Page 140 - 《广西植物》2020年第5期
P. 140

7 3 6                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       try application. ‘Gongcheng’ persimmon is the unique cultivar in Guangxiꎬ this cultivar is a typical astringent type
       which means it has high level tannin content. In the present studyꎬ took ‘Gongcheng’ persimmon was taken as experi ̄
       ment materialꎬ to reveal the changes of soluble tannin component content in fruits and leaves at the growth and develop ̄
       ment periods. Soluble tannin contents in the fleshꎬ peels and leaves of persimmon fruits at young periodꎬ expansion
       periodꎬ early mature periodꎬ mature period and late mature period were determined. Six tannin components such as gallic
       acid (GA)ꎬ gallocatechin (GC)ꎬ catechin (CA)ꎬ rutin (Rutin)ꎬ epigallocatechin (EGC) and epigallocatechin (EC)
       in all samples were quantitatively analyzed by LC ̄MS. The results were as follows: Soluble tannin were rich in persim ̄
       mon flesh and skinꎬ and the content was the highest in the expansion periodꎬ reaching 21.93 and 18.41 mgg ꎬ then
       decreased significantly as fruit matured. The soluble tannin content in persimmon leaves was lowꎬ and there was no sig ̄
       nificant changes during the whole growth period. In additionꎬ three tannin components like GAꎬ GC and CA were detec ̄
       ted in persimmon fleshꎬ while GA content was significantly higher than other components. Five components such as GAꎬ
       GCꎬ CAꎬ Rutin and EGC were detected in persimmon peelsꎬ while the content of CA was the highestꎬ and EGC only
       had trace detection at young and expansion periods. All six tannin components were detected in persimmon leavesꎬ
       among which CA content was markedly high during the whole growth periodꎬ however both EGC and EC were just detec ̄
       ted in trace amounts. Thereforeꎬ more soluble tannin production would be found in persimmon fruits from young period to
       expansion periodꎬ the flesh contains a great quantity of GA and the peel contains a large amount of CA component. Per ̄
       simmon leaves could produce abundant CA component in the whole growth period.
       Key words: persimmonꎬ growth and development periodsꎬ tanninꎬ componentꎬ LC ̄MS

       柿 树 属 于 柿 科 ( Ebenaceae) 柿 属 ( Diospyros      Tairaꎬ 1998)ꎮ
   L.)多年生落叶果树ꎬ已有1 000多年的栽培历史                             柿单宁不同于其他水果单宁ꎬ具有独特的结构

   (Naval et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 柿 果 实 中 含 有 丰 富 的 糖、        特征( Li et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 早 在 1923 年ꎬ Komats 和
   酸、维生素、胡萝卜素等营养成分ꎬ既可鲜食ꎬ也可                           Mutsua 就对柿单宁分子进行了研究ꎬ从柿果实提出

   加工成柿饼、饮品等(顾海峰ꎬ2007)ꎮ 国内外研究                        多酚类物质ꎬ并把这种物质命名为“柿子素” (张宝
   报道ꎬ柿叶中含有的多酚类、黄酮类、萜类、香豆素                           善和陈绵屏ꎬ1997)ꎮ 其后ꎬMatsuo & Ito(1978)采用
   类和甾醇类等多种生理活性物质( 任飞ꎬ2011ꎻ杨                         NMR 的手段鉴定其结构ꎬ并提出其主要的组成结构
   琼琼等ꎬ2016)ꎬ具有抗癌、抗衰老、调节免疫等多                         分子为 4 种儿茶素类(Flavanpentol) 单体———表儿
   种药理作用(王燕ꎬ2008)ꎮ 此外ꎬ柿含有丰富的单                        茶素(EC)、表儿茶素没食子酸(ECG)、表没食子酸
   宁类物质ꎬ高出普通水果十几倍甚至几十倍ꎮ 单                            酸儿茶素 ( EGC) 和表没食子酸儿茶素没食子酸

   宁是决定果实涩味的主要因子( Sugiuraꎬ 1984)ꎬ                    (EGCG)ꎬ组成比例为 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 2ꎬ并推测出其分子
   具有抗氧化( 罗正荣和张青林ꎬ2009)、抑菌( 董晓                       量约为 13 000ꎮ 前人研究发现ꎬ200 g 的涩柿约含有
   倩ꎬ2014)、缓解蛇毒( 徐淑芬等ꎬ2011)、清肺止咳                     80 g 儿茶素类ꎬ且仅为 EC 和 EGCGꎬ其余则为 3 g
   (Itamura et al.ꎬ 2011)、吸附重金属( 罗正荣和张               的可溶性单宁(Salvador et al.ꎬ 2007)ꎮ

   青林ꎬ2009)等功效ꎮ                                          柿单宁分子结构多样且复杂ꎬ目前对柿单宁
       柿单宁是植物多酚的一种ꎬ根据其溶解程度ꎬ                          的研究主要集中在初步提纯并验证其抗氧化活性
   分为可溶性单宁和不可溶性单宁ꎮ 可溶性单宁是                            方面ꎬ对其组成成分的分析和其他功能性的开发

   决定柿果实涩味的主要物质ꎮ 可溶性单宁可用无                            较少ꎮ 因此本研究以广西主栽的特色涩柿品种
   水甲醇提取ꎬ不可溶性单宁不溶于无水甲醇ꎬ而溶                            ‘恭城月柿’ 为材料ꎬ研究其不同生育期果实和叶
   于甲醇的水溶液ꎬ当提取条件改变时不可溶性单宁                            片中可溶性单宁及其单宁组分含量的变化规律ꎬ
   可转变 为 可 溶 性 单 宁 ( 胡 耀 星 和 谢 笔 钧ꎬ 1991ꎻ            为后续功能性开发提供参考ꎮ
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