Page 13 - 《广西植物》2023年第9期
P. 13

9 期                           宋松泉等: ABA 调控种子发育的研究进展                                       1 5 6 1

                                                          续表 1
                基因 / 转录因子                               功能描述                                    参考文献
             Gene / transcription factor             Function description                       Reference
                  LeNCED1     基因过表达增加种子的 ABA 水平和休眠                                            Ali et al.ꎬ 2022
                              Overexpression of LeNCED1 increases ABA level and dormancy of seeds
                  TsNCED1     增加 ABA 含量和对收获前萌发(PHS)的抗性                                       Fidler et al.ꎬ 2016
                              TsNCED1 increases ABA content and the resistance to preharvest sprouting (PHS)
                TaABA8′OH1A /  AtCYP707 的同源基因ꎬ其突变导致 ABA 水平和休眠程度增加                            Chono et al.ꎬ 2013
                TaABA8′ ̄OH1D  The homologs of AtCYP707ꎬ their mutation results in an increased ABA level and
                              dormancy degree
               ospylꎬ snrk2.2 / 3 / 6  ospyl 和 snrk2.2 / 3 / 6 基因突变导致水稻和拟南芥种子的成熟前萌发        Nakashima et al.ꎬ 2009ꎻ
                              A mutation in ospyl and snrk2. 2 / 3 / 6 genes lead to premature germination in rice and  Miao et al.ꎬ 2018
                              Arabidopsis seeds
                aba1ꎬ aba2 / 3  ABA 缺陷突变体(例如 aba1 和 aba2 / 3)种子表现出休眠水平降低                   Kozaki & Aoyanagiꎬ 2022
                              Seeds of ABA ̄deficient mutants ( such as aba1 and aba2 / 3 )  show reduced
                              dormancy levels
                  AtMYB96     直接激活 ABA 合 成 基 因 ( AtNCED2ꎬ 5ꎬ 6 和 9 )ꎬ 以 及 失 活 GA 生 物 合 成 基 因  Lee et al.ꎬ 2015
                              (AtGA3ox1 和 AtGA20ox1)ꎬ诱导种子初生休眠
                              AtMYB96 directly activates ABA synthesis genes (AtNCED2ꎬ5ꎬ6ꎬ and 9) and inactivates
                              GA biosynthesis genes (AtGA3ox1 and AtGA20ox1) to induce primary seed dormancy
                  AtABI4      直接与 AtNECD6 的启动子区域相互作用以增加 ABA 的生物合成ꎬ与 GA 失活基因                Shu et al.ꎬ 2013ꎬ 2016
                              AtGA2ox7 的启动区域相互作用以抑制 GA 的积累ꎻ增加种子休眠
                              AtABI4 increases seed dormancy through direct interaction with promoter regions of
                              AtNECD6 to increase ABA biosynthesisꎬ and with promoter regions of AtGA2ox7ꎬ a GA
                              inactivation geneꎬ to inhibit GA accumulation
                    VP1       其突变导致 PHS 和胚的成熟中断ꎬ引起休眠水平和对 ABA 的敏感性变弱                        Kozaki & Aoyanagiꎬ 2022
                              A mutation in VP1 leads to PHS and disruption of embryo maturationꎬ and causes a
                              reduced dormancy level and sensitivity to ABA
                   PLA3       水稻 VP8 的同源基因ꎬPLA3 突变表现出休眠降低                                   Griffifiths et al.ꎬ 2011
                              The mutation of PLA3ꎬ a VP8 homolog in riceꎬ exhibits a reduced dormancy phenotype
                   DOG1       独立于植物激素起作用ꎬ包括 ABAꎻ抑制 PP2C 磷酸酶 (AHG1 和 AHG3)ꎬ促进和维            Nakabayashi et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ
                              持种子休眠ꎻ其突变完全解除种子休眠                                              Née et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ
                              DOG1 functions independently of the plant hormonesꎬ including ABAꎻ and inhibits PP2C  Carrillo ̄Barral et al.ꎬ 2020
                              phosphatases (AHG1 and AHG3)ꎬ as well as promotes and maintains seed dormancyꎻ
                              mutation of DOG1 can completely abolish seed dormancy
                   RDO5       RDO5 是 PP2C 蛋白磷酸酶家族的一个成员ꎬ但不表现出磷酸酶活性ꎻ独立于植物激                  Nakabayashi et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ
                              素起作用(包括 ABA)ꎻ其突变可减少种子休眠                                        Née et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ
                              RDO5 is a member of the PP2C protein phosphatase familyꎬ but does not show phosphatase  Carrillo ̄Barral et al.ꎬ 2020
                              activityꎬ which functions independently of the plant hormones (including ABA)ꎻ mutation
                              of RDO5 could reduce seed dormancy
                  AtSDR4L     AtSDR4L 通过调节 DOG1 和 GA 途径中的 RGA ̄LIKE2 ( 编码 DELLA 蛋白 RGL2) 来     Cao et al.ꎬ 2019
                              AtSDR4L regulates seed dormancy and germination through regulation of DOG1 and RGA ̄
                              LIKE2 (RGL2 encoding DELLA protein) in the GA pathway
                  AtODR1      AtODR1 作为 OsSDR4 的 直 系 同 源 基 因ꎬ 与 bHLH57 一 起 作 用ꎬ 并 在 AtNCED6 和  Liu et al.ꎬ 2020
                              AtNCED9 的上游起作用ꎬ以控制 ABA 合成和种子休眠
                              AtODR1ꎬ an ortholog of OsSDR4ꎬ acts together with bHLH57 and functions upstream of
                              AtNCED6 and AtNCED9 to control ABA synthesis and seed dormancy
             种子脱绿 Seed de ̄greening
                SnRK2ꎬ ABI3   SnRK2 和 ABI3 是脱绿过程的重要组分                                        Delmas et al.ꎬ 2013
                              SnRK2 and ABI3 are important components of the de ̄greening process
               snrk2.2 / snrk2.3 /  三重突变体 snrk2.2 / 3 / 6 的种子具有绿色种皮ꎬ对 ABA 不敏感              Nakashima et al.ꎬ 2009ꎻ
                   snrk2.6    The seeds of the triple mutant snrk2.2 / 3 / 6 have greenish seed coatsꎬ and are insensitive  Zhao et al.ꎬ 2018
                              to ABA
                   abi3-6     突变体种子表现出缺乏脱绿ꎬ以及 ABI3 通过调控 SGR 的表达来控制胚的脱绿                     Armstead et al.ꎬ 2007ꎻ
                              The mutant seeds exhibit a lack of de ̄greeningꎬ and ABI3 control embryo de ̄greening  Delmas et al.ꎬ 2013
                              through regulating the expression of SGR gene
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