Page 177 - 《广西植物》2022年第3期
P. 177

3 期               唐凤等: 稀有濒危植物贵州红山茶种群结构及数量动态变化的研究                                           5 2 1

       quantitative characteristics of population structure dynamics and future development trend by combining the sample
       investigation and actual measurement methodsꎬ the analysis of population age structure and survivability. The results
       were as follows: ( 1) The primary vegetation of C. kweichowensis had typical characteristics of subtropical humid
       evergreen broad ̄leaved forests. While the mixed evergreen and deciduous broad ̄leaved forest were the main standsꎬ and
       the coniferous broad ̄leaved mixed forest of Pinus armandii + Betula luminifera + Liquidambar formosana + Nyssa
       sinensis + Camellia sp. + Eurya sp. + Schima sp. was common. (2) The growth population of C. kweichowensis dominated
       the growth structure. The points were mainly concentrated in the small and medium tree stagesꎬ and the sum of the
       proportion constituted 73.02% of the overall population. Deevey ̄Ⅱtype characteristic of the population survival curve was
       obviousꎬ the life expectancy of C. kweichowensis was the maximum at the seedling stage. The change trend of mortality
       and the vanishing curves of the same plot were approximately the same. The quantitative dynamic analysis indicated that
       the three plots had abundant seedling poolsꎬ but were sensitive to the disturbance outside the habitat. The probability of
       surviving to Ⅶ age ̄class dropped significantly to 36. 17%. On the wholeꎬ the population structure showed the
       characteristics of “growth in the early stage and decline in the late stage of Ⅳ age ̄class”. (3) After the growth period of
       2ꎬ 4ꎬ 6ꎬ 8ꎬ and 10 diameter scalesꎬ the C. kweichowensis population dynamics tilted toward the succession of middle
       trees (Ⅴ ̄Ⅶ age ̄class)ꎬ big trees (Ⅷ ̄Ⅹ age ̄class)ꎬ and aged trees (Ⅺ ̄ⅩⅢ age ̄class). In conclusionꎬ due to the
       limited habitat resources and spaceꎬ intraspecific and interspecific competition intensifiesꎬ which reduces the survival
       rate of population seedlings and the number of youngꎬ and increased the mortality of adult plants caused by human
       predatory logging. As a resultꎬ the population renewal and diffusion are hinderedꎬ the distribution area is narrowꎬ and
       the species tend to be endangered.
       Key words: Camellia kweichowensisꎬ population structure characteristicsꎬ population quantity changeꎬ time series
       predictionꎬ species endangered mechanism

       种 群 是 物 种 进 化 的 基 本 单 位 ( 姜 在 民 等ꎬ            特有种(张宏达和任善湘ꎬ1998ꎻ邹天才ꎬ2001)ꎮ 目
   2018)ꎬ种群结构特征及其动态变化规律是种群生                          前ꎬ关于贵州红山茶植物资源调查评价( 安明态ꎬ
   态学研究的核心内容和基础科学问题( 王飞等ꎬ                            2005ꎻ张华海和班平原ꎬ2007)、土壤铝离子吸收、种
   2022)ꎬ种群生命表、生存分析、数量动态量化和时                         子内含物检测(刘海燕等ꎬ2018)、种苗繁殖栽培(胡
   间序列预测等是研究植物种群数量特征的重要手                             光平等ꎬ2013)等方面已有报道ꎬ但在贵州红山茶种
   段和工具(张文辉等ꎬ2004ꎻ张亚芳等ꎬ2015ꎻ朱强                       群结构特征、数量动态变化规律、种群增长机制、有
   等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 种群年龄结构能够反映种群数量配置                         效保护利用途径的科学问题认知还严重缺失ꎮ 本
   变化规律ꎬ表现出种群植株在各个阶段的生长状                             研究以贵州红山茶自然分布区为研究区域ꎬ依托其
   况ꎬ可有效评估种群对生存环境的适应性( 韩路                            生境特征、植物区系成分组成以及贵州红山茶植物
   等ꎬ2014ꎻ王泳腾等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 数量动态量化和时间                      分布特点与种群结构的现实状况ꎬ采用样方法和实
   序列分析能够揭示种群动态变化特征及其潜在驱                             测法相结合的研究方法ꎬ通过贵州红山茶天然种群
   动机制(拓锋等ꎬ2021)ꎬ是研究种群更新和扩散机                         存活状况的实地调查及其种群结构组成与数量动
   制的基础ꎬ可为针对性地提出有效保护措施提供                             态变化的研究ꎬ分析探讨了贵州红山茶种群的结构
   参考( 罗西等ꎬ2021ꎻ赵家豪等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 植物种群                     特征、数量动态变化规律、响应外界干扰适应性机
   年龄结构及其数量动态的研究ꎬ已成为稀有濒危                             制、物种濒危原因等科学问题ꎬ以期为贵州红山茶植

   植物保护利用的科学基础ꎮ                                      物种质资源的有效保护与合理利用提供科学依据ꎮ
       贵州红山茶(Camellia kweichowensis) 是山茶属
   植物红山茶组中少有子房 5 室的代表物种( 张宏                          1  研究区概况
   4~ 12 cm、花色靓丽ꎬ颇具观赏特性和经济价值ꎬ分                           研究区位于贵州省贵阳市百花湖乡九龙山森
   布于贵州省贵阳市百花湖乡九龙山森林植被区以                             林公 园 至 站 街 镇 宝 塔 山 一 带 的 森 林 植 被 区
   及清镇市站街镇宝塔山天然林区的狭窄区域ꎬ贵州                            (106°23′48″-106°30′13″ Eꎬ26°36′12″-26°41′51″ N)ꎬ
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