Page 31 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 31

1 期                      胡仁传等: 我国白裤瑶饲料植物的民族植物学研究                                             2 7

                                                          续表 1
                                                                                           打分排序   利用频度   凭证
               科名      植物名     瑶名     学名    生活型   资源类型     采收季节    利用部位    加工方法                         标本号
               Family           Yao  Scientific    Resource                               Grading and  Usage
                      Plant name           Life form     Collection time  Used part  Preparation  ranking  frequency  Voucher
               name            name   name          type
                                                                                            (GR)   (f)    ID
               菊科      狼杷草      —   B. tripartita  草本  野生   夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              11    0.44  HRC962
              Asteraceae                    Herb    Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf
               菊科      野茼蒿    wo suan gaoCrassocephalum 草本  野生  夏秋  嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         16    0.55  HRC824
              Asteraceae             crepidioides  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科      黄瓜菜      —   Crepidiastrum  草本  野生   夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.19  HRC909
              Asteraceae            denticulatum  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科      一点红      —     Emilia  草本    野生      夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.27  HRC304
              Asteraceae             sonchifolia  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               菊科     粗毛牛膝菊     —    Galinsoga  草本  野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.32  HRC953
              Asteraceae            quadriradiata  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               菊科      菊三七      —     Gynura  草本    野生      夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         8     0.12  HRC328
              Asteraceae             japonica  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科      苦荬菜      —     Ixeris  草本    野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.41  HRC119
              Asteraceae             polycephala  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               菊科       豨莶      —   Siegesbeckia  草本  野生    夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         7     0.37  HRC838
              Asteraceae             orientalis  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科     腺梗豨莶      ji lu  S. pubescens  草本  野生  夏秋     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         7     0.36  HRC883
              Asteraceae                    Herb    Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科      金腰箭    wo niao sao Synedrella  草本  野生  夏秋    嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              9     0.25  HRC820
              Asteraceae             nodiflora  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf
               菊科      黄鹌菜      —    Youngia  草本    野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.41  HRC960
              Asteraceae             japonica  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               爵床科     十万错      —    Asystasia  草本  栽培或野生  全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         9     0.32  HRC316
             Acanthaceae             nemorum  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                   or wild                 or feed freshly
               爵床科     狗肝菜      —    Dicliptera  草本  野生    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.43  HRC89
             Acanthaceae             chinensis  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               爵床科     野靛棵    wo jia hu  Justicia  草本  野生  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.11  HRC849
             Acanthaceae             patentiflora  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               爵床科    九头狮子草     —    Peristrophe  草本  野生   全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.41  HRC257
             Acanthaceae             japonica  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               爵床科    球花马蓝     ya ce  Strobilanthes  草本  野生  全年可采   嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.60  HRC840
             Acanthaceae            dimorphotricha Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
              苦苣苔科   三苞唇柱苣苔     —     Chirita  草本   野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟              9     0.04  HRC527
             Gesneriaceae            tribracteata  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
               藜科       藜       —   Chenopodium  草本  野生    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.32  HRC70
            Chenopodiaceae            album  Herb   Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               蓼科      金荞麦     wo weng  Fagopyrum  草本  栽培  全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         18    0.83  HRC839
             Polygonaceae             dibotrys  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               蓼科       萹蓄      —    Polygonum  草本  野生      秋冬       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.61  HRC952
             Polygonaceae            aviculare  Herb  Wild  Autumn and winter Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               蓼科     尼泊尔蓼    wo niao re  Persicaria  草本  野生  全年可采  嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         10    0.45  HRC792
             Polygonaceae            nepalensis  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               蓼科      习见蓼      —    Polygonum  草本  野生     全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.60  HRC976
             Polygonaceae            plebeium  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               蓼科       羊蹄    wan de mu  Rumex  草本  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.23  HRC837
             Polygonaceae            japonicus  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               蓼科     尼泊尔酸模     —   R. nepalensis  草本  野生  全年可采      叶     切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.33  HRC426
             Polygonaceae                   Herb    Wild  Whole year  Leaf  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               落葵科     落葵薯      —    Anredera  草本   栽培     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.55  HRC841
              Basellaceae            cordifolia  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
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