Page 62 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 62

2 6 4                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷

             A. pCAMBIA1300::HmAP3 载体结构ꎻ B. 载体中目的片段测序结果ꎮ
             A. Structure of pCAMBIA1300::HmAP3 vectorꎻ B. Sequencing results of the target fragment in the vector.
                                  图 5  pCAMBIA1300::HmAP3 载体图谱及目的片段插入情况
                              Fig. 5  pCAMBIA1300::HmAP3 vector mapping and target fragment insertion

             A. 绣球‘杜丽’抗性芽的生长状况ꎻ B. 抗性芽基因组中 Cas9 序列扩增(M. DL2000 DNA Markerꎻ WT. 野生型ꎻ 1 ~ 9. 绣球‘杜
             A. Resistant buds growth of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Dooley’ꎻ B. Cas9 sequence amplification in the genome of resistant buds (M. DL2000
             DNA Markerꎻ WT. Wild typeꎻ 1-9. Resistant buds of H. macrophylla ‘Dooley’).
                                                图 6  绣球‘杜丽’抗性芽检测
                                Fig. 6  Detection of resistant buds of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Dooley’
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