Page 15 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 15

8 期       张丽荣等: «昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架»指引下中国生物多样性主流化实施路径探析                                     1 3 5 7

                 Abstract: Kunming ̄Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework sets out key actions for biodiversity conservation worldwide
                 in the coming periodꎬ including integrating biodiversity and its multiple values into economic and social activities. As a
                 party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)ꎬ China has made unremitting efforts to promote
                 the biodiversity mainstreamingꎬ integrating biodiversity conservation into top ̄level national decision ̄making and major
                 strategic planningꎬ and integrating it into the policiesꎬ norms and assessment mechanisms of ecological environmentsꎬ
                 natural resources and other relevant industries. Different functional departmentsꎬ scientific research institutionsꎬ
                 enterprisesꎬ social organizations and other organizations have carried out extensive and in ̄depth researches based on
                 multiple aspects of biodiversity conservation and management. Benchmark the objectives of Kunming ̄Montreal Global
                 Biodiversity Framework and refer the advanced experience of biodiversity mainstreaming practices in other countriesꎬ we
                 discussed and analyzed the conceptual connotation of biodiversity mainstreamingꎬ summarized the practice and stage
                 results of biodiversity mainstreaming in China. Then focusing on different actors including governmentsꎬ enterprises and
                 the publicꎬ we propose the implementation path of promoting biodiversity mainstreaming in an all ̄round way for China in
                 the new eraꎬ including: (1) To import a consistent action framework which is mitigation protection hierarchy with four
                 stepsꎬ contains avoidanceꎬ mitigationꎬ recoveryꎬ and offsetꎻ ( 2) To give play to the leading role of government
                 governanceꎬ and to integrate biodiversity conservation into government governance systems and industrial development
                 layout with the help of various planning and policy toolsꎻ (3) To support enterprises to take joint actions and internalize
                 ecological and environmental hazards into business operations which can promote sustainable production and
                 consumptionꎻ (4) To raise public awareness to promote broad participation in biodiversity conservationꎬ establish a
                 system of public participation in biodiversity conservation through various publicity and education actionsꎬ to guide the
                 public to practice a green and low ̄carbon lifestyleꎬ and to translate into real benefits of biodiversity and climate
                 mitigation and improvement. By taking the above actionsꎬ we will strive to integrate biodiversity into the policy
                 mechanisms of government departments at all levels and social production and life practicesꎬ so as to provide references
                 for improving biodiversity governance decisions.
                 Key words: biodiversityꎬ valueꎬ mainstreamingꎬ Kunming ̄Montreal Global Biodiversity Frameworkꎬ ecosystem services

                联合国 2019 年 5 月发布的« 生物多样性和生                     着眼于 2030 年和 2050 年两个阶段目标ꎬ再次将生
            态系统服务全球评估报告» 显示ꎬ全球生物多样性                            物多样性主流化确定为 2030 年的重要行动ꎮ 中国

            下降趋势仍未得到根本改变ꎬ伴随气候危机加剧ꎬ                             作为 CBD 缔约方ꎬ近十年来在推动生物多样性主流
            人类赖以生存的生态产品和生态系统服务供给能                              化方面作出了不懈努力ꎬ实施了包括制定国家战略
            力将持续受到威胁ꎮ 要扭转生物多样性丧失的锐                             行动计划、成立中国生物多样性国家委员会、完善
            减趋势ꎬ需要全球共同采取有力行动ꎬ针对不同空                             生物多样性保护政策标准、建立生态保护红线制
            间尺度采用覆盖面广且协调一致的政策解决方案                              度、开展全国生物物种联合执法检查等一系列举
            (Leclère et al.ꎬ2020ꎻDroste et al.ꎬ2022)ꎬ包 括 政     措ꎬ但受制于生物多样性基础数据缺乏、公众对生
            府、商业从业者和土地使用者等在内的行为主体                              物多样性认知度偏低以及应对生物多样性丧失机
            均需要参与到统一减少生态环境损害以维护生物                              制的复杂性等众多因素ꎬ中国在落实“爱知目标”方

            多样性所需的变革中来(Damiens et al.ꎬ2020)ꎮ                   面与其他国家一样没有达到理想预期ꎮ 在«昆蒙框
                 联合 国 « 生 物 多 样 性 公 约 » ( Convention on        架»指引下ꎬ如何全方位推进生物多样性主流化进
            Biological Diversityꎬ CBD) 第 十 五 次 缔 约 方 大 会       程仍是中国当下面临的关键挑战ꎮ 本文采用文献
            (COP15)第二阶段会议达成«昆明-蒙特利尔全球                          研究、经验总结、归纳演绎等方法ꎬ收集借鉴国内外
            生 物 多 样 性 框 架 » ( Kunming ̄Montreal Global          相关研究成果ꎬ探讨解析生物多样性主流化的内
            Biodiversity Frameworkꎬ简称«昆蒙框架») 这一历史              涵ꎬ总结梳理我国生物多样性主流化实践与成效ꎬ
            性文件ꎬ为全球应对生物多样性丧失和生态系统服                             就新时期如何全方位推进生物多样性主流化问题
            务降低提供了战略目标和解决方案ꎮ «昆蒙框架»                            提出几点建议ꎬ以供决策参考ꎮ
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