Page 120 - 《广西植物》2020年第5期
P. 120

7 1 6                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       Abstract: The mycelial growth inhibition activities of different solvent extracts of rootꎬ stem and leaf of Helicteres angus ̄
       tifolia against 10 plant pathogenic fungi were studied by the mycelium growth rate method at 1.5 mgmL . The inhibito ̄
       ry effects of root petroleum ether and root ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia on the spore germination in Col ̄
       letotrichum musa were determined by spore germination method. The control effects of the root petroleum ether and root
       ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia against Colletotrichum musae were determined by in vitro method. The
       main components of root petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia were analyzed by gas chro ̄
       matography ̄mass spectrometer (GC ̄MS)ꎬ and the mycelial growth inhibition activities of eight main compounds against
       Colletotrichum musa were tested. The results were as follows: Extracts each plant of Helicteres angustifolia showed differ ̄
       ent degrees of mycelial growth inhibitory effects on 10 plant pathogenic fungi. The mycelial growth inhibition rates of the
       root petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia against Colletotrichum musae reached 87.00% and
                          ̄1                                        ̄1
       86.14% at 1.5 mgmL ꎬ and the EC values were 0.062 and 0.052 mgmL ꎬ respectively. The relative inhibitory
       rates of the root petroleum ether and root ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia on the spore germination against
                                                         ̄1            ̄1
       Colletotrichum musae were more than 70% at 2ꎬ 4 and 8 mgmL . At 10 mgmL ꎬ the control effects of the root pe ̄
       troleum ether and root ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia against Colletotrichum musae were 72.32% and
       59.77%ꎬ respectively. The root petroleum ether and root ethyl acetate extracts of Helicteres angustifolia were analyzed by
       GC ̄MS. In totalꎬ 36 major chemical components were identified in the root petroleum ether extractsꎬ 17 major chemical
       components were identified in the root ethyl acetate extracts. Among the selected eight major compoundsꎬ diisobutyl
       phthalate and dibutyl phthalate showed higher mycelial growth inhibitory effects against Colletotrichum musae. The inhibi ̄
                                               ̄1                                       ̄1
       tion rates was 65.12% and 68.07% at 100 μgmL ꎬ respectively. The EC values were 56.66 μgmL and 37.04
       μgmL ꎬ respectively.
       Key words: Helicteres angustifoliaꎬ plant pathogenic fungiꎬ antifungal activityꎬ GC ̄MSꎬ diisobutyl phthalateꎬ
       dibutyl phthalate

       山芝麻( Helicteres angustifolia) 为梧桐科( Ster ̄     鼠肝损伤ꎻSun et al.(2018ꎬ2019) 在山芝麻中提取
   culiaceae)山芝麻属( Helicteres) 矮灌木植物ꎬ广泛              的一些多糖类物质可以抑制小鼠体内肿瘤的扩散

   分布于澳大利亚、日本、老挝、中国等东南亚国家ꎮ                           和转移ꎬ并进一步对这些多糖体分离纯化ꎬ发现了
   目前ꎬ对于山芝麻的化学成分研究主要集中在醌                             酸性杂多糖类化合物 SPF3 ̄1ꎬ此化合物可以显著
   类、倍半萜类( Guo et al.ꎬ2005)、酯类( 魏映柔等ꎬ                提高巨噬细胞的增殖力ꎬ刺激巨噬细胞的吞噬能
   2011)、三萜类( Chen et al.ꎬ1990)、酚类、黄酮类               力ꎬ诱导免疫调节细胞因子生成ꎬ具有很强的免疫

   (Li et al.ꎬ 2015)、香豆素类( Chang et al.ꎬ2001)、       调节活性ꎻYang et al.(2019) 对山芝麻的愈伤组织
   葫芦素类( Chen et al.ꎬ2006)、多糖类( Liu et al.ꎬ          进行悬浮培养ꎬ并对培养的愈伤组织进行提取ꎬ研
   2018)、类 固 醇 ( Chen et al.ꎬ 2006 )、 木 脂 素 类        究发现山芝麻的愈伤组织悬浮液乙醇提取物中含

   (Chin et al.ꎬ2006) 和生物碱类( Pan et al.ꎬ2008ꎻ        有丰富的酚类、黄酮类、萜类、皂苷类、三萜类化合
   Wang et al.ꎬ2012) 等化合物ꎮ 一些关于山芝麻的                  物ꎬ并且具有很强的抗氧化活性以及抑制大鼠体
   生物学研究证明ꎬ该植物提取物具有抗菌、抗糖尿                            内蔗糖酶和麦芽糖酶活性ꎬ还能够增强巨噬细胞

   病、抗氧化、免疫调节功能、抗肿瘤等活性( Lin et                       增殖能力和吞噬活性ꎮ 目前ꎬ对于山芝麻的研究
   al.ꎬ2012ꎻHu et al.ꎬ2016ꎻLi et al.ꎬ2016)ꎮ 山芝麻      主要集中在医药领域ꎬ用于治疗各种人类疾病ꎬ但

   水提物能平衡溃疡性结肠炎大鼠血清中炎症因子                             在农用抑菌活性方面的研究报道还比较少ꎮ
   水平ꎬ并改善其病理组织损伤和症状( 高玉桥等ꎬ                               本课题组开展了海南植物的抑菌活性筛选ꎬ
   2012)ꎻHuang et al.(2013)在山芝麻中分离出山芝                发现山芝麻提取物对植物病原真菌具有一定的抑
   麻甲酯ꎬ能够显著缓解由乙型肝炎病毒造成的大                             菌活性ꎮ 为进一步研究山芝麻的抑菌活性ꎬ先用
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