Page 30 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 30

2 6                                    广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                                              表 1  白裤瑶猪饲料植物编目表
                                      Table 1  Inventory of Baiku Yao forage plants for pigs
                                                                                           打分排序   利用频度   凭证
               科名              瑶名     学名          资源类型
                       植物名                  生活型            采收季节    利用部位    加工方法           Grading and  Usage  标本号
               Family           Yao  Scientific    Resource
                      Plant name           Life form     Collection time  Used part  Preparation  ranking  frequency  Voucher
               name            name   name          type
                                                                                            (GR)   (f)    ID
               芭蕉科      芭蕉     wo sao  Musa  草本     栽培     全年可采      茎     切碎煮熟              10    0.16  HRC732
              Musaceae                basjoo  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Stem  Cut up and cook throughly
               车前科      车前    wo dao mu  Plantago  草本  野生  全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         15    0.47  HRC858
             Plantaginaceae           asiatica  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               唇形科    金疮小草    qi lin cao  Ajuga  草本  野生     夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         8     0.24  HRC190
              Lamiaceae              decumbens  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               大戟科     铁苋菜      —    Acalypha  草本   野生      夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.43  HRC823
             Euphorbiaceae           australis  Herb  Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf  or feed freshly
               大戟科    裂苞铁苋菜     —    A. supera  草本  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         8     0.08  HRC965
             Euphorbiaceae                  Herb    Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               大麻科      大麻      —   Cannabis sativa 灌木  栽培   冬     种子 Seed  打碎煮熟或新鲜喂食        10    0.28  HRC86
             Cannabinaceae                  Shrub  Cultivated  Winter      Smash and cook throughly
               豆科       大豆    da bo wa  Glycine max  草本  栽培  全年可采  种子 Seed  打碎煮熟或新鲜喂食        15    0.44  HRC341
              Fabaceae                      Herb  Cultivated  Whole year   Smash and cook throughly
               禾本科      薏苡     ai jie Coix lacryma ̄jobi 草本  栽培  夏秋  种子、嫩叶  切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.20  HRC283
              Poaceae                       Herb  Cultivated  Summer and  Seed and  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn  tender leaf  or feed freshly
               禾本科      稻       cuo  Oryza sativa  草本  栽培    秋       谷壳    打碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         14    0.81  HRC648
              Poaceae                       Herb  Cultivated  Autumn  husk  Smash and cook throughly
               禾本科      象草      —    Pennisetum  草本  栽培    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         9     0.36  HRC835
              Poaceae                purpureum  Herb  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               禾本科      粟       neng  Setaria italica  草本  栽培  秋   谷壳、嫩叶   切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.28  HRC340
              Poaceae               var. germanica Herb  Cultivated  Autumn  Husk and  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                   tender leaf  or feed freshly
               禾本科      高粱     a yong  Sorghum  草本  栽培       冬       果实    打碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         13    0.13  HRC948
              Poaceae                 bicolor  Herb  Cultivated  Winter  Fruit  Smash and cook throughly
               禾本科     玉蜀黍      —    Zea mays  草本   栽培       秋     种子、嫩叶   切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         15    1.00  HRC339
              Poaceae                       Herb  Cultivated  Autumn  Seed and  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                   tender leaf  or feed freshly
               葫芦科      南瓜      gao  Cucurbita  草本  栽培      夏秋       果实    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         18    0.73  HRC951
             Cucurbitaceae           moschata  Herb  Cultivated  Summer and  Fruit  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               葫芦科     绞股蓝      —   Gynostemma  草本  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.45  HRC125
             Cucurbitaceae          pentaphyllum  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               堇菜科     七星莲      —   Viola diffusa  草本  野生   夏秋       全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         9     0.35  HRC452
              Violaceae                     Herb    Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               堇菜科     犁头草      —    V. japonica  草本  野生   全年可采      全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.37  HRC71
              Violaceae                     Herb    Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               堇菜科    紫花地丁    zu jiao bo V. philippica  草本  野生  夏秋   全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         10    0.29  HRC593
              Violaceae                     Herb    Wild  Summer and  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn          or feed freshly
               锦葵科      木槿     wo wai  Hibiscus  灌木  栽培    全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         12    0.48  HRC950
              Malvaceae               syriacus  Shrub  Cultivated  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
               桔梗科    铜锤玉带草   ya nong die  Lobelia  草本  野生  全年可采     全草    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         11    0.33  HRC302
             Campanulaceae          nummularia  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Whole plant  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                           or feed freshly
               菊科       艾      wo ho  Artemisia  草本  野生     春夏      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              10    0.48  HRC848
              Asteraceae              argyi  Herb   Wild   Spring and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           summer   and leaf
               菊科      五月艾     wa huo  A. indica  草本  野生    夏秋      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              8     0.32  HRC877
              Asteraceae                    Herb    Wild  Summer and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           autumn   and leaf
               菊科      白苞蒿      —   A. lactiflora  草本  野生   春夏      嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         9     0.35  HRC857
              Asteraceae                    Herb    Wild   Spring and  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                           summer   and leaf  or feed freshly
               菊科     三脉紫菀    ya bu sai  Aster  草本  野生     全年可采     嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟              8     0.44  HRC852
              Asteraceae             ageratoides  Herb  Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf
               菊科     白花鬼针草    wo zong  Bidens alba  草本  野生  全年可采   嫩枝叶    切碎煮熟或新鲜喂食         9     0.36  HRC821
              Asteraceae                    Herb    Wild  Whole year  Tender branch  Cut up and cook throughly
                                                                    and leaf  or feed freshly
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