Page 151 - 《广西植物》2020年第7期
P. 151

7 期                    范七君等: 树冠覆膜对金柑光合作用及果实品质的影响                                          1 0 4 7

       and the leaf areasꎬ leaf lengthꎬ leaf widthꎬ the chlorophyll contents in leaf of both the trees with (treatment) or without
       (control) canopy film ̄covering were measuredꎬ and the measured parameters also contained the photosynthetic parame ̄
       ters including net photosynthetic rateꎬ stomatal conductanceꎬ transpiration rateꎬ and intercellular carbon dioxideꎬ like ̄
       wiseꎬ the fruits firmnessꎬ the contents of total soluble solids(TSS)ꎬ total sugar(TS)ꎬ titratable acid(TA) and vitamin C
       (Vc) in fruits were also measured. The results showed thatꎬ compared with the control treesꎬ the temperature was in ̄
       creasedꎬ the light intensity and humidity was decreased of the canopy film ̄covering treesꎻ the leaf areas and chlorophyll
       contents in the leaf of the canopy film ̄covering trees were higher compared with the control treesꎻ the net photosynthetic
       rate of the trees with canopy film ̄covering was smaller than that in the control trees and the maximum drop up to 21.39%
       compared to the controlꎻ the canopy film ̄covering trees had a lower TAꎬ higher fruits firmnessꎬ TSSꎬ TSꎬ TSS/ TA and
       TS/ TA than that in the fruits of the control trees. Although having a lower light intensity and net photosynthetic rateꎬ the
       canopy film ̄covering trees had a greater leaf areas and chlorophyll contents in the leaf so as to satisfying the accumula ̄
       tion of products of photosynthesisꎬ as a resultꎬ the TSSꎬ TS in the fruits of canopy film ̄covering trees was higher than
       that in the control treesꎻ result from a higher day temperature in the canopyꎬ the fruits TA of the canopy film ̄covering
       trees was smaller than that of the control trees and lead to a higher TSS/ TA and TS/ TA. Generally speakingꎬ canopy
       film ̄covering had improved the fruits qualities of kumquat.
       Key words: kumquatꎬ canopy film ̄coveringꎬ photosynthetic charactersꎬ fruits qualitiesꎬ temperature and humidityꎬ
       light intensity

       金柑(Fortunella crassifolia)是广西的特色柑橘                有关树冠覆膜对金柑树体环境及果实品质的
   种类之一ꎬ2017 年全区已发展到 1.7 万 hm ꎬ产量                    影响国内已有报道ꎬ但对树冠覆膜对金柑树体环
   达 28.28 万 tꎬ已成为阳朔、融安等县金柑主产区农                      境、叶片形态、光合作用及果实品质的影响的综合
   民致富的支柱水果产业之一ꎮ 目前ꎬ覆膜技术已                            研究报道较少ꎮ 本研究探讨了树冠覆膜对金柑光

   在金柑、杨梅等多种作物中广泛应用( 张瑞华等ꎬ                           合作用及果实品质的影响ꎬ可为生产上在树冠覆
   2007ꎻ覃光秀等ꎬ2008)ꎬ尤其是在金柑上的应用ꎬ                       膜条件下ꎬ如何采取措施提高光合作用效率进而
   大大降低了裂果率ꎬ且能保持较好的果实品质( 区                           改善果实品质提供必要的理论支持ꎮ

   树冠覆膜可以延长金柑的留树保鲜时间ꎬ从而拉                             1  材料与方法
   的可溶性固形物的含量( 麦适秋等ꎬ2014ꎻ张社南                         1.1 材料
   等ꎬ2014)ꎬ从而增加果农的经济效益ꎮ 光合作用                             试验于 2017 年—2018 年在广西桂林市阳朔
   是影响果实糖酸累积的重要生理过程ꎬ对果实品                             县白沙镇进行ꎬ选取长势一致、健康的、15 年生的
   质的形成有基础性作用ꎮ 如树冠覆膜等很多栽培                            实生金柑树ꎬ从未挂果的春梢上采集完整、健康的

   措施ꎬ都会影响果树的光合作用ꎮ 塑料大棚避雨                            叶片ꎬ果实样品大小基本一致ꎬ表面无机械损伤ꎬ
   栽培的朋娜脐橙ꎬ其叶片的净光合速率( P )、气孔                         分别从树冠的中部、上部及外围的东南西北四个
   导度( G )、胞 间 二 氧 化 碳 浓 度 ( C ) 和 蒸 腾 速 率           方向采集ꎮ
          s                        i
   ( T )ꎬ都 低 于 露 地 栽 培 对 照 树 的 数 值 ( 唐 玉 琴ꎬ          1.2 方法
   2013)ꎻ荫蔽处理会造成大豆、草莓等植物叶片净                          1.2.1 试验设计  2017 年 12 月 10 日至 2018 年 3
   光合速率的降低(李淑贤等ꎬ2018ꎻ彭鑫等ꎬ2018)ꎻ                      月 31 日ꎬ在向南坡向且坡度一致的果园中部ꎬ随
   绿色、红色等有色薄膜覆盖能够提高姜叶片的光                             机选取 20 株长势一致的金柑树ꎬ对其中 10 株树进
   合速率(张瑞华等ꎬ2007)ꎮ                                   行树冠覆膜ꎬ另外 10 株树不覆膜作为对照ꎮ 于
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