Page 116 - 《广西植物》2023年第3期
P. 116
5 1 6 广 西 植 物 43 卷
( 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Phytochemicals and Sustainable Utilizationꎬ Guangxi Institute of Botanyꎬ
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Guilin 541006ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ
2. College of Pharmacyꎬ Guilin Medical Universityꎬ Guilin 541004ꎬ Guangxiꎬ China )
Abstract: In order to clarify the nutritional value characteristics and development and utilization direction of different
parts of the rare karst plant Malania oleiferaꎬ ꎬ the mature fruitsꎬ leafꎬ branch bark and bark of M. oleifera collected
from Jiaole Tiankengꎬ Bama Countyꎬ Hechi Cityꎬ Guangxi were used as materials in this study. The types and contents of
essential nutrientsꎬ amino acids and minerals in different parts of M. oleifera were determined by the national standard
analysis method of food nutrients in Chinaꎬ and the nutritional values of amino acids in different parts were
evaluated. The results were as follows: (1) In terms of essential nutrientsꎬ except for naphthaꎬ there were extremely
significant differences in the contents of the remaining six essential nutrients among five parts (P<0.01). The ash content
of peel was higher than those in other partsꎬ which was 5.7 g(100 g) . The contents of crude fat and protein in kernel
were higher than those in other partsꎬ which were 36.0 and 14.0 g(100 g) respectively. The content of vitamin C in
leaf was higher than those in other partsꎬ which was 33.9 mg(100 g) . The content of crude fiber in branch bark was
higher than those in other partsꎬ which was 40.5 g(100 g) . The content of carbohydrate in bark was higher than
those in other partsꎬ which was 78.6 g(100 g) . Naphtha was detected only in kernel and leafꎬ with the contents of
0.26 and 0.15 mL(100 g) respectively. (2) A total of 16 amino acids were detected in the five parts of M. oleiferaꎬ
including seven essential amino acids. The total numbers of amino acids and essential amino acids of kernel were much
higher than those of other parts. In terms of amino acid nutritional valueꎬ the nutritional value of kernel and peel were
higher than other partsꎬ followed by leafꎬ branch bark and barkꎬ and the essential amino acid ratio coefficient score
(SRC) was 62.98ꎬ 59.40ꎬ 57.31ꎬ 52.25ꎬ 48.17ꎬ respectively. (3) In terms of macroelementsꎬ the highest content of
major elements in kernelꎬ peel and leaf was Kꎬ the highest contents of major elements in branch bark and bark were Caꎬ
and the contents of Na in five parts of M. oleifera were the lowest. In terms of microelementsꎬ the contents of Mn and Fe
in five parts of M. oleifera were higher than others. The content of Mn in kernel was the highestꎬ and the content of Fe in
branch bark was the highest. In conclusionꎬ the kernel has the highest nutritional valueꎬ and other parts also have unique
development and utilization potentialꎬ which can be effectively and accurately developed and utilized according to the
different value characteristics of different parts. The results of this study provide scientific basis and theoretical support
for the development and utilization of M. oleifera products in the future.
Key words: karstꎬ Malania oleifera ꎬ different partsꎬ nutritional componentꎬ amino acidꎬ mineral element
蒜 头 果 ( Malania oleifera ) 系 铁 青 树 科 2017)ꎮ 种仁中的蒜头果蛋白具有较高的药用价
(Olacaceae)蒜头果属(Malania) 的常绿乔木ꎬ又称 值ꎬ不仅对 Hela 细胞和 Vero 细胞具有强烈的细胞
马兰后(广西壮语)、山桐果( 广南语)、猴子果、咪 毒性(杨敏ꎬ2020)ꎬ还对人白血病 K562 体外生长
民等ꎬ是国家特有的二级保护单种属稀有植物ꎬ生 具有抑制作用(袁燕等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 除种仁外ꎬ蒜头果
长于广西西部的低山地和云南的广南县与富宁县 果壳和 果 皮 中 也 含 有 少 量 的 粗 脂 肪ꎬ 分 别 为 6.
等地(黄开响等ꎬ2008)ꎮ 蒜头果作为重要的山地 47%、6.60%(杨玉玲等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 其果壳和枝木中
木本油料作物ꎬ可谓通身是宝ꎬ从枝叶到果实都蕴 木质素丰富ꎬ为蒜头果的综合利用开辟了新的途
藏着丰富的研究与应用价值ꎮ 其种仁作为应用与 径(唐婷范等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 唐婷范等(2013) 研究发现
研究最为核心的部位ꎬ富含健康油脂且含量高达 蒜头果新鲜枝叶和果皮果肉中均含有挥发油ꎬ枝
65%ꎬ其中神经酸(二十四碳烯酸) 相对含量最高ꎬ 叶和果皮果肉挥发油主要成分均为苯甲醇、苯甲
占总油脂的 50.71%ꎬ其次为油酸和亚麻酸( 张茜 醛和扁桃腈ꎬ种仁中挥发油的主要成分为苯甲醇
等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 神经酸是一种长链的多不饱和脂肪 和苯甲醛ꎮ 黄开响等(2008) 以蒜头果叶为材料ꎬ
酸ꎬ不仅在神经细胞发育和修复、改善记忆力( 袁 共鉴定出 5 种挥发油ꎬ占总含量的 98.75%ꎬ其中扁
华等ꎬ2013) 等方面发挥着巨大作用ꎬ还是云南白 桃腈相对含量最高ꎬ其次为苯甲醛ꎮ 由此可见ꎬ蒜
药、 麝 香 保 心 丸 等 药 物 的 主 要 成 分 ( 周 琴 芬ꎬ 头果各部位挥发油的组成和相对含量有所不同ꎬ