stoichiometry among different forest types in
                 Maoershan. The nutrient requirements and environmental adaptation strategies of plants in herb layer and shrub layer are
                 different. The soil of ZK has a strong influence on the leaf stoichiometry of understory plantsꎬ and the soil with low
                 decomposition efficiency of organic matter in this forest typeꎬ and the soil is limited by N due to the low decomposition
                 efficiency of organic matterꎬ so the management of N in the mixed forest should be strengthened.
                 Key words: Maoershanꎬ forest typeꎬ soilꎬ herb layerꎬ shrub layerꎬ stoichiometric characteristics

                生态化学计量学是分析多重化学元素质量平                            2020)ꎮ 林下植物作为森林的更新与补充ꎬ在森林
            衡及其对生态交互作用影响的理论和科学ꎬ化学                              发展过程中发挥着重要作用ꎬ对不同森林类型草
            计量特征研究对揭示物种的生态策略和适应性具                              本层和灌木层植物的叶片化学计量进行研究ꎬ可
            有重要的生理学意义( 李秀等ꎬ2023)ꎮ 叶片作为                         了解不同森林类型林下植物对营养环境的适应
            植物最敏感的器官ꎬ对环境变化敏感、可塑性强ꎬ                             策略ꎮ
            其功能性状承载较多的环境变化信息ꎬ与植物生                                  猫儿山国家级自然保护区现存有较大面积的
            物量及其资源获取和利用密切相关( Niinemets &                       原始森林植被及垂直带谱ꎬ尤其是原生性亚热带
            Kullꎬ 2003ꎻ Wright et al.ꎬ 2004)ꎬ从叶片化学计量           常绿阔叶林ꎬ具有巨大的生态服务价值和很高的
            角度研究植物的环境适应性已成为生态学研究的                              科研价值ꎮ 但是ꎬ由于人为干扰的影响ꎬ部分原生
            热点之一ꎮ 慕宗杰等(2020) 认为植物叶片功能性                         植被已退化为常绿阔叶次生林、针阔混交林、灌丛
            状与土壤的关系最为密切ꎬ植物通过凋落物分解                              和草丛等ꎬ因此对其森林生态系统功能造成了较
            来改善土壤质量ꎬ而土壤质量对植被生长及群落                              大的影响ꎮ Holl(2017) 认为原生林退化威胁着生
            演替速度和方向等有重要影响ꎮ 研究植物叶片与                             物多样性和生态安全ꎮ 目前ꎬ猫儿山森林植物与
            土壤化学计量的响应关系ꎬ对揭示植物的生态适                              土壤的响应研究大部分是针对森林上层优势植物

            应策略具有重要意义ꎮ                                         开展的ꎬ林下植物对土壤因子的响应研究较少( 黄
                 林下植物主要包括森林冠层下的灌木、草本、                          金铃和蒋得斌ꎬ2002ꎻ 朱彪等ꎬ2004)ꎮ 因此ꎬ本文
            藤本和乔木幼树等ꎬ是森林生态系统的重要组成                              结合猫儿山森林现状ꎬ以针阔混交林( ZK)、常绿
            部分ꎬ不同生活型植物占据不同的空间环境( 朱喜                            阔叶次生林(CLC)和常绿阔叶林( CL)3 种不同森
            等ꎬ2014ꎻ 张乃木等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 近年来ꎬ森林生态系                      林类型的林下植物为研究对象ꎬ测定植物叶片和

            统 C、N、P 化学计量的研究多集中于乔木层或乔木-                         土壤的化学元素含量ꎬ分析其化学计量特征及其
            凋落物-土壤耦合系统( 王珂等ꎬ2023ꎻ余雅尧等ꎬ                         相互之间的内在联系ꎬ旨在探讨:(1) 猫儿山不同
            2023)ꎬ对林下植物的研究相对较少ꎮ 然而ꎬ有研                          森林类型之间同一林下层(草本层和灌木层) 植物
            究表明不同生活型植物叶片的 C、N、P 含量及其计                          以及同一森林类型不同林下层之间植物叶片化学
            量比差异显著(巴格登等ꎬ2023)ꎬ灌木植物 P 含量                        计量的差异ꎻ(2)猫儿山不同森林类型之间土壤化
            显著低于一年生和多年生草本植物( 刘小菊等ꎬ                             学计量的差异ꎻ(3)猫儿山不同森林类型草本层和
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